Travel: Bounty of herbs in the White Mountains of New Hampshire

Herbs, offered in freshly picked bunches at farmers markets or as take-home plants, are oftentimes the most underestimated grabs.

To enlighten those who aren’t privy to the many uses of herbs, think beyond teas. Herbs may be utilized in salads, cookies, meat, potatoes and, yes, in soups and teas, as well.

To prove how many ways one can use various herbs, Country Inns in the White Mountains of New Hampshire welcomes each June with the Inn to Inn Spring Herb Tour.

It is during the Herb Tour that visitors can sample herb-infused savory and sweet recipes from 10 inns in two days while staying overnight at one of the inns.

The Wildflowers Inn is conveniently located on Route 16 with a breathtaking view from the breakfast area. It is at Wildflowers Inn that samples of curried coconut chicken served in wontons are distributed for those who have signed up for the Herb Tour ($20 per ticket).

Each innkeeper is welcoming and charming, offering a tidbit of their herb pick in the form of a take-home plant, seeds or a bag with ground-up herbs, such as curry.

Native to India, the curry leaf is widely cultivated in South Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, the Pacific Islands and Sri Lanka as a food flavoring for cooks who want to dish up an Indian recipe. Although the curried coconut chicken with potatoes, sour cream, onion and parsley, cooked in a slow cooker, was scrumptious, what most people want during this time of year is to be able to pick from their garden and utilize herbs in various recipes.

Parsley is an herb that dates back to the Greeks and Romans who used it medicinally rather than for consumption. Today, fresh, flat-leaf parsley is enjoyed in soups, salads and sauces, and the curly version is best used as a garnish. The nutritional benefits of parsley are enticing as well; parsley is an excellent source of vitamins C, A and K, as well as iron and folate.

The Darby Field Inn, located in Albany, N.H., has a fabulous restaurant to which the crispy roast duck is a sure bet to order — but for the purposes of an Herb to Herb Tour, it highlights oregano, offering samples of scrumptious sun-dried tomato scones and meatballs.

A member of the mint family, oregano is an herb that has long been referred to as wild marjoram (oregano is the Spanish name for marjoram, in fact), but the two are different herbs.

Oregano is commonly used to flavor the tops of pizzas, but it is more uncommonly known as the herb of superstition. It is said that if you anoint yourself with oregano before sleeping, you will dream of your future spouse, and that newly married couples were crowned with wreaths of oregano to encourage good health and good luck. It was also placed on graves to give peace to departed spirits and strewn on the ground to repel snakes.

Dried oregano leaves mixed with honey will fade bruises. Or you can make lemonade using the recipe below.

Oregano Lemonade

  • 1/4 ounce fresh oregano, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 gallon boiling water
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 2 quarts lemon concentrate

Place fresh oregano in gallon jar; pour boiling water over it. Cover loosely. Allow to steep overnight. Strain oregano from tea and add sugar and lemon concentrate. Delicious, refreshing and good for you!

Courtesy of The Darby Field Inn in New Hampshire

Parsley-Walnut Pesto

  • 2 cups (tight packed) flat-leaf parsley leaves
  • 3/4 cups toasted chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest

Make the pesto: Place parsley, walnuts, cheese, garlic and salt in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Pulse until well combined. Combine oil, lemon juice and zest in a small bowl. Add the oil mixture to parsley mixture in a low stream, pulsing to combine. Serve immediately or freeze.

To freeze: Divide pesto into preferred serving sizes, and place in small re-sealable plastic bags or small plastic containers with airtight lids. Force excess air out of the container, and freeze for up to three months. Freeze in small portions, and use it to add distinction to meals: Spread it on crusty bread, stir it into rice for a sophisticated side dish or place a dollop atop a fish fillet for an elegant finish.

Yields 2 cups, serves 8.

