Gluten-free links

Gluten-free links to specialist sites

Gluten-free sites please contact us

We are always looking for links to sites that specialise in Gluten-free lifestyles, Gluten-free food, Gluten-free recipes, celiac disease etc. On this page we will be exchanging links with all the best Gluten-free sites around the world. If you would like to share a link with us please use the contact link in top right of any page for an initial contact and we will work from there.

Visit Becky at Living Gluten-free

The gluten free lifestyle offers new and exciting culinary experiences that help you and your family live well and feel great!  Gone: the days of cream of rice for breakfast, rice cakes for lunch, and boiled rice for supper (thank goodness!). Gone: the awful breads that won’t cut with a steak knife and that make you want to wash your mouth out after you eat them (yuck!). Gone: the bland dishes with no variety, no nutrition, and no taste.
Whether you or a family member have just been diagnosed with celiac disease, or you’re an old pro at handling gluten intolerance, new research and innovative products now make living the gluten free lifestyle better than ever.

Gluten-freeVisit Lyn at Gluten-free cooking

Gluten-Free Cooking and Lifestyle

Gluten Free Cooking is a creative and dynamic gluten-free recipe, lifestyle and resource site for everyone interested in living well and thriving with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, autism or food allergies and anyone who is a fan of delicious and downright yummy food.  New Gluten-Free Cooking Recipes and Resources are posted each week along with articles on celiac disease, photos and insights into the gluten free lifstyle. Every resource you need to embrace and live the gluten free lifestyle-all in one place and growing every day!

Food Sensitivity Journal

The Food Senitivity Journal
Better Health Through Customized Nutrition With an Emphasis on Gluten and Dairy Free Living

Gluten-free Recipes with Bill & Sheila

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