HCG MAX Diet Plan Launches HCG Diet Plan.com for HCG Dieters

HCG MAX Diet Plan Launches HCG Diet Plan.com for HCG Dieters

HCG MAX Diet Plan launches HCGDietPlan.com, a unique, one of a kind, comprehensive internet-based resource for HCG Diet products, education and live on-line HCG Diet coaching. HCG Dieters now have 24/7 access to shopping and health education, along with nationwide HCG Diet support through its network of Health Care Professionals and Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches.

St. Petersburg, Florida (PRWEB) November 30, 2011

HCG MAX Diet Plan launches HCGDietPlan.com, a unique and comprehensive internet-based resource for HCG Diet products, including oil free lotions and other oil free HCG Diet body products and detoxification programs, as well as natural health education and live on-line coaching through the HCG Diet Plan website and its network of Health Care Professionals and Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches. HCG Dieters now have 24/7 access to shopping, education and HCG Diet support. After more than a year of development, the launching of HCGDietPlan.com also integrates the 4-Phase HCG Max Diet Plan, a state-of-the-art Virtual Clinic, a comprehensive natural health Education Center and a Facebook-like HCG Diet Members-only wellness Forum.

The HCG Diet Plan’s Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches are Health Care Professionals from all walks of the industry and receive extensive education from the HCG Diet Expert™ and Naturopath, Beth Golden, PhD, ND. Not only do they receive training about the HCG Diet and how to handle tough cases, but also education about natural health and nutrition as well. The main goal for the Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches participating in the HCG Diet Plan and Virtual Clinic Program is to support the website’s HCG Dieters with this knowledge for greater long term weight loss success and better overall health.

In addition to the website being connected to Health Care Professionals, another key feature of the new HCG Diet Plan website is the integration of the state-of-the-art Health and Wellness Virtual Clinic Program. It is designed to connect HCG Dieters with expertly trained Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches and to provide personal assistance with the Dieter’s health and wellness well beyond the HCG Diet and regardless of the distance. Another unique aspect of the HCG Diet Plan website is the Members-Only Forum that allows HCG Dieters to create their own on-line HCG Dieter profile and to interactively communicate with Certified HCG Weight Loss Coaches, other HCG Dieters and natural health enthusiasts. They can also upload their weight loss progress and success pictures to chronicle their HCG Max Diet Plan journey and post updates to Facebook.

Additional plans for the HCG Diet Plan website over the next 12 to 18 months are to further expand the Education Resource Center and the Virtual Clinic Program, as well as offer on-line natural health care courses covering subjects such as detoxification, adrenal fatigue, anti-aging and skin care tips, nutrition and good eating habits, raising healthy children and more.

For more information on the HCG MAX Diet Plan, visit the new website HCGDietPlan.com.

About Beth Golden, PhD, ND

Beth Golden, PhD, ND, with her clinically-formulated HCG Diet Programs, is the leader in Research, Formulation and Manufacturing of HCG Diet Products, offering state-of-the-art HCG Diet training materials, tools, continuing education and HCG Diet Coach support that lead to real-world success. Beth’s HCG Diet Formulas, HCG Diet Training Certification Program and HCG Diet Business Building System were developed from clinical trials in over 80 locations throughout the US and Canada since 2007. She is the developer of the Professional Internet Partnership Program (PIPP) and the founder and Advisory Board Member of the HCG Diet Council. She is also credited with the formulation of the HCG Diet’s only clinically formulated oil-free, paraben free skin care line, HCG Diet Skincare by Golden Essence and serves as a Manufacturer’s Consultant for HCG Diet formulations.

About HCG MAX Diet Plan

The HCG Max Diet Plan is a comprehensive 4-Phase HCG Diet protocol inclusive of detoxification, HCG MAX 21 ingredient homeopathic hCG oral spray, diet, life style changes and an entire line of clinically-formulated HCG Diet support products for before, during and after the HCG Diet. This plan is only available through the HCG Diet Plan Website, Doctors and other Health Care Professionals.


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EZ Wellness LLC Announces 800 Calorie HCG Diet Plan

EZ Wellness LLC Announces 800 Calorie HCG Diet Plan

An 800 calorie HCG diet plan can be the perfect solution for many people who want to do the HCG diet but are leery of the traditional HCG protocol. The results of the original HCG diet, which calls for 500 calories per day, can now be accomplished with an 800 calorie HCG diet plan.