Courtesy of Country Living

Herbs pack flavour punch – St. Louis Post

Herbs pack flavour punch

Among the many great gardeners I have met through the St.
Charles Master Gardener program is Micha Kornblum. She is an
enthusiastic promoter of growing and using herbs, and generously
shares her time teaching others about these culinary marvels.

“Growing and using your own herbs can be one of the most
satisfying things for a gardener to do,” Micha says. “Herbs are
easy to grow and do so well in pots that it’s a shame to not have a
few on your patio or deck. Even novice gardeners can have herbs for
harvesting. Besides taste, herbs offer a beautiful variety of
leaves, texture, color and scent in a garden. You can also reduce
the amount of salt in a recipe by using herbs.”

Here are some pointers on growing and using herbs I have learned
from Micha and University of Missouri Extension’s Master

Herbs add wonderful flavor to food and are easy to grow indoors
or out. Herb growers get a great return on a very minimal
investment of time and effort.

A full day of sunlight (six to eight hours) is the most
important growing requirement for herbs. Some herbs tolerate light
shade, but their growth and flavor will not be as good.

Herbs do not need highly fertile soil, but good drainage is
important. Adding compost, peat moss or other organic matter to the
soil before planting improves drainage.

Many herbs can be started from seed in late winter and
transplanted outside after all danger of frost is past and soil has
begun to warm — usually around May 15 in our area. Sow seeds of
anise, coriander, dill and fennel directly in the garden as these
do not transplant well.

Many herbs like oregano, rosemary and sage are perennials and
come back reliably year after year once established. Others, like
dill and basil, are annuals that must be replanted every year.

Growing herbs indoors requires the same conditions as outdoors —
plenty of sunlight and good drainage. A south or west window is
best, although supplemental lighting kept close to the plants can
help make up for lack of sunlight. Herbs grown indoors tend to be
less productive but still a better alternative than using dried
herbs in terms of flavor.

Although herbs may be dried, freezing them is easy to do and
yields better flavor. Simply wash, then pat dry with a paper towel.
Chop then spoon by the tablespoon into ice cube tray compartments
and freeze. When solid, pop herb cubes out of trays into freezer
bags, label and return to freezer.

A University of Missouri Extension guide, G6470 Growing Herbs at
Home has more detailed information and is available on the web at or
from any University of Missouri Extension office.

Learn more about the Master Gardener program by calling the St.
Charles County University of Missouri Extension office at
636-970-3000 or online at

Micha shared this recipe from The St. Louis Herb Society for
Pesto with the St. Charles County Master Gardeners. Use it as a
sauce over pasta and grilled or baked chicken. I also like to use
it to season steamed green beans, summer squash or a mixture of
roasted peppers and onions.


3 cups snipped fresh basil

1 cup snipped Italian flat leaf parsley

2-4 crushed cloves garlic, according to taste

½ to 1 cup roasted pine nuts

1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

¾ to 1 cup extra virgin olive oil

In a food processor, blend together first 5 ingredients in the
order listed. When mixture forms a paste, and with machine running,
gradually add the olive oil until mixture is a spreading
consistency. Store in refrigerator. May also be stored in

Note: this can be made in a blender by putting the olive oil in
first and then adding other ingredients.

Makes about 1 cup.

Nutrition information per tablespoon: 154 calories, 4g protein,
1g carbohydrate, 16g fat, 117mg sodium.

Herbs freshen a traditional pea salad

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Here, the traditional pea salad is upgraded with fresh herbs, fennel seed, lemon zest and feta cheese. Adapted from “The Spice Kitchen,” by Sara Engram and Katie Luber with Kimberly Toqe (Andrews McMeel, 2009).

