Pet owners prepare to “ruff” it in the event of a hurricane
Abby and Lady, of Atascocita, are well-prepared for the dog days of summer and the threat of potential disaster – speak: hurricane – associated with it. Come what may, Abby and Lady have a paw up on most of their canine friends because their owners, Keisha and James Siebe, prepared emergency kits just for the two of them.
Keisha, who laughingly refers to Abby and Lady as her children, says she starts getting ready for another Ike, Rita or Katrina as early as May every year. And along with filling numerous boxes with emergency provisions for human use or consumption, she also assembles at least two storage bins of canine supplies.
“We have portable fans the dogs can use,” she said. “They have all that fur and would fare better with some cool air if the electricity goes out.”
Then, of course, there are the staples of a dog’s life on the run: leak-proof fold-up bowls for food and water, canned dog food, training pads and baggies to collect dog waste. Also tucked into the tub is a plastic folder containing Abby’s and Lady’s immunization records, spare collars and dog bedding. In case the Siebes have to evacuate, at least there will be no shortage of entertainment for their canine companions: rawhide bones, rope toys and a turkey stuffed animal top the container. And two large dog crates stand at the ready, waiting to take their occupants on an extended road trip to some shelter or family haven farther inland.
Assembling a pet disaster kit doesn’t have to be expensive, Keisha said. The Siebers plan way ahead of time, she said, and take advantage of local sales and newspaper coupons to gather needed items.
In the end, however, she said, planning for a pet’s welfare in the event of an emergency is just part of the commitment to responsible pet ownership. It’s a small price to pay for the years of joy pets bring to their owners.
Meera Nandlal of the Houston SPCA has seen the effects of irresponsible pet ownership too many times and knows just exactly what Keisha is talking about. In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, the Houston SPCA took in well over 600 pets. Even well-meaning pet owners sometimes set their animals up for hard times.
After Ike made landfall in Galveston in September 2008, the Houston SPCA joined other animalrescue groups from across the country and set up a temporary shelter for abandoned and lost pets on the island.
“We have a program called Operation Save-A-Life. A lot of those animals were left behind in their homes by their owners with food and water. There were stories of how the water got into homes and big dogs were found on top of refrigerators or on counters so they wouldn’t drown, because the water got into the homes,” Nandlal
said. “Even though many of the animals had food and water, it was gone because the families were not able to come back and get them because they weren’t allowed onto the island.”
Nandlal said residents in evacuation zones, especially, should make plans for their pets in the event disaster strikes.
“We have to remember that we need to evacuate with our pets. If we’re not going to be able to survive on our own in an area of impending disaster, then your animal is also not going to survive on its own,” she said. “You need to plan for your animal.”
Of the more than 600 lost and abandoned animals during Ike, Nandlal said, the SPCA helped facilitate more than 200 happy reunions with former owners. More than 450 pets were taken into foster homes through Operation Save-A-Life and ultimately adopted by their foster parents. Others were made available for adoption to the public when nobody claimed them after a reasonable time, Nandlal said.
“Your pet is a part of your family, so you should certainly include your pet in your disaster plan,” she said.
Aside from outfitting pets with collars and a tag containing up-to-date contact information to reach the owners, some of the most important items to remember for pets, she said, are a carrier, vaccination records, a 2-week supply of pet food, bottled water, a 1-month supply of your pet’s regular medication, a food and water bowl, cat litter pans (if applicable), and a leash.
“If you stay at shelter you have to clean up after them, and plastic bags for pet waste disposal are important. Also bring sheets to cover up each pet carrier, to reduce stress and keep the animals calm,” Nandlal suggested. “Don’t forget blankets, a non-electric can opener, newspapers, paper towels, and a comb and
Planning ahead, Nandlal said, is crucial: identifying pet-friendly motels along the evacuation route, animal shelters and veterinarians is research that can be done ahead of time. And pets’ shot records, she said, can make or break a family’s acceptance to a shelter.
“All pets need to be current on their shots. If you have to evacuate, and you go to a shelter with old records, your animal may not be accepted because it’s not up to date on shots,” she explained. “Be sure to put vaccination records in a plastic bag and have one taped on top of the pet carrier, and one inside the carrier. What I do, I put one copy under the bedding.”
When sheltering in place, Nandlel suggests housing pets away from windows to avoid shattering glass, and furniture that may easily overturn, such as book shelves. Immediately after a storm, Nandlel says pet owners should check fences for holes and possible escape routes.
For Keisha, the thought of losing Abby or Lady due to a lack of supervision or preparation is just unthinkable.
“Our pets have personalities. They’re smart, they’re funny, they have their own temperament and attitudes. They have their favourite things to do, and things they don’t like to do – just like anyone else. They’re like children,” Keisha said of her “babies”, both of whom were adopted as adult dogs from a Montgomery County animal shelter not quite two years ago. “If you can’t commit to a pet, don’t get it. Don’t get a pet because it’s cute – people outgrow that so quickly. If you get a dog, for example, you have to commit 15 to 17 years – not months, not days – years.”