Lindon, UT (PRWEB) November 22, 2011

The original HCG diet developed by Dr. Simeons calls for a 500 calorie per day diet. While this diet has been proven to provide rapid weight loss, some people are unable to meet the calorie intake requirements due to their circumstances. An 800 calorie HCG diet plan is just what the doctor ordered for people who want to do the HCG diet but need more calories for a variety of reasons:

-Vegetarians, as they can add vegetable proteins under a higher calorie protocol.

-People who work in physical demanding, such as construction or nursing.

-Those with medical conditions whose doctors won’t allow them to do 500 calories per day.

If you would have a difficult time with the 500 calorie diet, or simply prefer the 800 calorie HCG diet, below are some tips on how to increase the calories while still rapidly losing weight:

1. An easy way to get additional calories is adding breakfast to the protocol. Simply add a 300 calorie breakfast from foods from the approved foods list. See hcgezdrops.com for a copy of this list.

2. Add low fat meal replacement shakes to the original guidelines. The trick is to find one with good quality proteins without sugars or artificial sweeteners. Most meal replacement shakes and powders are low quality so make sure and read the label to ensure the quality of the product and that it is “HCG friendly.”

3. Simply increase the serving size of each portion. This is an easy way to do it, but remember to not eat breakfast.

4. Add a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. The original protocol didn’t call for this, but since the 1950’s we’ve learned a thing or two about supplements that Dr. Simeons didn’t know at the time. Ensuring a good vitamin and mineral intake, while on a low-calorie diet, is critical.

5. Keeping the original protocol, while adding two 150 calorie protein shakes during the day, will allow you to create your own 800 calorie protocol. Focus on low fat, high quality proteins. If you use milk, make sure it’s skim, and that the protein powder is of the highest possible quality with no artificial sweeteners.

These tips should help you be successful on the HCG diet while taking additional calories, making the diet easier and much more comfortable.


Dave Sherwin
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Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss

A recent survey of the largest HCG diet doctors in the USA shows Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss as the lowest priced HCG diet in America! Diet Doc Weight Loss combines the latest clinical and nutritional science into a master program that will work for anyone who follows the Diet Doc HCG Diet.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) November 14, 2011

Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss conducted a survey of the larger HCG doctor clinics across the USA and found that the Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss is lower in price, yet offers more services and products in an all-inclusive program that is capable of shaving 1 pound of weight loss per day.

Many doctors are getting into the diet business by offering the original 1950′s Dr. Simeons HCG diet which promises dieters they will lose 1 pound per day if they consume 500 calories per day while taking injections of human chorionic gonadotropin(hcg), a human hormone made by chorionic cells in the fetal part of the placenta during pregnancy reports Julie Wright, president of HCG Weight Loss.

Diet Doc is the only modern-day version of the original 50 year old Dr. Simeons HCG Diet protocol that all other doctors are using. The reason doctors are using a 50 year old HCG diet, verses modernizing as Diet Doc did a few years ago, is true weight loss doctors require additional training in weight loss. The doctor must understand how each person’s medical condition, daily food intake, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences all play into weight loss. Many doctors simply do not have time for this additional training, nor do they have time to manage each person’s weight loss the way it needs to be done to get the weight off people, fast and safe. This is where Diet Doc leads the weight loss pack as we train doctors across the USA on our HCG diet as it’s the only HCG diet which is Dr. Oz approved. Diet Doc does not support a 500 calorie per day diet as all other doctors are offering. We have seen people lose hair, muscle (which leads to saggy skin), as well as experience extreme hunger and fatigue reports Wright.

Diet Doc offers the modern day version of a 50 year old HCG diet and developed 4 other diet programs rolled into one that then personalizes the diet for every person to achieve an average of 1 pound of weight loss per day. Unsure which diet works best, with various fad diets, such as the Cave Man Diet, Gerson Diet, Diet of Worms, Kourtney Kardashian Diet, Fat Joe Diet, Jonah Hill Diet, Reboot Diet, Esselstyn Diet, JWOWW Weight Loss Diet, Carrie Fisher Diet, the list goes on and on… None of these diets listed are doctor supervised and none listed have medical research to support it.

The problem with offering 500 calories per day is this is literal starvation. We frequently have people coming to us on the 500 calories with hair loss, extreme fatigue and hunger reports Wright. Diet Doc does not support a 500 calorie per day diet, but modernized a 1950 HCG diet into one that is safe, and that rolls 4 medically, supervised weight loss programs into one overall program that is then further personalized for each person taking into consideration their health history, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences reports Dr. Rao, medical director of Diet Doc.