Green Pea Salad

Makes about 4 cups

(6 to 8 servings)

14 ounces defrosted frozen peas or freshly shelled peas (not cooked)

3 /4 cup feta cheese, crumbled

3 shallots, cut into small dice (1/3 cup)

5 to 6 tablespoons regular or low-fat mayonnaise

1 teaspoon freshly chopped tarragon

1 teaspoon fennel seed

Finely grated zest of 1 /2 lemon (1 teaspoon)


Freshly ground black pepper

  • Combine the peas, feta and shallots in a mixing bowl.
  • Stir together the mayonnaise (to taste), tarragon, fennel seed and lemon zest in a medium bowl.
  • Add the mayonnaise mixture to the pea mixture, stirring gently to incorporate. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate for up to 4 days.
  • Per serving (based on 8, using low-fat mayonnaise): 110 cal, 5 g protein, 10 g carb, 6 g fat, 2 g sat fat, 15 mg chol, 330 mg sodium, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 g sugar

Eating Out Can Be Dangerous For Those With A Food Allergy

Eating Out Can Be Dangerous For Those With A Food Allergy

For those who suffer any type of food allergy eating at a restaurant, or even eating at someone else’s home can be can be like taking their lives into their own hands. Symptoms of food allergies can range from mild rashes to life threatening anaphylactic reactions. Ingesting even a small bit of the food that causes an allergic reaction can be deadly for the allergy sufferer.

Foods that most commonly trigger an allergic reaction include shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk and eggs. Since such a small amount of these substances are required to start a serious allergic reaction those who live with food allergies have to be very careful where they eat and what they eat.

There are various ways the ingredients that cause allergic reactions can sneak into the food we eat every day even if we try to avoid them. The following are some things you should take into consideration if you suffer a food allergy.

If you have an allergy to milk, be sure the person who cuts your meat at the deli hasn’t previously used to machine to cut cheese as this cheese residue may find its way into your meat. Also, check your food labels carefully for the ingredient in case this is a milk derivative.

Finally, some restaurants use butter in their marinade for steaks. If you suffer with a milk allergy, be sure to request they skip the butter when cooking your food.

For those who suffer peanut allergies, you already know how hard it can be to avoid peanuts or peanut oils. There are many times when peanuts are reflavored and passed off as a different type of nut. Be sure you always read product labels carefully.

Also, sunflower seeds may also be processed on the same equipment as peanuts meaning the seeds may contain some peanut oil residue. When eating out, be aware that any type of ethnic food may contain or be contaminated with peanut oils. It is always better to pass on a particular food than suffer a life threatening reaction.

Allergies to fish and shell fish are also common. If you suffer these types of allergies, it is best to stay away from steak sauce as well as some Caesar dressings as they may contain anchovies, a type of fish.

Again, read food labels carefully before eating anything suspicious. When dining in a restaurant that serves fish, inform the waitperson of your allergies so that special precautions can be taken to keep you from getting sick.

Since soybeans and soy-based products have become so popular in American foods, it is difficult to remove this food from your diet entirely. If you suffer from an allergy to soy products, be sure you know the foods you are eating are soy-free.

Since such a variety of foods contain this ingredient, however, you may find it difficult to eat a healthy diet and avoid soy. You may want to consult a dietician for advice on how to handle your allergy and still eat a healthy diet.

In order to keep from suffering a dangerous allergic reaction, it is important to keep in mind that your allergen may be hiding in the least expected places. Be aware of these hidden sources of allergy-causing foods. If you suffer a food allergy being vigilant can save your life.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry

The holidays are never far away and it’s the perfect opportunity to learn how to entertain well with a great selection of food and wine. Both food and wine play an important role in our society, and if we want to be successful hosts and hostesses we must learn to serve our guests properly.

Your guests come to your party expecting to be dazzled by the edible offerings. Guests may arrive at a party with high hopes but more often than not they leave unsatisfied with the food and wine they were served. You have the power to ensure that this does not happen with your gatherings, so you need to make sure that you offer your guests only the finest food and wine at hand.

You can start by talking to your friends to discover what left them unsatisfied at some of the other parties they have attended. Also, consider some of your own reactions to the food and wine that was offered. What was it that you didn’t like about the food and wine and how could it have been improved? The key to successful entertaining with food and wine is to learn from the mistakes of others. By doing so you should be able to avoid some of the bigger mistakes made when hosting a party featuring food and wine.

