Exercise – I ate junk to numb the pain
But, for some people, comfort eating can really get out of hand.
Model and former Miss Wales Imogen Thomas admits that she started binge-eating after revelations about her affair with footballer Ryan Giggs emerged last
year. Imogen, 29, says: “It was not to do with being hungry. I was just eating because I wanted to feel better.
“Any woman who has been through stress and trauma will know the feeling. Eating sweet food seems to temporarily numb the pain.” Now a size 10, 5ft 6in Imogen says her weight shot up when her affair with Manchester United ace Giggs hit the newspapers.
She says: “I never weigh myself but I didn’t need scales to know that I had gone up by two dress sizes in a matter of weeks. “I’ve always loved food, especially sweet things, and I’ve always had sugar cravings pre-menstrually. “If I go out for a meal I’m the kind of person who checks the puddings before I look at anything else.
“Before all the stress, I would try to save treats for the weekend and eat healthily during the week. But things span out of control and I found it hard to get back to normal.
“I tried to exercise but didn’t always manage to get to the gym, even though I’d intend to. “I did a degree in health studies and psychology so I should have been able to sort myself out, but sometimes it’s a case of being able to help others but not yourself.”
Here, Imogen reveals how she overhauled her diet — and Wellbeing’s nutritionist AMANDA URSELL and fitness expert NICKI WATERMAN give advice on how to conquer comfort cravings.
SUN nutritionist AMANDA URSELL says: “Imogen is not alone in turning to food for comfort.
“Experts agree that all palatable foods, which include biscuits, cakes, puddings and sugary breakfast cereals such as Frosties – which Imogen ate bowls of after dinner – stimulate the release of endorphins in our brain. These chemicals help to elevate our mood and make us feel happier. “Breaking habits is never easy and ditching those we build up around food is especially hard. However, it can be done if you really want to and are prepared to go through the pain barrier of change.
“Here are my top five tips for breaking the cycle of comfort eating and making food work for you rather than against you in the mood-lifting stakes.”
1. Religiously eat three meals every day: make sure you always have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Decide on the times you are going to eat these meals and stick as much as you can to having them at the same time every day.
2. Make slow-release carbohydrates a central part of each meal. These help to keep blood sugar levels steady and get on top of low blood-sugar
levels, which can spark cravings. Try porridge, sugar-free muesli, granary or wholemeal toast with peanut butter, poached eggs on toast or a fruit salad with yoghurt for breakfast. Have pitta bread, tortilla wraps – with tuna, chicken, peanut butter or reduced-fat cheddar or hummus plus salad as fillings – or pasta with tomato sauce or baked beans on toast for lunch.
At dinner have something like plain noodles, pasta, new potatoes or basmati rice with lean fish or meat, Quorn, pulses including lentils and lots of vegetables – ie carbs and protein plus fibre.
3. Have a snack between each meal. Try a handful of nuts, a yogurt or fromage frais, or some fruit.
4. If you crave something sweet, try sweet-tasting fruits such as dried mango or apricots, a few squares of dark chocolate, a slice of malt loaf or
a toasted teacake with a little butter. These will give you a gentle rise in blood-sugar and satisfy your taste buds.
5. Eat foods that give you iron. A lack of this mineral can lead to you feeling down and make current problems seem even worse. Lean red meat such as beef, dark oily fish such as sardines and pilchards, dark green vegetables, cashew and pistachio nuts, dried apricots and dried figs are all good sources of iron.
It may be worth taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, too. A lack of the B vitamins folate and B1 have also been linked to feeling blue – in tests, volunteers’ emotions improved on taking them. Imogen also takes a natural product called Slimsticks, which she says helps to take the edge off her appetite and control her sugar cravings.
Breakfast: Whatever was in the house, usually chocolate.
Mid-morning: Cakes or puddings.
Lunchtime: Burger and fries.
Mid-afternoon: Packet of crisps.
Dinner: Baked beans on toast then puddings and bowls of Frosties.
Breakfast: Porridge made with skimmed milk and some fruit.
Lunch: Baked potato with tuna and salad.
Mid-afternoon: A small piece of dark chocolate.
Dinner: Chicken stir-fry, or spaghetti bolognese, or a small roast dinner.
EXERCISE is a great way to help relieve stress. Here, fitness expert NICKI WATERMAN tells you why.
“YOU can get on top of emotional eating with exercise. “This is not just because exercise releases feel-good hormones and boosts your mood, but because by investing time in your body, you trigger a virtuous circle of behaviour.
“In other words, when you begin to look after yourself in one part of your life, you feel more motivated to take care of yourself in other parts too. “The next time you feel like reaching for junk food you will remember how much time you have invested in exercising and how that food will ruin your weight loss efforts.
“My advice to anyone like Imogen who has good intentions to exercise, but doesn’t always pull them off, is to aim to make exercise a habit.
“Imogen says she always tries to walk as much as she can to get the exercise, but to get real results she needs something a little more organised that will still fit into her schedule. “My feeling is that for Imogen, and others who are trying to get their comfort eating under control, running is a great solution. “I’ve devised a beginners’ exercise running programme. The great thing about running is it’s so easy to fit into most people’s lifestyles, even though you may not think so initially.
“All you need is a good pair of trainers and comfortable clothing and you can run anywhere, anytime, fitting it around everyday life. “It would be great, too, if possible to fit in a good Pilates class because Pilates is not only great for toning, adding strength and muscle balance, but also for de-stressing.
“To find a good Pilates teacher, check out the websites of reputable fitness organisations listed on The Register Of Exercise Professionals – exerciseregister.org.
“Make sure your Pilates teacher assesses your needs properly. They should be checking you for muscle imbalances and making sure you complete a full health screening form.
“Let your teacher know you are doing other exercise and need a good routine to do at home which complements your other fitness regime.”
1. Allocate three exercise running slots in your diary each week. Make them regular times and make sure you stick to them – you only need 30 minutes for each to begin with.
2. Start with a five-minute walk to warm up, then do a run-walk programme, where you run for two minutes, walk for three and repeat this four times. Cool down and stretch.
3. The following week, add more running – for example, do three minutes running and two minutes walking. Do this four times.
4. Gradually increase the amount of exercise until you can run for 20 minutes continuously.
5. Once you can run for 20 minutes continuously, add 30-60 seconds to one of your runs each week until you can run for up to 40 minutes.
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- Google+1
Running three times a week.
Home Pilates exercise routine for 5-10 minutes daily.
Moderate walking for 30 minutes daily.
Pilates and/or stretch class twice a week.
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