Diet Doc offers one month of HCG medication, one month of weight loss shakes, one month of weight loss cooking/salad dressing oil that is clinically proven to help dieters start burning fat within 30 minutes of consuming, along with the Diet Doc workbook outlining the modern-day version of the Diet Doc HCG diet and a cookbook, plus unlimited nurse, doctor and weight loss consultant support 6 days per week is only $240 reports Wright. Most insurance companies reimburse for the majority of our Diet Doc program reports Wright, but each dieter is encouraged to verify with their health insurance company reports Wright.

Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss is passionate about helping people reduce their weight to avoid certain diseases and health conditions associated with being overweight. Diet Doc wants to keep their comprehensive, medically, supervised weight loss program affordable to many people, not just a select few. We often hear people comment that our pricing model is half of what other doctors are charging reports Wright. This is because our mission is to help people lose weight, train them on what specific foods will cause a weight loss reaction in their body. This is how they keep the weight off long term reports Wright. If we can do our best with each person, then we have gained the trust of many. This is how we make up for charging much lower than others states Wright.

Diet Doc provides medically, supervised patient care to people across the USA.We provide a collaborative approach to dieting, which is labor intensive, but effective reports Wright. We work with a team of physicians who are passionate about reducing obesity which is often the cause for many diseases and illnesses reports Wright.

*These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required.

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Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Uncovers Mystery On HCG Drops, Including Walmart HCG Drops

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Uncovers Mystery On HCG Drops, Including Walmart HCG Drops

Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss uncovers the mystery on whether HCG drops have HCG inside or are effective for weight loss. HCG drops only contain 0.001% HCG.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 04, 2011

Diet Doc uncovers the mystery behind HCG drops for weight loss. HCG drops are neither true homeopathic remedies, nor do they contain HCG per USA Today.

According to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, “we are aware of HCG products that claim to be homeopathic, but hcg drops are not recognized in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.” Therefore, this product could not be recognized by the FDA as a homeopathic drug, so hcg drops are an unapproved drug according to the FDA as they do not have HCG inside!

Many people are buying HCG drops thinking there is actual HCG inside. They buy, reduce their caloric intake to a dangerous 500 calories per day, experience extreme hunger and fatigue and drop out. Why the hype surrounding HCG drops? It’s primarily the marketing.

USA Today on 1/23/11 published a story that hcg drops products that promise dramatic results and claim to be homeopathic are sold as drops, pellets and sprays on the Web, in drugstores and at General Nutrition Centers. They are supposed to be used in combination with a very low-calorie diet of 500 calories a day.

HCG drops sold in stores is not a true homeopathic remedy. In order for a remedy to be true homeopathic, the medication must follow homeopathy guidelines and when B12 or amino acid is included in HCG drops, it no longer qualifies as being called homeopathic. Homeopathy practitioners say that the quantity of HCG inside the HCG drops is the equivalent to one drop of HCG inside a full, large bathtub. When HCG drops say they are 24x the strength, this is like one dose of HCG inside the Pacific Ocean!

USA Today goes on to say that “one of the issues is the homeopathic label. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine practice of using very small or diluted preparations of medicines or remedies to treat a condition. Miller says, “We are aware of HCG products that claim to be homeopathic, but it is not recognized in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.” Therefore, these products “are not recognized by the FDA as homeopathic drugs, so they are unapproved drugs and are illegal,”

HCG drops do not have HCG inside! This is a fact.

Wikipedia: Depending on the dilution, homeopathic remedies does not contain any pharmacologically active molecules, and for such remedies to have pharmacological effect would violate fundamental principles of science.

Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss is the only modern-day, medically, supervised weight loss program which modernized the outdated 1950 Dr. Simeons and Kevin Trudeau HCG diet. Diet Doc HCG offers the real deal! The real HCG requires a doctor’s prescription and cannot be bought in stores or online without speaking to a USA licensed doctor. Prescription HCG is 100% HCG. The FDA prohibits anyone from promoting or discussing the benefits of a prescription drug unless an approved clinical trial is completed. Clinical trials are over $500,000 to complete, which puts many doctors offering HCG out of the price range to complete.

Diet Doc wants the public to be informed on the choices they are making. Weight loss is a complex medical condition that requires a weight loss doctor with specialized training to review each person’s health conditions, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences. Based on those findings, the Diet Doc doctor puts together a personalized diet specific to that person and utilizes prescription HCG. The result is abnormal fat loss at a rapid pace (typically, 1 pound per day) while avoiding the side effects of a 500 calorie per day diet (hair loss, extreme hunger and fatigue).

Diet Doc is so sure about their weight loss program; they offer a guarantee to anyone wishing to lose weight under a doctor’s supervision.

