Great Gluten Free Grilling

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Great Gluten Free Grilling

Cookouts, picnics and barbecues mean sharing food and good fun with family and friends. For those living gluten free, whether due to dietary restrictions or personal choice, these gatherings can cause added stress, as finding foods they can eat may prove difficult. Likewise, gluten free eaters may worry they’ll be
perceived as picky or difficult.

But with today’s great tasting gluten free options, such as cookies and brownies, hotdog and hamburger buns, and even pizza crusts, gluten free individuals can now join in the hot-off-the-grill goodness.

Gluten free breads, including hamburger and hotdog buns, have come a long way over the past few years. In fact, makers like Udi’s Gluten Free Foods are leading the way in making gluten free products that taste just as good, if not better, than their gluten-filled counterparts. That means whether you’re noshing on a hamburger or a hotdog, you’ll have the freedom to choose a delicious gluten free bun to wrap around your favorite cookout fare.

Hosting your own backyard barbeque? Here are some simple tips to make gluten free grilling deliciously easy and safe for all your guests:

Always check the labels. Gluten shows up in some surprising places, including marinades, condiments and even some processed meats.
Many grilling side dishes are naturally gluten-free, so set out plenty of potato salad, grilled vegetables, corn on the cob, melon and otherfruits, and baked beans.
Grill any gluten free foods first – that way you’ll avoid the possibility of cross-contamination with foods that do contain gluten.
You can also grill individual meals inside foil or parchment packets and prevent cross-contamination that way, too.
If you’re going to someone else’s party, bring your own crackers and snacks, and even your own gluten free buns.

And, try this recipe for Spicy Slaw Dogs which is completely gluten free, from the hot dogs and condiments to the tangy slaw and tender buns. You can find more great gluten free recipes for grilling and anytime at .

Spicy Gluten Free Slaw Dogs
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

1 pack Udi’s Gluten Free Hot Dog Buns
2 tablespoons butter, softened
2 tablespoons stone ground mustard, (gluten free)
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon soy sauce, (gluten free)
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
6 cups finely shredded green cabbage, (about 1/2 head)
3 fresh red or jalapeno chiles, (seeded and thinly sliced)
Salt to taste

Gluten free hot dogs

To prepare hot dog buns: Mix together butter and mustard; spread on buns. Lightly toast buns on grill.

To prepare hot dogs: Mix together ketchup, soy sauce, vegetable oil and garlic in a small bowl. Cut cross-hatches in hot dogs. Pour mixture onto a plate and roll hot dogs in it. Grill to desired doneness.

To prepare slaw: In large bowl, stir honey with sherry vinegar until honey is dissolved. Add shredded cabbage and chiles; season with salt and toss. Let stand until cabbage is slightly softened, tossing a few times, about 15 minutes.

Place grilled hot dog in hot dog bun and top with slaw.

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Nu-Way vs. Varsity Hot Dog!

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Nu-Way vs. Varsity Hot Dog!

Have y’all been keeping up with what’s going on at the movies lately? One of the biggest surprises over the past couple of years has been the success of the film, “Freddy vs. Jason.” It was the top box office grossing film for two straight weeks, and has taken in close to ninety million dollars. This success has really taken critics by surprise, but, if you really think about it, it probably shouldn’t have. Freddy and Jason are the Frankenstein monster and Wolfman of this era, and everyone loves seeing two legendary horror characters battle it out to see who the baddest of the bad really is.

Now, with that concept firmly in our minds, we need to think about other whispered and oft talked about match-ups. Match-ups that fire the imagination, and get people’s tongues a-waggin’ about who might be the best hot dog in this or that situation. So, for all of us who hail from Georgia, and for all of us who have ever whispered or talked about this, we are now gonna discuss one of the most hotly debated questions of all time. A question all true Georgians need an answer for, and a question that we’re gonna resolve right here. The question I‘m referring to is this – Which place has the best hot dog, Nu-Way Weiners or The Varsity?

Yeah, y’all heard me right, Nu-Way vs. The Varsity. If you come from Georgia, you can go ahead and skip on to the next paragraph. In case you’re a newcomer, the two best known hot dog establishments in our state are Nu-Way Weiners and The Varsity. Nu-Way hails from central Georgia, getting its start in Macon back in 1916, and is still going strong today with a number of mid-state locations. I’m also proud to say that I’m good friends with Spyros Dermatus, the President of Nu-Way Weiners. The only thing is, Spyros hasn’t slipped me any free Nu-Ways lately, so I’m more inclined to be somewhat objective in our upcoming contest. As for The Varsity, it’s been going strong in downtown Atlanta since 1928, and it’s also in one other location, which I will not mention here for personal moral reasons. Their hot dogs have been eaten by people all over the world, and, just to give you an idea of the scope of their operation, on the day of a big Georgia Tech vs. somebody game they can serve as many as 50,000 hot dogs. So, what we’re talking about here are the two heavyweights of Georgia hot dog the two undisputed champs. And, with those facts now firmly in place, it’s now time to decide which one of them is really the best.

To properly evaluate them, we’re going to examine the following three factors:

Bill & Sheila’s Barbecue – hot dog

Who has the best chili dog?
Who has the best slaw dog?
Whose fries are the best?

