Sunflower Seeds as Food

sunflower seeds

Sunflower Seeds as Food

The sunflower seed is the fruit of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The term “sunflower seed” is actually a misnomer when applied to the seed in its pericarp (hull). Botanically speaking, it is more properly referred to as an achene. When dehulled, the edible remainder is called the sunflower kernel.

There are three types of commonly used sunflower seeds. Linoleic (most common), high oleic, and Nusun. Each variety has its own unique levels of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fats. The information in this article refers mainly to the linoleic variety.

For commercial purposes, sunflower seeds are usually classified by the pattern on their husks. If the husk is solid black, the seeds are called black oil sunflower seeds. The crops may be referred to as oilseed sunflower crops. These seeds are usually pressed to extract their oil. Striped sunflower seeds are primarily used for food; as a result, they may be called confectionery sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds contain large amounts of healthy fat acids and can be enjoyed fresh or used in bread and dishes. They are very popular in candy in deserts and many sunflower lovers make their own brine to spice up the taste of the sunflower seed. Creating your own brine is easy if you follow the simple steps outlined below. The first humans that enjoyed tasty sunflower seeds were the Native Americans. They even used them to cook and bake cakes; sunflower seeds were grounded into a nutritious flour that could be used for a wide range of dishes.

If you want to try making your own sunflower seed brine you should begin by washing the seeds. Place your sunflower seeds in a large bowl filled with cold water and stir them around until dirt accumulate at the bottom of the bowl and any dust particles float up to the surface.

If you prefer sunflower seeds without shells, you don’t have to make any brine. The brine is only a way to add taste to sunflowers without having to remove the shells. With shell-less sunflower seeds, you can simply add salt and spices directly to the sunflower seeds. If you coat the shell-less seeds with cooking spray or vegetable oil, salt and spices will stick better to the kernels. Sunflower oil is of course a good choice here.

The next step is to roast your sunflower seeds. This is not mandatory, but roasted seeds can be stored much longer than fresh ones. If you plan to eat your seeds soon, you can skip this stage. The easiest way of roasting sunflower seeds is to spread them out on a plate in a single layer. Heat to oven to approximately 275 degrees Celsius and place the plate in the oven. After roughly 10 minutes the seeds will be finished. It is important to keep an eye on the seeds since they can turn dark rapidly if left to long in the oven.

When you have let the sunflower seed cooled down they are ready to be immersed in seed brine. The brine described below is suitable for roasted sunflower seeds as well as non-roasted ones. This basic recipe will create moderately salted sunflower seeds and you can easily add your own spices to the brine to create your own favourite sunflower seeds.

Begin by filling a bowl with around 1 litre of water and 2 dl salt (any type of salt will do, you won’t need any special type of salt). Stir the mix gently until the salt has dissolved. Place the sunflower seeds in the brine and let them soak for at least 12 hours. Lift up the seeds from the salt brine and let them dry thoroughly. Proper drying is extra important if you plan to store your sunflower seeds. Once the seeds are dry, the can be eaten or stored. If you store your sunflower seeds in a dry place where the temperature is not too high, they will keep their nice taste for months.

Healthy Lifestyle -sunflower seeds with Bill & Sheila