# # #

Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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HCG Diet Skincare Launches HCG Diet Approved Oil Free Massage Oil for Massage Therapists

HCG Diet Skincare Launches HCG Diet Approved Oil Free Massage Oil for Massage Therapists

HCG Diet Skincare by Golden Essence®, the only complete oil-free HCG Diet-approved skin care line launches its exclusive Oil Free Massage Oil in professional quantities for Massage Therapists. For use before, during and after the HCG Diet, the professional-size Oil Free Massage Oil allows Massage Therapists the unique opportunity to promote massages directly to HCG Dieters. Additionally, Massage Therapists can now also participate in the HCG Diet themselves without compromising their results.

St. Petersburg, Florida (PRWEB) October 27, 2011

HCG Diet Skincare by Golden Essence® now offers its exclusive Oil Free Massage Oil to Massage Therapists in a professional 32-oz size. Adding to its extensive line of oil-free HCG Diet-approved skin care products, the Oil Free Massage Oil has quickly become the Company’s #1 selling product. The HCG Diet Skincare product line, for use before, during and after the HCG Diet, includes Oil Free Shampoo, Oil Free Conditioner, Oil Free Body Wash, Oil Free Body Lotion, Oil Free Anti-Aging Face Moisturizers and a 5 oz Oil Free Massage Oil. As with all of HCG Diet Skincare’s products, the Oil Free Massage Oil contains no absorbable oils and is 100% HCG Diet safe.

“The Oil Free Massage Oil has proven to be a fantastic addition to our collection of oil free skin care products. We can now meet Therapists’ demands to offer the same high-quality, oil free product to Massage Therapists that allows them to both participate in the HCG Diet and offer oil free massages to HCG dieters,” says marketing specialist Paige Harper.

The addition of the professional-size Oil Free Massage Oil to the HCG Diet Skincare line broadens the reach of the HCG Diet and further enhances the total-body transformation that is possible with the HCG Diet. Massage is known to help detoxify the body, which is an important element of the HCG Diet. And, before now, the giving and receiving of massages had to be avoided because massage products contain absorbable oils that interfere with results. Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, developer of the HCG Diet, was eager to stress the importance of avoiding absorbable oils in his publication “Pounds and Inches”: “We find that persons who habitually handle organic fats, such as workers in beauty parlors, masseurs, butchers, etc. never show what we consider a satisfactory loss of weight unless they can avoid fat coming into contact with their skin.” It was based on this principle that the entire HCG Diet Oil Free Skincare line was developed. It is important for HCG Dieters, women and men alike, to realize the negative impact absorbable oils can have on their weight loss when participating in the HCG Diet.

In addition to offering oil free skin care products, Golden Essence Skincare has been an avid supporter and member of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics since 2009. Following the Campaign’s principals and Breast Cancer Awareness Month ideals, the entire HCG Diet Skincare line is free from toxic paraben preservatives and synthetic fragrances, both of which have been linked to breast cancer. Golden Essence feels it is important for consumers to read and understand the Skincare Act of 2011 (H.R. 2359) and read product labels, not only for the purposes of the HCG Diet but for long-term, overall health, as well. This is especially true for products claiming to be organic, natural, botanical, etc. or products known for “pink-washing” (use of the pink ribbon symbol or pink color), as they mislead the public. Many products still contain harmful parabens and other toxic chemicals that should be avoided. Formulator Beth Golden, PhD, ND emphasizes that “When using Golden Essence HCG Diet Skincare, you can rest assured that each of the skin care products has been carefully formulated and crafted with the highest quality ingredients and natural anti-oxidants available on the market today which offers the HCG Dieter products that are actually good for your skin!”

The HCG Diet Skincare product line can be used by men and women, before, during and after the HCG Diet and all products in the line are safe enough for use on children.

The Oil Free Massage Oil may be purchased by Massage Therapists in single 32-ounce bottles or in quantities of 3 for even better savings and, for a limited time, qualifies for free shipping. The Massage Oil is also offered in a 5-ounce retail size either individually or as part of the Massage Collection. The entire HCG Diet Skincare line by Golden Essence is available for purchase online at HCGDietSkincare.com and in Medical clinics, Medi-spas, specialty salons, massage establishments, massage schools, retail specialty locations, health food stores and Chiropractors’ offices offering the HCG Diet throughout the US, Canada, Trinidad and Puerto Rico. HCG Diet Skincare also offers an affiliate program and other online sales programs for those in the HCG Diet industry or for individuals looking to supplement their income through the well-known HCG Diet.

Golden Essence’s mission is to provide “Skincare from Nature”.