Present your guests with a variety of food and wine at your party. Some people strongly dislike red wine and others feel the same way about white wine. By offering a selection of different foods and wine you will be able to make more people happy and less people feel overlooked by your food and wine options. You should also have a diverse selection of the food you are serving. Have some vegetarian snacks in addition to some meaty ones. If you have a diverse group of friends you might even want to get more diverse in your food and wine selections and perhaps have some vegan goodies for the vegans of your circle.

Taking these factors into consideration when choosing your food and wine shows that you are a caring and thoughtful host. Your parties will be the parties that people would want to attend. If you make the right choices in your food and wine then you should consistently have marvelous parties known for lots of people and good times.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Wine

Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Wine

Wine is a perfect way to enjoy your favourite dinner. It makes the dinner even more enjoyable. The taste and the experience one enjoys via teaming up a perfect wine is awesome.

However, pairing the right wine with your meal can be a nightmare. Most people are so confused about the rules associated with drinking wine for instance red wine goes well with meat and the white wine is just perfect for fish. Don’t get confused. All you require to do is to avoid so called rules for drinking wine and trust what suits your tastes and preferences. Here are some tips to enjoy a bottle of wine with your meal.

a) Specialty shops:

You should visit some shops that are famous for selling best wines. Specialized dealers are well aware of the quality of wine. You can talk to them regarding what’s good and what will excite your taste buds. Allow them to walk through a selection. Try to listen to their expert advice. This provides you excellent results. You should also answer some of the questions in order to help you in making a decision. These questions may include factors like your personal preference, price range and the meal you can consume a particular wine with. You can also visit shops with open bottles for tasting. You can taste these wine samples and then decide for your own preference.

b) Gain knowledge:

Wines are usually categorized by the types of grapes used in them. Grape species usually grow in restricted climatic conditions. For instance, the Pinot Noir grape grows best in Oregon, certain parts of California, Burgundy and New Zealand. When you look for a Pinot Noir wine, you should go for one that’s manufactured in one of the above mentioned areas. You should also attain certain knowledge about the grapes. This will help you taste some of the awesome varieties of wine. In case, you are an ardent lover of Merlot, you can try out a Red Bordeaux. This wine is made out of Merlot grape.

c) Right Region:

As already mentioned in the point above, you should pay extra attention to the region where the wine is produced. Climate differs in different region of the world and this affects the taste of wine. For instance, chardonnay grape grows better all over the world. When grown in warm climate, it gives out earthier taste and produces lighter and citrusy taste in cooler climate.

d) Opt for what you like:

This is easy. Most people prefer sticking to what they have already taste and love. Each one of us have our own individual taste and like drinking the wine we already know about and have tasted before. Hence, it is very important to opt for what you like in order to enjoy the wire.

e) Don’t follow the so-called ‘rules’:
It is a common saying that white wine goes well with fish and red wine tastes well with meat dishes. However, restricting yourself to these rules will exacerbate the fun out of choosing wine. It’s better to trust your own inner sense when it comes to choosing wine.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

Dying to Drink an Awesome Beer? Go German!

Dying to Drink an Awesome Beer? Go German!

The German people are renowned for a lot of things; one of them is brewing. Beer is a crucial piece of their legacy and civilization, with more than 1300 various breweries spread across the land. As far as per capita beer consumption, the German people are only behind the Czechs and the Irish. The history of Germanic beer spans back to the origin of the country when monks began to experiment with brewing around 1000 A.D. The country’s leaders eventually began to regulate the production of beer as brewing started to be more and more profitable. The Bavarian Reinheitsgebot, or purity standard, came about in fifteen-sixteen and remains the most famous and influential aspect to effect German brewing.

