Tag Archives: coffee

Can a Coffee Franchise Secure Your Future?


Can a Coffee Franchise Secure Your Future? There are many reasons that people consider franchise ownership. First and foremost among those reasons is a secure future for the family of the franchise owner. Some choose to invest in a coffee franchise in order to plan for better golden years once retirement age has been reached while others seek potential earnings for a comfortable living both now and in the future. Whatever your reason for seeking franchise ownership I’m sure the question as to whether or not coffee really is the way to go has come up at one point in … Continue reading

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Cappuccino: Basic Information


Cappuccino is a cup of coffee with fresh milk and milk foam bubbles burst on the top of cup. The milk foam bubbles burst acts as the insulator and keep the heat of the coffee for a longer time. The color of Cappuccino is dark brown. Normally, the cappuccino is served in the porcelain cup. It is better than the glass or paper cup. Cappuccino is a name that comes from the color of the robe of a priest in Roman Catholic called ‘Capuchin’. It is always drunk in the morning with breakfast. And now, cappuccino is modified to serve … Continue reading

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Blue Mountain Coffee – The Taste Of Jamaica


Blue Mountain Coffee – The Taste Of Jamaica Coffee beans get their flavour from the climate where they are grown. The Blue Mountains in Jamaica offer some of the finest coffee beans ever found. The Blue Mountains are named for the blue mist that hovers over the mountains at all times. Located on the beautiful island of Jamaica, these mountains offer the perfect climate for growing fantastic coffee beans. This lush, tropical region benefits from plenty of rainfall, giving the soil the rich quality needed for growing the gourmet Blue Mountain coffee. The beautiful Blue Mountains stand at almost 7,500 feet … Continue reading

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More Than Just Espresso At Starbucks


More Than Just Espresso At Starbucks In recent years the coffee culture in America has exploded, no doubt encouraged by TV programs such as Friends, where the coffee house is the central location for the characters to meet up.  Whoever had the initial concept for coffee shop franchises such as Starbucks were onto an immediate winner.  The coffee makers in these places are constantly in use and the queues that build up during the lunch break don’t seem to put anybody off. Coffee houses have become the new places to be seen, oh and to have a cup of coffee … Continue reading

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Making A Perfect Cup Of Espresso Coffee


When it comes to making Espresso, each and every professional coffee maker, such as Barista, will have their personal secret recipe. In this article I will show my recipe on how to make a delightful cup of Espresso. The first most important ingredient of Espresso is water. In espresso you can only use fresh hot water. The water should ideally be around 203F (95C) that is nearly boiling. Water often becomes stale due to the presence of mildew, impure cleaning methods and inadequate filtering. If you use stale water then no matter how good the quality of the coffee bean, … Continue reading

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The Truth About My Granddaddy’s Coffee


This article was copied off the web, but I cannot find the author. So, I cannot claim credit forth e article. When I was six years old, my granddaddy would take me and my twin brother to work with him. Granddaddy worked at night as a security guard, so it was no trouble at all for him to let us go to work with him. And it was just the three of us, so needless-to-say, my granddaddy let us go nut! And I’m sure we drove him nuts, as well. We had the best granddaddy in the world, just as … Continue reading

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How To Select A Coffee Bean Grinder


If you’re currently wondering how to select a coffee bean grinder to suit you and your kitchen then you probably already know that there are various options open to you. In simple terms most coffee grinders will be spilt into two camps – blade grinders and burr grinders. So how do you choose between the two? First, it’s worth noting that you can buy both types of grinder as both electric and manual options if you wish. It’s becoming more popular for people to buy electric machines on the whole as there is a big added convenience here so, for … Continue reading

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Coffee Ideas To Try In Your Kitchen


When you think of cocktails, your immediate image is probably of highly colored fruit juices and strong spirits, dressed with a sparkly umbrella and a piece of pineapple. It might surprise you to know about the vast range of coffee cocktails around, for those looking for a different sort of lift. With the advent of grind and brew coffee makers we can make the perfect cup of coffee right in our kitchen, now we just need something exciting to mix with it! We will start with the very simple and innocent frappe, mostly found in Europe and South America it … Continue reading

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Coffee Facts


A good cup of coffee is like fine wine and good quality cigars. There are various different types of coffee beans and these determine the flavors that the blend presents for the coffee connoisseur. Many coffee makers blend a combination of the lower cost Robusta beans with the more expensive Arabica gourmet beans. The Arabica beans have a finer aroma, a richer flavor and more body than the less expensive beans. The quality of the coffee is dependant on the proportions of the mix of these beans. Quite often a coffee might be advertised as a blend of gourmet beans … Continue reading

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How Do We Make The Perfect Coffee


Drive down just about any street in the United States and you will spot people holding coffee cups walking into their place of employment or just on a lazy morning stroll. With specialty coffee shops strategically tucked in our business districts, one would think coffee has always been in the United States, but this ever growing trend is not an original American idea. It is believed that the first coffee trees were found in Ethiopia. Several urban legends surround the discovery of the coffee bean, the most familiar being a farmer who watched his goats eating the beans, and out … Continue reading

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