These are the true standards any proven hot dog gourmet would go by. And here’s how they shake out:

Best chili dog – This is close, but Nu-Way has to get the nod. The Nu-Way chili dog is a work of art, Grecian chili, onions, mustard, and that great red hot dog. The Varsity’s version is real close – great chili, mustard, and a good dog as well. The one intangible that gives Nu-Way a real edge is that you order their chili dog “all the way.” Since the concept of “all the way” raises wonderful sexual connotations in my mind, I have to firmly give Nu-Way the nod on their offering.

Best slaw dog – This is really close, as I love both establishment’s offerings, but I’ve gotta go with The Varsity’s slaw dog. Their slaw is outstanding, and it sort of blends into the flavour of the wiener, if that makes any sense. They also stack it in such a way that it hardly ever falls off the bun while you’re eating it, which is a real plus. Nu-Way has no reason not to hold its head up high, though. The New York Times, in a recent article, stated that Nu-Way had the best slaw dog in the entire USA! You can’t beat that with a stick, can you?

Best fries – A statistical dead heat. I could total up the merits of either establishment’s offerings. Nu-Way’s are hotter, crispier, and longer. The Varsity’s are greasier and have a touch more flavour. So, this is a dead heat, any way you look at it.

Now, as we look at our overall results, we can see that…. what? Y’all think the results are inconclusive, and that this column has resolved nothing? Hmmmmmm, I sure do hate to hear that. I really, really do. I guess the only thing to do now is to start working on this column’s sequel…..
author:Ed Williams

An Eight Hot Dog Nirvana..

An Eight Hot Dog Nirvana…

One of the most enjoyable things about our culture is our fascination with records. Just about everyone can tell you that Henry Aaron hit 755 home runs, or that Wilt Chamberlain once scored 100 points in a pro basketball game. We all love records, but sometimes the fascination with them can be carried to extremes.

This is where I need to fess up. I love following record setting performances, and because of that I’ve developed a few personal records of my own. Most of them are pretty tame. As an example, when I’m working on a book, I try to write at least one page per day. If I do that, I can knock out a book, first draft and initial edits, in less than a year. Another record I work at is how much I bench press. Currently, I’m at 260 pounds, but my goal is 300. I don’t know why that’s important to me, but it is.

Now remember when I said that most of my personal records are nothing out of the ordinary? Well, that‘s true, but I do have one slightly crazy one to confess to y‘all. One that I’ve never admitted to anyone, not even to Ray, Hugh, or Ed Jr. And what I’m talking about here is that I enjoy keeping track of the number of hot dogs I’ve eaten at any one sitting.

That’s right, the number of hot dogs I’ve eaten at any one sitting. I love hot dogs, and we’re blessed in Georgia to have two of the finest hot dog establishments in the world – Nu-Way Weiners, my all-time favourite, and The Varsity. My record up until recently was seven, which I achieved a couple of years ago at the Northside Drive Nu-Way. I made the mistake of eating them late in the evening, which caused me to personally declare citizenship in the bathroom for the rest of the night. That’s history now, though. Folks, I’m proud to announce that I’ve just set a new hot dog eating record – I consumed eight over at The Varsity in Atlanta! Eight!

I know that’s an awesome achievement, and some of you may be wondering just how I did it. Well, I was in Atlanta recently for some book related stuff, and decided to stop by The Varsity for lunch. I ordered a large frosty orange and four chili dogs. After I received my order, I went over, sat down, and proceeded to wolf down those four hot dogs.

I noticed I was still hungry afterwards. Hungry enough, in fact, to do some serious thinking about eating more. I figured two would do it, so I got up and ordered them. Well, I wolfed those two down, and was still slightly hungry! I sensed at that point that I might have a shot at the record, so, I got up, strolled back over to the counter, and ordered two more chili dogs. The Varsity employee taking my order said, “Man, are you eatin’ all those hot dogs by yourself?” I replied that I was, and he laughed and called the manager over. When she arrived and found out what was going on she smiled and gave me those two hot dogs for free. I thanked her, went back over, and sat down.

I’m not going to tell y’all it was easy – the seventh dog went down smooth, but I was pretty full afterwards. However, some of the great performances of our time have occurred when someone was under the gun and had to perform. I thought about how seldom it was that I would ever get so hungry. And I thought about Ed Jr., who’s told me all my life that a man has to be able to do four things well in order to survive (and eating happens to be one of them). Armed with that kind of inspiration, I stuffed down the eighth dog, and achieved personal immortality!

I’m guessing a few of you out there are chuckling and thinking, “I’ll bet he was sicker than a dog (pun intended) after eating those eight hot dogs.” Well, y’all would be dead wrong. I felt like a million bucks the rest of the day, and slept like a dead man that night. The next day I was full of urine and vinegar, and please don‘t ask me for more details. Just suffice it to say that I was at my personal best, and I believe it was on account of those hot dogs. Spinach works for Popeye, hot dogs work for me. Just da facts.

Sorry to be so abrupt, but I’ve gotta run. It‘s just Will and I here, and I promised him I’d take him out to lunch. And guess where we’re headed…

author:Ed Williams

Bill & Sheila’s Barbecue