About the Formulator

Beth Golden, PhD, ND, the HCG Diet Expert™, is the Leader in Research, Education, Formulations, and Manufacturing of HCG Diet Products and is nationally recognized for the success of her many HCG Diet Formulas since 2007. Her passion to help HCG Dieters with effective, safe and natural products led to the development of the HCG Diet approved skin care line, Golden Essence®, in 2009. She is also the founder of and the educator for the HCG Diet Council.

For more information about Golden Essence®, the complete HCG Diet Oil Free Skincare line or affiliate program, visit HCGDietSkincare.com. For more information on opening a wholesale account, complete the on-site Wholesale Inquiry Form or call (727) 392-8702 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST.


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HCG MAX Diet Plan Launches HCGDietPlan.com for Its Certified HCG Diet Coaches

HCG MAX Diet Plan Launches HCGDietPlan.com for Its Certified HCG Diet Coaches

HCG MAX Diet Plan launches HCGDietPlan.com, an internet-based source for HCG diet products, education and coaching support. HCG MAX Diet Certified Coaches can now integrate the new website into their HCG Diet business to provide their HCG Dieters with access 24/7 to shopping, education and support.

St. Petersburg, Florida (PRWEB) October 31, 2011

HCG MAX Diet Plan launches HCGDietPlan.com, an internet-based source for HCG diet products, education and coaching support. HCG MAX Diet Certified Coaches can now integrate the new website into their HCG Diet business to provide their HCG Dieters with access 24/7 to shopping, education and support.

After more than a year in the development phase, the launching of HCGDietPlan.com also integrates a state-of-the-art contact management system, a comprehensive education center, a Facebook-like HCG Diet Forum for each Certified HCG Diet Coach to connect and interact with his group of HCG Dieters. The website also offers a unique and sophisticated shopping experience, all of which have been specifically designed and implemented to support HCG MAX Diet Plan’s Professional Internet Partnership Program (PIPP).

Participation in the Professional Internet Partnership Program additionally allows Doctors and other Health Care Professionals to create their own on-line HCG Dieter Group in the website’s Members-Only Forum and to create a personalized, professional profile for promotion of his / her Health Care Clinic, along with the professional recognition as a Certified HCG Diet Coach. These on-line groups allow HCG Dieters to interactively communicate with their chosen HCG Diet Professional Coaches and other HCG Dieters, as well as upload progress and success pictures to chronicle their journey and post their updates to Facebook.

Along with the launch of the HCG Diet Plan website is a multi-faceted Virtual Clinic designed to connect HCG Diet Coaches with HCG Dieters, regardless of the distance. As more and more Doctors join PIPP and learn about the extraordinary planned success of the Program and the benefits they will receive, the HCG Max Diet Plan anticipates its growth and success to far exceed its original expectations.

After speaking with Dr. Edward Sigh about the benefits of the HCG Diet Plan website Professional Internet Partnership Program for its Certified HCG Diet Coaches, his initial reaction was that “The HCG Diet Plan website is light years ahead of any web-based program I have ever seen for Doctors and will most definitely change the way we can now do business!”

The launching of the new HCGDietPlan.com website and the participation of Certified HCG Diet Coaches in the Professional Internet Partnership Program will provided the Coaches with:

  •     An innovative web-based Direct-to-Professional referral program;

  •     Commissioned website sales from new and existing clients;
  •     Up to 75% increase in HCG Diet clients;
  •     Reduction in lost HCG Diet business;
  •     Streamlined HCG Dieter education and an on-line support center;
  •     On-line live coaching events presented by Beth Golden, the HCG Diet Expert™; and
  •     An increase in long-term client retention.

For more information on the HCG MAX Diet Plan, visit the new website HCGDietPlan.com. For information on how to become a Certified HCG Weight Loss Coach, the Professional Internet Partnership Program (PIPP), or details about upcoming HCG Diet Coach Trainings and Certifications, visit HCGMax.com or call (727) 399-0800 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST.

About HCG MAX Diet Plan and the Professional Internet Partnership Program (PIPP)

The HCG Max Diet Plan is a comprehensive HCG Diet protocol inclusive of HCG MAX homeopathic hCG oral spray and an entire line of clinically-formulated HCG Diet support products for before, during and after the HCG Diet only available through Doctors and other Health Care Professionals. The HCG Max Diet Plan Licensure Program is a complete turn-key HCG Diet training package designed to provide the proper education to successfully operate an HCG Diet Business. In addition, Licensees may also participate in the newly created Professional Internet Partnership Program] (PIPP). PIPP is a website based education and resource system for both Professionals and HCG Dieters. The PIPP system is designed to provide accurate and authoritative HCG Diet information, live broadcast coaching support and other services to their HCG Dieters, while also providing a Members-Only HCG Diet forum with social networking capabilities similar to Facebook and Twitter.

