The five minute jacket potato: But is it a spud you'll like, or a half-baked idea

Marth Delgado

Last updated at 10:25 PM on 14th January 2012

Is the new five minute potato as tasty?

Is the new five minute potato as tasty?

The five minute jacket potato: But is it a spud you’ll like, or a half-baked idea

It is a simple, delicious dish that two-thirds of UK households eat up to four times a week – and which features in 1.4?million British meals a year.

Yet for some time-pressed modern families, the humble jacket potato has one big drawback – it takes about an hour to bake properly.

Now frozen-food giant McCain may have come up with a solution – the ‘Ready Baked Jacket’. It is a baked spud that needs to be microwaved for just five minutes but is said to taste as good as the traditional oven-cooked variety.

The product will be in the shops from tomorrow and has cost McCain – which launched the frozen chip more than
30 years ago – £6 million to develop.

The Ready Baked Jacket is bought part-baked and drizzled in sunflower oil and it is these two elements that give it the texture of a traditional ‘spud in the oven’, according to the firm.

McCain spokesman Mark Hodge said: ‘This is our most significant launch in years. It will revolutionise jacket-potato eating in the UK.’

Industry analysts were also optimistic. Richard Buchanan of branding agency The Clearing said: ‘This is the company that reinvented the frozen-chip category. If anyone can do the same for jackets, it’s McCain.’

Most jacket potatoes are cooked in the
oven for an hour, according to  surveys. But that  is too slow for British households, which expect a meal to be ready in just 20 minutes on average.

The McCain jackets will certainly save time and can be heated in minutes

The McCain jackets will certainly save time and can be heated in minutes

One alternative is to microwave the potato from raw – but that fails to deliver the crunchy skin and fluffy inside that British taste demands.

The solution, according to McCain, is the Ready Baked Jacket, which will cost £1.49 for a pack of two.

McCain has solid reason to believe the public will take to the product. When its oven chips appeared in 1979, many shoppers were horrified. But research shows that an estimated  30 per cent of British households now eat chips cooked this way.


By Tom Parker-Bowles

The marriage between microwave and baked potato has never been a happy one.

Any notion of quick convenience is rendered utterly irrelevant by the final result – a wan, listless lump of dreary carbohydrate.
It might be cooked through but the skin is a disgrace – damp,  limp and anaemic. And without  that all-important skin, gloriously burnished and with a texture somewhere between the crisp and the chewy, you may as well give up. 

Old-fashioned radiant heat is what you’re after to create the wonderful contrast between  fluffy, cloud-like centre and the aforementioned perfect skin.

The classic oven-baked potato won but Tom Parker-Bowles praised the new McCain variation and said it was perfect if you had little time

The classic oven-baked potato won but Tom Parker-Bowles praised the new McCain variation and said it was perfect if you had little time

So news of the McCain ‘Ready Baked Jacket’, ‘ready to eat in minutes’ hardly had me leaping for joy. Are people really so time-starved that they cannot twiddle the oven knob to 220C, bung in a potato and leave it for an hour or so? But using my wife Sara – a lady whose youth was sprinkled with visits to Spudulike – as guinea pig, I prepared a normal Maris Piper potato in the microwave, another in the oven and, finally, a McCain ‘Ready Baked’, which took under five minutes.

Appearance first – the microwaved standard potato looked as wretched as ever. But the McCain looked very good indeed. So much so that Sara couldn’t tell the difference from the normal oven potato.

‘Both textbook bakers,’ she said. ‘Thick, browned, wrinkled skin, with a few patches of char.’ A dead heat, then, and time for the tasting.

The conventional microwaved potato lacked a decent cooked skin, although the inside was soft. But it was a distant third place.

After a few minutes’ munching between the other two, Sara chose the victor – the classic, oven-baked potato. ‘But it was close,’ she said. ‘Both taste pretty good but the oven-baked had the edge with the skin. It had more chew and heft, and that wonderful papery, brittle surface. I’m impressed by the McCain, though. I’ve eaten far, far worse.’ High praise.

And she was right. The McCain was very respectable indeed.
The skin was a touch softer and saggier and it didn’t have that charred depth you get when a baked potato is hauled fresh from the oven.

But compared with the vast majority of second-rate baked spuds that infect the High Street, this was a winner.

And if you’re stuck at home or work, with minutes to spare and only a microwave to hand, they’re  a godsend. As convenience foods go, the ‘Ready Baked’ spuds are up there with the best. But if you can spare the time needed to put a potato into the oven and wait for  it to cook .??.??. well, the old ways are sometimes the best.


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