The Bavarian Reinheitsgebot was ordered by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria to ensure that Bavarian beers were only of high quality. Hops, barley, and water are the only ingredients that should go in in beer according to the regulation. The Reinheitsgebot is the oldest legislation placed on beverages in the world and has not been changed in nearly five-hundred years. The only addition to the act is the addition of yeast to the cache of essential ingredients. Manufacturers in the past before that had simply used the yeast found naturally in the air. Because of the stringent standard of quality followed by the purity requirement, Bavarian manufacturers were soon considered the best manufacturers of beer. Other breweries started to adhere to the proclamation as the prominence of the Bavarian breweries continued to rise.

German beers have a long-standing notoriety of producing quality brews made only from the purest ingredients as a result of the Reinheitsgebot. As time passed and Germany started to export beer, many cities became famous brewing spots. By fifteen-hundred, Scandinavia, Holland, England, and as far as India mainly got their beer from one of the 600 breweries in the city of Bremen. Two more famed brewing towns were Einbeck and Braunschweig. Because of its full-bodied flavour and right amount of head foam most modern Germans still prefer fabbier, or draft beer, over bottled beer. Used still today, German beer steins became popular around the time the purity standard came about in an effort to prevent more breakouts of the black plague.

Germany made a lot of regulations to stop its citizens from getting ill during the time of the black plague. Large amounts of infected flies would fly in people’s food and spread the disease. This led to the stein, a beverage container with a closed lid that could be used with the thumb so somebody could stop disease and still be able to drink with one hand. Beer drinking went up exponentially as people started to realize the plague spread in dirty conditions with brackish pools of water. Originally made of stoneware with pewter tops, steins grew in popularity. German beer steins started to be made entirely of pewter for nearly three-hundred years as the pewter guild grew. Still manufactured today, silver and porcelain German beer steins were eventually introduced.

More than five-thousand types of beer are made today from over thirteen-hundred and fifty breweries within Germany’s borders. The oldest brewery in the world that continues operation today is the Benedictine abbey Weihenstephan, that has been producing beer since one-thousand and forty. The most concentrated area in Germany for breweries is the Franconia region of Bavaria near the city Bamberg. German breweries manufacture a wide variety of tastes and kinds of beer with the majority of them able to be placed under ales or lagers. Most beers have an alcoholic content ranging from 4.7% to 5.4% but some kinds can be as high as 12%, making them more potent than a lot of wines.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

Drink Wine to Improve Your Life

Drink Wine to Improve Your Life

Do you and your college mates sit up late at night drinking can after can getting smashed? This has been the pastime of generations and generations of students. But it’s all about to change. Or at least, you can start to change it if you want to.

The biggest benefit to choosing something other than beer is that it will make you appear much more of an intellectual. This is a great way for not only attracting girls, but attracting friends as well. People look for interesting people to associate with and by drinking something other than beer automatically makes you different. The best choice? Wine.

There are almost an unlimited amount of varieties of wine, so that’s what makes it a great choice. Take some time and learn the basics by reading up on the internet and then go out and buy a few bottles. Learn about all the different choices you have and figure out which fit your taste buds. Some bottles of wine can cost a lot of money, so start out cheap and work your way up.

Once you know what you like, start ordering it when you go out to restaurants. This will definitely impress your date or friends and will at the very least be a great conversation starter. In other countries, you’ll probably have been drinking wine since you were really young, so if you ever meet someone from, say, Europe, they’ll know all about wine. If the person you’re with knows a lot about wine, too, then you’ll both have something to talk about and can only help to bring you closer together. You’ll even be able to share different types of wine with each other. Something else that’s fun to do is host your own wine and cheese party.

Of course there are other alternatives to wine, but why would you even consider anything else? A huge majority of the world’s population drinks wine with every meal. Some people celebrate with wine; others drink it on Sundays during mass at church. It can be used for all sorts of things.

It’s also a very healthy alternative to other forms of alcohol. Wine has been known to help fight heart disease and gives you lots of anti-oxidants to help clean out your system. This is, of course, assuming that you don’t overdo it. Drinking too much of any alcohol can damage your liver and eventually be a cause of destroying it. Wine typically contains less alcohol than other hard liqueurs, though, so there is generally less to worry about.