About Beth Golden, PhD, ND

Beth Golden, PhD, ND, with her clinically-formulated HCG Diet Programs, is the leader in Research, Formulation and Manufacturing of HCG Diet Products, offering state-of-the-art HCG Diet training materials, tools, continuing education and HCG Diet Coach support that lead to real-world success. She is the developer of the Professional Internet Partnership Program (PIPP) and the founder of the HCG Diet Council. She is also credited with formulation of the HCG Diet’s only oil-free skin care line, HCG Diet Skincare by Golden Essence.


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Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss

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Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss

A recent survey of the largest HCG diet doctors in the USA shows Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss as the lowest priced HCG diet in America! Diet Doc Weight Loss combines the latest clinical and nutritional science into a master program that will work for anyone who follows the Diet Doc HCG Diet.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) October 24, 2011

Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss conducted a survey of the larger HCG doctor clinics across the USA and found that the Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss is lower in price, yet offers more services and products in an all-inclusive program that is capable of shaving 1 pound of weight loss per day.

Many doctors are getting into the diet business by offering the original 1950′s Dr. Simeons HCG diet which promises dieters they will lose 1 pound per day if they consume 500 calories per day while taking injections of human chorionic gonadotropin(hcg), a human hormone made by chorionic cells in the fetal part of the placenta during pregnancy reports Julie Wright, president of HCG Weight Loss.

Diet Doc is the only modern-day version of the original 50 year old Dr. Simeons HCG Diet protocol that all other doctors are using. The reason doctors are using a 50 year old HCG diet, verses modernizing as Diet Doc did a few years ago, is true weight loss doctors require additional training in weight loss. The doctor must understand how each person’s medical condition, daily food intake, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences all play into weight loss. Many doctors simply do not have time for this additional training, nor do they have time to manage each person’s weight loss the way it needs to be done to get the weight off people, fast and safe. This is where Diet Doc leads the weight loss pack as we train doctors across the USA on our HCG diet as it’s the only HCG diet which is Dr. Oz approved. Diet Doc does not support a 500 calorie per day diet as all other doctors are offering. We have seen people lose hair, muscle (which leads to saggy skin), as well as experience extreme hunger and fatigue reports Wright.

Diet Doc offers the modern day version of a 50 year old HCG diet and developed 4 other diet programs rolled into one that then personalizes the diet for every person to achieve an average of 1 pound of weight loss per day. Unsure which diet works best, with various fad diets, such as the Cave Man Diet, Gerson Diet, Diet of Worms, Kourtney Kardashian Diet, Fat Joe Diet, Jonah Hill Diet, Reboot Diet, Esselstyn Diet, JWOWW Weight Loss Diet, Carrie Fisher Diet, the list goes on and on… None of these diets listed are doctor supervised and none listed have medical research to support it.

The problem with offering 500 calories per day is this is literal starvation. We frequently have people coming to us on the 500 calories with hair loss, extreme fatigue and hunger reports Wright. Diet Doc does not support a 500 calorie per day diet, but modernized a 1950 HCG diet into one that is safe, and that rolls 4 medically, supervised weight loss programs into one overall program that is then further personalized for each person taking into consideration their health history, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences reports Dr. Rao, medical director of Diet Doc.

Diet Doc offers one month of HCG medication, one month of weight loss shakes, one month of weight loss cooking/salad dressing oil that is clinically proven to help dieters start burning fat within 30 minutes of consuming, along with the Diet Doc workbook outlining the modern-day version of the Diet Doc HCG diet and a cookbook, plus unlimited nurse, doctor and weight loss consultant support 6 days per week is only $240 reports Wright. Most insurance companies reimburse for the majority of our Diet Doc program reports Wright, but each dieter is encouraged to verify with their health insurance company reports Wright.

Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss is passionate about helping people reduce their weight to avoid certain diseases and health conditions associated with being overweight. Diet Doc wants to keep their comprehensive, medically, supervised weight loss program affordable to many people, not just a select few. We often hear people comment that our pricing model is half of what other doctors are charging reports Wright. This is because our mission is to help people lose weight, train them on what specific foods will cause a weight loss reaction in their body. This is how they keep the weight off long term reports Wright. If we can do our best with each person, then we have gained the trust of many. This is how we make up for charging much lower than others states Wright.

