Monthly Archives: March 2011

Unusual Herbs – Alfalfa


Alfalfa which is a perennial herb, has a long list of dietary and medicinal uses and research has proven that Alfalfa might lower blood levels of cholesterol and glucose. Many take Alfalfa supplements orally and is has been proven safe except in a small percentage of people where it produces lupus like symptoms. In the seeds and sprouts of Alfalfa, amino acid L-canavanine is present and that is what is thought to cause this reaction. However, this is not present in the leaves of the Alfalfa. The whole leaf and the herb are what are rendered from the Alfalfa plant. … Continue reading

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Nanny Ogg’s Dinner Party


Dinner Party Surprises from the Ankh-Morpork Kitchen of Nanny Ogg A tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett and the Disc World series of Books.  For the uninitiated, Nanny Ogg is one of the three witches which inhabit the Disc World.  This is an extract from “Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook”. Starter Everyone knows that they eat sheep’s eyes in Klatch, but no one reports actually seeing them doing it.  I call this suspicious. Oh yes, they offer them to their guests.  I bet if I lived in a desert I’d anything for a laugh, too.  This recipe is, er, restored.  That is, it’s … Continue reading

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How To Make A Traditional Spanish Omelette


How To Make A Traditional Spanish Omelette Living in Spain allows you to learn a great deal about original Spanish recipes.  We have watched Spanish Cooks preparing all types of traditional recipes.  Over the next few weeks, we propose to pass on to you, what we have learned in our eight years of living in Valencia.  To start off the mini-series of Original Spanish Cookery, we will show you how to make this classic dish – the Spanish Omelette. When we make an omelette, including the Spanish Tortilla Omelette, we use a special frying pan which is actually a double frying … Continue reading

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It’s Fiesta Time In Valencia (again?)


Its Fiesta time again in Valencia.  (lets, face it, it is always fiesta time somewhere in Valencia). If you happen to be in Valencia from 15th to the 19th of March each year, you no doubt have gone to see the Fallas.  If you have just arrived there for a holiday thinking this seems a nice part of Spain – you are in for one heck of surprise. Apart from being one of the biggest and most exciting festivals in Spain, the celebration of St. Joseph Day, it is also “El dia de la Padre” – Father’s Day. It is also … Continue reading

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Feline Leukimia


Feline Leukemia Virus Disease: Is a  Major Threat to your Cat Just like in humans, cats can develop very deadly medical conditions. One of the most common and fatal kinds of disease a cat can contract is feline leukemia virus disease, known as FeLV. Leukemia, which is also found in humans, is a disease of the white blood cells. There are three major types of this leukemia. Today, we can protect our cats for FeLV with a vaccine, so it is important to have your pet up-to-date with medical care at all times. With FeLV, there are three disease categories. … Continue reading

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Basil Originally, Basil was not the most popular herb in the bunch. Actually there were some who simply hated it, mainly the ancient people. The name basil means “be fragrant” but still various cultures battled with a love hate relationship over basil. Americans and Romans loved it while Hindus plant it in their homes as a sign of happiness. On the contrary it was the Greeks who despised it most but those from India and Persia were not too fond of it either. One place that took a special liking to Basil was Italy and to this day not many … Continue reading

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Hello world!


Welcome to the Spanish Chef Blog.  This is a new section of the Spanish Chef – we hope you will like it and use it often.
Please feel free to use it for any blogging purpose – but, keep it clean and don’t issue racial abuse or personal attacks on other people.  We reserve the right to remove unacceptable or offensive material.
We will give more advice as the site develops. We are adding plug-in’s as we develop.  You can now add photographs to your blog. Watch out for more advances as the days progress.
Bill & Sheila

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