Party time desserts

Party time desserts

We love our desserts here in Spain. We always try to make something different when we attend our regular Sunday lunch sessions at our friends Paella parties.

Sometimes the desserts are cakes, but we also like individual desserts like the two featured on this article. They a both variations of other desserts, but with our own influence on the original recipes. The first of the desserts we offer you, is a basic tiramisu with a bottom layer of ‘Fruits of the Forest.’ The second of the two desserts can be made in two ways. One with ice cream and the other with a yoghurt and cream mixture, set with gelatine.


Make the tiramisu in the usual way using your favourite tiraimsu recipe, but place a layer of berries over the bottom layer of sponge biscuits. WE used frozen ‘fruits of the forest’ from Aldi’s. Tirimisu Recipe


The second of our two desserts is either an ice cream cake or a panacotta type cake. For the ice cream version, make a biscuit base as for a cheesecake using digestive biscuits and butter, and press the biscuits into a round mould to form a base about 1/4 thick. press vanilla ice cream into the mould and return to the freezer until needed.

For the yoghurt version, you will need 450g of yoghurt, 1 glass of milk and tablespoon of gelatine. mix the gelatine with the milk, and when dissolved, mix thoroughly into the yoghurt. Pour over the biscuit base and place in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Both desserts are garnished with a fruit jam of choice. In these versions of the cake, we used Raspberry jam, but any type will do as long as it has chunky fruit in it. You can even make different versions and your guests can choose which flavours they prefer.
Recipes for desserts with Bill & Sheila
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Spanish Dessert - Tiramisú ligero

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Spanish Dessert – Tiramisú ligero Light Tiramisu

Tiramisu is an Italian Dessert, but available all around the world either in its original form or in variations of the original Italian dessert recipe. Here are two Spanish versions. Here at spanishchef we make these two versions as well as the original version on a regular basis, and they all go down very well – no matter which version of the dessert we make

Ingredients (12 servings)

1 bag of Trifle type biscuits
1 tub of Philadelphia light cheese
1 small pack of whipping cream
powdered sweetener (to taste)
a few ounces of chocolate
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1 glass of water.


In a bread tin, place a layer of the biscuits. Mix the coffee with water or brandy (or better still a coffee liqueur) and soak the layer of biscuits.
Beat the Whipped cream and cheese in the bowl of a blender, and Add the sweetener.
Arrange a layer of cream cheese and biscuits, placed over another layer of biscuits soaked in coffee so as to form three layers.
The last layer should be of biscuits. Unmould the cake, cover with cream cheese and cream and sprinkle with cocoa or grated chocolate. Garnish with sprigs of mint.


Tiramisú de frutas rojas
Red fruit Tiramisu


100 g. mascarpone cheese
8 trifle biscuits
100 g. of Raspberries
100 g of blackberries
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon instant coffee
2 dashes of “grappa” or grape marc
plain yogurt
2 cocoa powder


Dissolve the coffee in half a glass of water with a dash of “grappa” or a similar spirit, such as brandy
Place a layer of biscuits in the container and soak them with the coffee mixture. Cover this layer with the fruits.
Beat the yolks with the sweetener until creamy, add another dash of “grappa”, the mascarpone and plain yogurt, stirring to mix everything well. Add the egg whites until stiff. Pour the cream over the biscuits and fruit and leave in refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours or so.
Serve the tiramisu sprinkled with cocoa or with grated chocolate, Garnish with fruit and a sprig of mint.

Dessert Recipes with Bill & Sheila

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The True History of Tiramisu


The True History of Tiramisu

Open an old Italian cookbook, browse through the index and… surprise! No Tiramisu. My first encounter with Tiramisu was in 1985. I was in Italy at that time: A friend of mine told me about this new recipe she got. She was so enthusiastic about it that I felt compelled to try it immediately. The taste was unbelievably good, as never I had tasted before. Since then I fell in love with this dessert. Everybody knows by now that Tiramisu’ means “pick-me-up” in Italian, for the high energetic content (eggs and sugar) and the caffeine of the strong espresso coffee. There are many different stories about the origin of Tiram1su.

It is a layered cake; therefore some place its origin in Tuscany, where another famous layered Italian dessert is very popular. It is called “Zuppa Inglese” (English Soup). It is not English and it is not a soup. Instead is a simple cake of ladyfingers or sponge cake, soaked in “alkermes” liquor, and alternated layers of chocolate and egg custard. Layered cakes have been around for long time. The brilliant idea in Tiramisu is not in the technique of layering, but in the components. The great invention of combining together coffee, zabaglione cream, and chocolate: This is the true innovation in Tiramisu.

I love to study history of food. In my book “The Timeless Art of Italian Cuisine – Centuries of Scrumptious Dining”, there is extensive information about culinary history of the various regions of Italy. I tried to trace the origin of Tiramisu investigating many Italian cookbooks. The first clue is by the famous Italian gastronome Giuseppe Maffioli. In his book “Il ghiottone Veneto”, (The Venetian Glutton) first published in 1968, he talks extensively about Zabaglione custard. The name of this cream originates from Zabaja, a sweet dessert popular in the Illiria region. It is the coastal area across the Adriatic Sea that was Venetian territory for long time during the golden age of the “Repubblica Serenissima” (The Most Serene Republic) of Venice. Zabaglione was prepared in those times with sweet Cyprus wine.

“The groom’s bachelor friends”, says Maffioli, “at the end of the long wedding banquet, maliciously teasing, gave to him before the couple retired a big bottle of zabajon, to guarantee a successful and prolonged honeymoon”. “The zabajon”, Maffioli continues, “was sometimes added of whipped cream, but in this case was served very cold, almost frozen, and accompanied by the baicoli, small thin Venetian cookies invented in the 1700’s by a baker in the Santa Margherita suburb of Venice”. As we can notice, the addition of whipped cream, the serving temperature, the cookies, all these elements are close to the modern Tiramisu recipe. And even the allusion to the energetic properties of the Zabaglione, seem to refer to the Tiramisu name.

Later in my research the oldest recipe I could find was in the book by Giovanni Capnist “I Dolci del Veneto” (The Desserts of Veneto). The first edition was published in 1983 and has a classic recipe for Tiramisu. “Recent recipe with infinite variations from the town of Treviso”, says Capnist, “discovery of restaurants more then family tradition”.

But the final word on the origin of Tiramisu is from the book by Fernando e Tina Raris “La Marca Gastronomica” published in 1998, a book entirely dedicated to the cuisine from the town of Treviso. The authors remember what Giuseppe Maffioli wrote in an article in 1981: “Tiramisu was born recently, just 10 years ago in the town of Treviso. It was proposed for the first time in the restaurant . The dessert and its name became immediately extremely popular, and this cake and the name where copied by many restaurants first in Treviso then all around Italy”. Still today the restaurant “Le Beccherie” makes the dessert with the classical recipe: ladyfingers soaked in bitter strong espresso coffee, mascarpone-zabaglione cream, and bitter cocoa powder. Alba and Ado Campeol, owners of the restaurant regret they didn’t patent the name and the recipe, especially to avoid all the speculation and guesses on the origin of this cake, and the diffusion of so many recipes that have nothing to do with the original Tiramisu.

I tried countless different recipes form the infinite variations of Tirmasu, but the classic one, (the recipe I show on my website), the recipe from the “Le Beccherie” restaurant, is still the one I prepare today and the one I prefer.

As an example of one of the many delicious variation of Tiramasu I am showing on my website a step-by-step recipe for the “Tiramisu with Mixed Berries” that is quickly becoming a new classic.

Anna Maria Volpi
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Dessert Recipes – Tiramisu with Bill & Sheila