Diet Doc provides medically, supervised patient care to people across the USA.We provide a collaborative approach to dieting, which is labor intensive, but effective reports Wright. We work with a team of physicians who are passionate about reducing obesity which is often the cause for many diseases and illnesses reports Wright.

*These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required.

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Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces New Program For Those Thinking of Bariatric Surgery or Lap Band Surgery

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces New Program For Those Thinking of Bariatric Surgery or Lap Band Surgery

Insurance requirements state that before bariatric surgery or lap band is approved, the patient must complete a documented, weight loss program. If that program fails, the patient is approved for bariatric surgery or lap band surgery. Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss wants to work with these people to avoid risky surgery as an option.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 23, 2011

HCG Diet Doc has created a new program specifically for people considering bariatric surgery or lap band surgery.

Many people come to Diet Doc Weight Loss who failed with past diets. This is because weight loss is a medical condition requiring a weight loss doctor to manage the weight loss. This type of training is not something a regular doctor or even a bariatric surgeon understands. This is specialized training in nutrition, the benefits of vitamins and supplements to name a few. Weight loss physician training is unique and not taught in medical school explains, Julie Wright, President of Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss.

Julie shared with us a true story of a bariatric surgeon who called HCG Diet Doc as she was looking to add a documented diet to her practice. People must demonstrate that they have tried another diet and failed before insurance will approve the bariatric surgery or lap band surgery. When the doctor learned that all people on the Diet Doc Weight Loss Program would lose at least 1/2 pound to 1 pound per day, she said HCG Diet Doc wasn’t what she was looking for as she would lose the millions she made doing bariatric and lap band surgeries.

This is the problem that people are left to resort to dangerous surgeries, when we can help anyone who comes our way. Diet Doc can handle the problem situations where people have failed over and over again with other types of diets. Each person’s health history is reviewed by our weight loss doctor and then a customized, personalized diet is created along with a master diet and two clinically proven to burn fat support products into a program that is highly effective and safe. Diet Doc offers a guarantee as well. If your diet is followed and you don’t lose weight, you are refunded. It doesn’t get any better than that reports Wright.

Diet Doc only uses prescription HCG which is 100% pure HCG and should only be bought after a doctor evaluates your health history to make sure you are a good candidate to take this medication. The reason for a health evaluation is not because HCG causes concerning side effects, but there are health conditions that would disqualify someone from receiving. Those are: severe liver and kidney disease; prior/active cancer; and certain blood clotting disorders.

Once the doctor approves you to receive HCG, an individual diet is formulated for each person based on their health history, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences. Example, someone who works out would be given a diet higher in protein than someone who has a desk job and doesn’t exercise. People who indicate on their new patient paperwork answers that lead the doctor to believe there could be underlying blood sugar issues, will be asked to remove fruit from their diet as any sugar whatsoever could cause the weight loss to slow down by half. People whose answers indicate they might have an underlying thyroid condition might be given a prescription-grade, natural, thyroid support as part of their program. The list goes on…..

HCG Diet Doc then combines the personalized diet along with our master diet and clinically proven weight loss shakes and weight loss oil (to make salad dressing and for cooking) into the most powerful diet program in America today, capable of shaving up to 1 pound per day. We guarantee that people will lose weight on the Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss Program!

This could very well be your last diet ever!


Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
Email Information

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HCG Diet New Update To Phase Three Of The Fat Release System HCG Diet, By True Healthy Products

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HCG Diet New Update To Phase Three Of The Fat Release System HCG Diet, By True Healthy Products

The Fat Release System by True Healthy Products, an HCG Diet plan, updates and enhances phase three of the diet to help increase managing weight loss long term

(PRWEB) October 18, 2011

True Healthy Products makers of The Fat Release System HCG Diet has modified the third phase of the HCG Diet. Taking into account the confusion of the third phase of the HCG Diet, True Healthy Products has opted to bend the rules of the diet written by Dr. Simeons over 40 years ago. They made changes to enhance the third phase of their Fat Release System HCG Diet for better results long term.

The Fat Release System HCG Diet Plan consists of three phases.

  • Phase one, Overeating (Loading) Phase: this phase consists of the first 2 days. Build up normal fat stores by eating a diet high in calories and fat. Eat as much as you want and whatever you want. Eat every few hours. Take HCG Homeopathic drops or tablets as directed.

  • Phase two, the 500 Calorie Phase: this phase consists of the next 21 days or 38 days (depending on if you chose the 23 or 40 day Protocol). Two meals of 3.5 oz of protein, plus vegetables, fruits, small amount of grains. Take HCG Homeopathic drops or tablets as directed.
  • Phase three, the Maintenance Phase: for 3 weeks, eat as much as you want. However, you are not allowed to eat starches and sugar.

