Cappuccino is a cup of coffee with fresh milk and milk foam bubbles burst on the top of cup. The milk foam bubbles burst acts as the insulator and keep the heat of the coffee for a longer time. The color of Cappuccino is dark brown. Normally, the cappuccino is served in the porcelain cup. It is better than the glass or paper cup. Cappuccino is a name that comes from the color of the robe of a priest in Roman Catholic called ‘Capuchin’. It is always drunk in the morning with breakfast. And now, cappuccino is modified to serve by the chain stores and the other manufacturing outlets.
Type of Cappuccino
Based on the mixture ratios of the cappuccino
1. Traditional Cappuccino
It is the espresso with the hot foam milk on the top. The thickness of foam milk is about 1 cm.
2. Cappuccino Chiaro (Light Cappuccino or Wet Cappuccino)
There is more milk ratio than the normal cappuccino.
3. Cappuccino Scuro (Dark Cappuccino or Dry Cappuccino)
There is less milk ratio than the normal cappuccino.
How to make a cup of cappuccino
1. Roasted bean = 8-10 grams
2. Fresh milk = 4-6 ounces
3. Coffee cup = 6 ounces
4. Chocolate or cinnamon powder
5. Sugar
The important point in making the cappuccino is the milk with foam bubbles. The skilled barista who has acquired some level of expertise in the preparation of coffee should pay attention while creating the milk foam bubble burst in each type if cappuccino.
1. Use one third of coffee volume in a cup.
2. Heat the fresh milk to 60 Celsius or lower.
3. Make the fine milk foam bubbles burst in suitable volume.
4. Add one third cup of warm milk to the cup.
5. Use a tea spoon to make the milk foam bubbles burst on the top of coffee until the edge of cup.
6. Before serving, sprinkle the top with chocolate or cinnamon powder.
Ice Cappuccino (Cappuccino ‘Freddo’)
The method is similar to hot cappuccino. Ice cappuccino is cappuccino that is served with ice. The ice has to be fine to small. The glass volume should be 8-12 ounces and cylindrical in shape. Put cappuccino on fine ice and add the milk foam on the top about one third from the edge of the glass. Before serving, the coffee maker ought to wait a moment for the cooled glass of cappuccino. And do not forget to put a stick in the glass. The drinkers should drink all in one time because if the ice melt, the taste/flavor will change.
How to drink Cappuccino
1. Never stir Cappuccino with a spoon.
2. Normally, no need to add sugar because the Cappuccino is pretty sweet already. But if you want sweeter, add sugar with a tea spoon and stir gently. Never use syrup as sweetener in Cappuccino because milk and syrup are incompatible.
3. Smell the aroma of Chocolate or cinnamon powder before drinking.
4. After drinking, the foamed milk will stick at the bottom of the cup. If no foamed milk sticks, it means the method of making the coffee was not good enough.
Bill & Sheila