The elements of barbecue

The elements of barbecue

There is little agreement in the world of barbecue. Here we run through some of the overriding categories that unite them, like seasonings and applications of heat (all barbecue is seasoned and heated, right? Plus a few recipes.

There may be intense debate over what barbecue truly is, but there are some basic facts that most would agree on: barbecue is not the same as grilling, it requires smoke to properly flavour and colour the food; barbecued foods are cooked at low temperatures for long periods in order to develop the best flavour and tender texture.

Beyond that, controversy reigns. Some believe that pork is the only real barbecue, but beef, mutton and even goat (kid) are traditional choices for others. Some argue in favor of a thick, tomato-based sauce, others for a thin, vinegar-based sauce with no tomatoes at all. Some prefer hickory for fuel, while others tend toward pecan, maple or oak.

Barbecue evolved as a way to make tough, well-exercised meats very tender. But the exact type of meat that is associated with an area has a great deal to do with local availability. Seafood doesn’t need long, slow cooking to become tender, but in areas where seafood is widely available, it is used for barbecue. Throughout the South, with the exception of Texas, you are more likely to find pork than beef.

Hardwoods—including oak, hickory, pecan, maple, beech, butternut and ash—are common choices for barbecue. Mesquite, grapevine, citrus wood and apple or pear are also used. Some cooks blend woods, especially when using strongly flavoured woods such as mesquite. Softwoods should never be used.

The presence of a smoke ring is a sign that foods have been smoked, rather than merely grilled or roasted and brushed with a sauce. The smoke ring is reddish in colour and may be about 8 to 12 millimetres deep, extending from the exterior toward the centre.


Rubs: A mixture of spices, salt and sugar. Dry rubs contain no moisture and are applied in a layer and left on the meat for several hours (even days) before the meat is cooked. Wet rubs contain enough moisture to hold the ingredients together as a paste.

Marinades & brines: Liquid mixtures used to season meats before they are cooked. Marinades typically contain an oil, an acid (such as vinegar) and various spices and seasonings. A brine is a mixture of salt and water, though it may also contain acids and spices. Brines may be used to submerge foods, or they may be injected directly into the meat. The primary purpose of both marinades and brines is to add flavour to the meat.

Basting sauces: Also known as mops or sops, these are applied to barbecued foods as they cook. The basting sauce may be the same marinade or brine used to season the meat, or a separate preparation. These sauces do not contain sugar, since the sugar tends to brown and burn too soon.

Barbecue sauces: Used in some regions as a finishing sauce or glaze. Some barbecue styles call for the sauce to be served as a condiment, if it is served at all. Ingredients range from the vinegar and seasoning mixtures favoured in the Carolinas to the tomato-based sauces of Kansas and Texas. Mustard-based sauces and mayonnaise-based sauces (known as white barbecue sauce) are also used.


Indirect heat: The fire is maintained in a separate chamber and the heat and smoke are vented into a closed portion of the barbecue. The fire is maintained between 225° and 250°F (107° to 121°C).

Direct heat: The food cooks directly over the coals in a closed barbecue. This style cooks meat at 300° to 350°F (149° to 176°C), and is often used for smaller and more tender cuts that cook more quickly.


10 oz. vegetable oil
5 oz. cider vinegar
1 oz. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. Tabasco sauce
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1/4 oz. garlic, minced

1. Combine all the ingredients.
2. Add the food; refrigerate.
Yield: 1 pint


2 garlic cloves, minced to a paste
10 oz. orange juice concentrate
8 oz. white beef stock
6 oz. ketchup
4 oz. Heinz “57″ sauce
1/2 tsp. celery seeds
4 oz. Worcestershire sauce
6 oz. red onion, minced
2 oz. oil or clarified butter
1/2 tsp. chervil, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat oil or butter in 5-quart saucepot. Add onions and sauté until tender.
2. Add garlic and sauté 1 minute.
3. Add remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
4. Add salt and pepper if necessary.
Yield: 3 cups


1/2 oz. paprika
1/2 oz. chili powder
1/2 oz. salt
2 tsp. cumin, ground
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. ground pepper
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne

1. Combine all spices and mix well.
2. Store in sealed container.
Yield: about 2 ounces

Dry Rub – For That Magic Touch In Your Barbecue

Dry Rub – For That Magic Touch In Your Barbecue

Dry rub is a culmination of a variety of spices that can tickle your taste buds. It is not only used for seasoning your poultry or beef, but also added to invite those unconventional yet delightful flavours to vegetables, salads and casseroles. Moreover, how on earth can one avoid the spiced up sandwiches, thanks to dry rub.

Rubs are either used in their dry form or mixed up with some sort of liquid preferably oil. And if dry rub is mixed with oil it might as well be referred as wet rub or paste. Wet rub or paste for that matter brings that heavenly flavour for grilled or roasted meat. The oil simply helps the spices to stick to the respective meat furthering the roasting process.

A mixture of rubs with mustard and horseradish and the subsequent paste can be used to coat briskets prior to their long slow smoking. No wonder dry rub is an absolute ‘must’ especially in barbecues. If you are arranging for a bar-b-q then make sure that you have rubs because that’s how the cuisine will become more delectable.

If you have tasted dry rub for once, you would no longer cater to chilies or pepper for that matter. It is not only hot but the hottest of all in the tinsel town of hot sauces. There are no boundaries, no limits as regards the usage of rubs. Be it the rub for marinating meat or for fish or other delicate items, you just name it. It may sound unorthodox but the fact of the matter is that rubs mixed with mustard or mayonnaise can make a sandwich doubly sumptuous. Again it goes without saying that they add an extra touch of flavour in salad dressing.

Presumably adding some rub to your sour cream or yogurt would mean a culinary shock but in reality it works wonders. Sprinkling hot rubs on baked potatoes, rice, French fries, popcorn not only makes them tastier but also shows that it doesn’t get any easier than this.

Speaking of rubs, ones that come to mind are Corky’s Dry BBQ Rub and the Jack Daniel’s BBQ Rub. The former sets any bar-b-q perk right up & is ideal for ranch salad dressing. The secret to its taste lies in its ingredients like paprika, salt, spices and garlic. While the latter is both an incredible marinade for pork, beef, chicken, seafood and also an excellent seasoning for vegetables, soups and stews. Surprisingly we find natural hickory smoke flavour, flavouring and Jack Daniel’s Black Label Whiskey amongst the ingredients other than the conventional combination of salt, sugar, spices, paprika, monosodium glutamate, onion powder and garlic powder.

Rubs are the ultimate culinary destination with its magical flavours that can transform ordinary taste to extraordinary. If you wish to pamper your appetite then you must indulge into rubs, it’s just a sprinkle away. So what are you waiting for? Run to your nearest store or login to the online stores to grab your rubs today!