The company began receiving hundreds of emails and phone calls and decided to make the very vague original phase 3 of the HCG diet more streamlined for less errors. The main layout of the original phase 3 was basically, eat what you want but no starches or sugar allowed and this is where dieters were seeing failure and the flaw in phase three.

True Healthy Products’ certified nutritionist modified their phase 3 of the HCG Diet Fat Release System to aid their customers with continued success with their weight loss goals. The company now gives them an eating plan with detailed food lists on what to eat and what to avoid while on phase 3 of the HCG Diet.

The phase three updated guide is free and can be found at: http://www.fatreleasesystem.com

The company took one step further and created phase four, a diet called the Simple Chocolate Diet. This diet plan was made for their Fat Release System HCC Chocolate Diet customers to follow once they finished phase three of the HCG Diet as phase three only lasted three weeks.

The company offers the diet guide free at: http://www.simplechocolatediet.com

The Simple Chocolate Diet should not really be looked at like a “diet” but as a lifestyle change to a healthier you. This guide is the stepping stones that we have all been looking for, a road map to a healthy eating lifestyle. The company took all the guess work out for you in this extensive list of foods to eat. This plan can help you lose weight, maintain weight and learn how to eat healthy.

To learn more about True Healthy Products and other nutritional products that are all natural and truly good for you, visit: http://www.truehealthyproducts.com

Toll Free: 888-400-2920

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Jan Hrkach
True Healthy Products
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Diet Doc Announces The Best Weight Loss Program for Woman Over 40 Diet, a New Diet That Is Considered Most Effective ...


Diet Doc Announces The Best Weight Loss Program for Woman Over 40 Diet

Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss created a new, unique diet program for woman over 40 years of age. No diet will provide maximum results if it’s the same diet for each person. In order to achieve maximum weight loss results, Diet Doc creates a diet for each person based on their health history, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences. This approach turns out to be the best weight loss program for women over 40.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) September 29, 2011

Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss created a new, unique diet program for woman over 40 years of age. No diet will provide maximum results if it’s the same diet for each person. In order to achieve maximum weight loss results, Diet Doc creates a diet for each person based on their health history, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences. This approach turns out to be the best weight loss program for women over 40.

When it comes to weight loss we already know there is no one size fits all answer and that everyone needs a modified approach. This couldn’t be more true than when looking at the best weight loss program for women over 40. Several factors including metabolism, muscle retention and hormonal balance need to be taken into account for a successful weight loss program.

The body starts to lose muscle mass starting in our 40’s and because of the impact muscle has on metabolism, preserving lean muscle mass becomes one of the most important factors in long term maintenance of any weight loss program. Most calorie restrictive diets will cause the body to initiate a metabolic pathway called gluconeogenesis where the body actually makes glucose from amino acids. This results in the loss of highly valuable muscle mass. Many low carb diets also inadvertently stimulate gluconeogenesis because ketone levels aren’t properly monitored.

The best weight loss program for women over 40 which has been shown to preserve lean muscle mass while stimulating fat loss is the HCG diet. Weight lost during this program comes from a much higher percentage fat than that which is seen with other programs such as Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem. The Diet Doc HCG weight loss program has modernized the Simeons HCG protocol to further spare lean muscle through careful ketone monitoring and increased protein intake through their propriety shake blend.

Around 40, hormone changes can also start to create weight loss obstacles. The body starts to burn calories at a slower rate than it once did in your 20’s and 30’s, which causes a decrease in BMR (basal metabolic rate). This decrease causes real frustrations for people who feel like they workout all the time and eat right, but find it impossible to lose weight. Cortisol levels change as we age and maintenance programs which take this into account can make the difference between piling on extra weight around the midsection every year versus an optimal metabolism which doesn’t lead to gaining weight back.

In women over 40, five to ten years before menopause, there is a decline in progesterone and estrogen. Both these hormones have a tremendous impact on the way our body stores and metabolizes fat. Progesterone in particular tends to decrease at a much faster rate than estrogen and so many women end up in a state called “estrogen dominance” which can lead to weight gain.

Diet Doc’s HCG weight loss program takes into account the BMR and hormone risk factors of every patient and creates a formula which can result in weight loss of up to one pound a day. For women over 40, Diet Doc’s HCG weight loss program provides all the support in the much needed areas of muscle conservation, hormone balance, and metabolic maintenance.

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Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
Email Information

Diet and Weight loss with Bill & Sheila

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