So, all in all, if you want to become more attractive and have people flocking to you, switch to wine. Learn about all the different types and figure out which ones you like. Not only will you appear to be more intellectual, in doing all that research, you’ll actually become more of an intellectual. This will help you out in many different ways throughout life and you’ll be able to appreciate lots of different events a lot more.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

Drink A Glass Of Mangosteen Juice For Health Benefits Every Day

Drink A Glass Of Mangosteen Juice For Health Benefits Every Day

Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with daily exercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret; it’s just plain fact.

Choosing the Proper Fruits

While some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you’ll be able to eat right even if you don’t consume the exact amount needed daily. The mangosteen is a fruit that is filled with all the vital vitamins and minerals required to provide that needed dosage for good health on a daily basis.

The Mangosteen Fruit

Grown in the tropical land of Southeast Asia several centuries ago, the mangosteen tree needs warm temperatures and large amounts of rain to grow. Nonetheless, its growth is very slow and it achieves its peak-season in about 10 years. By then, it starts to produce large quantities of mangosteen fruit yearly.

What Exactly are The Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice?

The health benefits from mangosteen juice is faster absorption in the body instead of eating fresh or dried. The most significant health benefit from the mangosteen juice is the rich content of antioxidants in each fruit. Antioxidants are recognized for their ability to fight and delay the aging process, thus leaving us with healthier skin.

Drink mangosteen juice for your health benefits. These health benefits include a good daily dose of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber.

Just a Reminder

Although the health benefits from mangosteen juice are huge; it acts to complement our immune system by assisting it to fight infections and other possible diseases. It does not cure any illnesses on its own. All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for our health and well-being.
Feeding our bodies with natural foods found in nature, with no preservatives or additives, is one of the best ways to ensure a long, healthy and happy life. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables as frequently as possible to sustain your health for the long haul.

Don’t Know What Flour To Buy?

Don’t Know What Flour To Buy?

Confused at the array of flour available online or in the grocery store? Don’t know what to buy? We can help.

Buy bread flour for breads. If you want tender muffins or cookies, buy pastry flour. It’s the gluten content that makes breads chewy and the reduced amount of gluten that makes muffins crumbly. All-purpose flour is a compromise. (Many recipes call for all-purpose, not because it will make the best muffins but because the formulators know that all-purpose flour is what most people have.)

Experiment with different flours until you find what works best for you and then stick with it. Start with major brands. We found that some of the smaller, regional mills couldn’t guarantee us the same specification from season to season.

Except for white cakes, we don’t use bleached flour. We prefer to avoid the bleaching agents. We like the creamy colour of unbleached flour and we find unbleached flour easier to work with.

So your shopping list for the baking aisle might look like this:

• A high gluten bread flour for bread baking. We would suggest at least 11% gluten. (While you are in the bread aisle pick up a good dough conditioner and a package of wheat gluten. The extra gluten is especially helpful when you are making whole wheat breads.) We always buy unbleached flour for bread.
• A whole wheat flour. We like a fine, stone ground flour.
• All-purpose flour. We don’t use it often but do so for gravies and sauces, for dusting counters, and when we feel to follow a recipe exactly. Again, we’ll buy unbleached flour.
• A pastry flour for cakes, muffins, and some cookies. (If we want a chewy cookie, we’ll use bread flour.) We’ll buy unbleached pastry flour.
We could buy a bleached cake flour white cakes but since we don’t make many white cakes, we rarely do.

Once bought, store your flour properly—in a closed container in a cool dark place. When flour is exposed to air, the moisture content changes. In a dry climate, flour becomes drier. In a humid environment, moisture increases. The difference in the moisture content can affect the performance of your recipe.
Copyright 2003-2007, The Prepared Pantry ( ). Published by permission