How and why to build an email list

Even if you’re new to Internet marketing, you’ve heard the same old saying a thousand times. Lists make money. List building is one of the most effective ways to generate online home based business success. It’s a strategy you can’t afford to overlook.

Why it works

Most people won’t open their wallets after seeing a marketing message only once. Repeated exposure is usually necessary to inspire action. The best way to reach someone more than once is by making them a part of your subscriber list.

Additionally, people are more prone to spend their money with people the trust and know. You can use emails to your list to forge a personal connection. That increases your credibility, producing more sales.

How to do it

Internet marketing is a proven winning home based business for women or men when you implement a simple squeeze page. A squeeze page is a landing page designed with a single purpose. It should convince readers to sign up for your list. Anything else is completely extraneous.

In most cases, marketers encourage list opt-ins by offering something of value to the prospective customer in exchange for their contact information. You can use this proven approach to build yourself a serious.

Having a quality inducement won’t automatically make your squeeze page a success, though. It’s also critical to put together a squeeze page in the right manner. We know that specific squeeze page techniques generate optimal results. You should emulate those proven techniques. That will involve closely following three important guidelines.

Squeeze page basics

First, keep your squeeze page free of any links leading to other sites of pages. You want your squeeze page to inspire sign ups, not to provide guests with an avenue to move on to other sites or pages.

Second, you’ll need to write a short, powerful message. You want people to take advantage of your inducement and to become a subscriber, not to complicate the situation. Don’t forget that your squeeze page only has one purpose – to build a list. Every word on the page should serve that function.

Third, you need to treat the sign up process like a sale – you must “close the deal”. As such, your squeeze page’s sign up form should feature a powerful call to action. Make it crystal clear that there’s a real value in becoming a part of your list.


If you’re following those three pieces of advice and are offering a smart “bribe”, you’ll have a successful squeeze page! That will give you the opportunity to develop an effective relationship with prospects. You’ll also have the chance to expose your subscribers to key marketing messages more than once.

You will dramatically improve your business by using these email list building secrets. The fact that so many successful marketers embrace list building isn’t an accident. The money really is in the list!

Email List Building Strategies

You need a list. That’s a given. This is the most important factor in your long-term success. Because you can market to your list whenever you want. It’s like a renewable resource that allows you to make money on demand.

OK, but how?

Here are the three components of list building:

  • The Squeeze Page
  • Your Bribe
  • The Thank You Page

Your Opt-in Page – The landing page is the page that has your opt-in form on it. It’s the page where you ask them for their email address. This page needs to look professional. And have an easy to understand opt-in form. You’ve also got to make a strong “close”.

Failure to include a great “call to action” will result in failure. This “close” tells your visitors what you want them to do. You opt-in rates will take a dramatic nose dive without it. The funny thing is that people just don’t know what to do unless you tell them.

If you want to add some extra juice to your opt-in page add a video to it. Adding video will help keep your visitors attention. Plus it give you a chance to tell them to opt in multiple times. And after the video, you can make it just say “fill in the form now”.

If you don’t know how to make video, don’t worry. Hiring out-sourced help to do it for you only costs $150 – $250. You can also find ready-made list building tools that have everything pre-built for you.

The Incentive – The second component is the reason they are opting into your list. People won’t give you their email for nothing. Email privacy is very important to most people. So make your “bribe” a good one!

The only way to make this work is to provide real value. It has to be something that people actually want. And can benefit from. It could be:

  • An eBook
  • Some useful software
  • Training videos
  • An email training series

You’ve got to create some great content. And make it both helpful and informative. And of course it has to be free. If you make it good enough, they will give you their email in exchange.

If you’re worried about creating this content, don’t be. You can just pay someone else to make it for you. Just give them a topic and they will write the content. One easy and effective bribe is a 5-part email training series. Each email will cost between $20 and $25. So, you’ll get the whole series written for under $150.

There are also list building products that include the follow up email series. Two critical aspects of using a follow up series. First, it must provide value to your subscribers. It also has to generate revenue for you! Mixing some affiliate products into your email series is a great way to do this. This is such a simple solution because you don’t have to create the product. And make money right away from your list.

The Thank You Page – The last bit is the thank you page. This is where your visitor goes after opting into your list. It’s a great idea to give them some valuable information right on the thank you page. That way, they feel glad that they gave you their email address. It also sets the foundation for your relationship with them. So when they get your email, they’re happy to hear from you.

You can use a “done for you” email marketing system. Or you can do it yourself. And do your own writing for this content. Or hire ghost writers to write them for you.

Summing it up

It doesn’t matter if you do all of this yourself. Or if you hire people to do this for you. Or if sign up for a “complete package” solution. The important thing is that you build your own list starting now. Because as soon as you’ve got your own list . . . You’ve got a license to print money!

Getting started with list building

<h2<List building for your blog

If you think about it, list building follows a fairly simple concept: you come up with a list of names and information. Whatever names and information you get, whatever leads you are able to compile, are then given to clients depending on what they are looking for. But while the concept is simple, there should be some effort put towards building your list because you’re not just making any list, you’re making a quality list with quality leads that quality clients will be looking for. Still, just because you’re willing to make the effort does not mean that you will have to slave away as you get more subscribers. You just have to be smart, and find ways that will let you speedily build a list without compromising the quality of the leads you get.

What to consider

There are a lot of places you can go to for list building because there will always be people (your leads) in all corners of the world. However, because you can’t exactly go around going from door to door and asking for names and information, you can instead make the most of what you can do online. The internet reaches far and wide and you shouldn’t have any problem with access. You can stay at home and yet get around to building a list that clients will seek out. Remember, you have a reputation to build and protect so don’t go around tricking people and doing unscrupulous deeds in the process of building a list. Sure, you will have to be smart with your moves but that does not mean you will have to forget playing fair.

Getting help

If you’ve never done list building before, don’t worry. There are a lot of products available that can help you get started on building your very own list. Look for something simple to use. Look for something affordable to use. Look for something that will teach you the real value of building a list.

Click here if you’re interested in getting started with list building quickly and easily.

