The Beer Nut: New Planet aims for gluten free beer that tastes like beer

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The Beer Nut: New Planet aims for gluten free beer that tastes like beer

Can you imagine losing the ability to do something that you had enjoyed doing your entire adult life?

That happened to Pedro Gonzalez eight years ago when he was diagnosed with celiac disease. He had to give up all foods with gluten, including beer.

But Gonzalez did not lose his love of beer, and he and his wife, Seneca Murley, created New Planet Beer to brew gluten free beers.
“It’s a very personal experience to be able to enjoy a product that you haven’t been able to enjoy for a long time because, for the longest time, there wasn’t anything out there,” said Gonzalez. “Recently, I had a hot dog with a gluten-free bun. I was basically teary-eyed. I was sitting there with a beer and eating a hot dog on a bun, and I was happy.”

After years of sickness, Gonzalez, of Colorado, was diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder of intolerance to gluten that causes damage to the small intestines and doesn’t allow food to be properly absorbed.

Although he was happy to find out what was causing his medical problems, he had to give up anything that contained barley, wheat, rye and other cereal grains to remain healthy, which includes most breads, crackers, beer and other items.

A few years ago, Gonzalez was at a cookout, and inside the cooler, he found a bottle of gluten free beer.

“It was such a let down; it didn’t taste like a beer,” he said.

Gonzalez then contacted his friend, Roy Emmons, a former brewer for the Rock Bottom chain of brewpubs, and he asked him to help make a gluten free beer that tastes like a real beer.

The problem with that is you’re brewing a beer without a key ingredient: barley. Gluten free beers instead use a lesser-known cereal grain called sorghum.

“We’re trying to craft traditional characters out of untraditional grains,” he said.

To help give the beers some body, New Planet also uses other ingredients, such as brown rice extract, tapioca, orange peel, corn and molasses, in its beers to help give a little more body.

In 2009, New Planet Beer started selling its beers, and although they do not taste like traditional beers, they are closer than any other of the gluten free beers on the market.

Currently, the company brews three beers: 3R Raspberry Ale, Off Grid Pale Ale and Tread Lightly Ale. All three beers are 5 percent alcohol by volume.

The 3R Raspberry Ale is just that: a raspberry ale. It is light, and the raspberry flavors really do a good job of hiding the different taste sorghum gives a beer than traditional malts.

“If you’re a raspberry beer type of person, you can drink two or three of these,” said Gonzalez. “That’s kind of our standard. We’re trying to make beer where people want a few of these.”

The Off Grid Pale Ale is brewed to be a classic pale ale, with a little hop kick to it.

“The Pale Ale is the closest one to a traditional tasting beer,” Gonzalez said.

Tread Lightly Blonde Ale is a light and refreshing blonde ale. Although brewed with sorghum, it is still easy to drink.

Gonzalez said his goal is to someday have gluten free beers to become as accepted as regular beer and to have there be no differences in flavours.

“We want to give a real traditional experience for someone,” he said. “There is a Gluten Free Beer category at the (Great American Beer Fest in Colorado). Imagine if the quality of gluten free beer was so good that we could compete against the other beers in all of the other categories, instead of having our own category. I hope that happens someday.”

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How 7 brands of gluten-free beer stack up against conventional suds

How 7 brands of gluten-free beer stack up against conventional suds

Throughout our marriage, my wife, Erin, and I have enjoyed a few pints of beer.

In her old restaurant job, it was necessary for her to visit breweries and try different kinds of beers. We became fast fans of Boundary Bay Brewery, Chuckanut Brewery, Elysian Brewery and others. Name a brewery in the Puget Sound region and we most likely tried their beer.

As her husband — and fellow taste-tester — it was bliss.

Then she developed a gluten problem.

Since most beers are brewed using wheat and barley, an intolerance to gluten is an intolerance to beer. The party was over.

What I didn’t know is that a burgeoning market in the beer industry is the brewing of gluten-free beer. With an increase in the number of people with celiac disease and other disorders that cause gluten intolerance, gluten-free beer has been taking up more and more shelf space in the beer cooler.

“People are becoming more knowledgeable of the symptoms in which gluten can cause on one’s health,” said New Planet Beer Marketing Director Danielle Quatrochi, “so people are being diagnosed sooner and more often than before. There’s also been a lot of press around the benefits of a gluten-free diet, opening the door for companies to add gluten-free options to their product mix.”

Gluten-free options lack depth compared to regular beer, and sorghum, often the leading ingredient in gluten-free beer, gives it a distinct flavor and finish. Some beers try to mask it with malts, while others do away with sorghum entirely, using corn, rice and sugars instead.

Recently I gathered all the gluten-free beers I could get my hands on and had my wife and our family friend Kit Hansen, who is celiac, review them. Here’s their verdict.


Ingredients: Sorghum, hops, gluten-free yeast

Review: Anheuser-Busch’s take on a gluten-free beer is a basic American-style lager made from sorghum. This is definitely a clean beer with solid body and nice, subtle finish; the lack of a real sorghum bitter finish got it a thumbs up from the group. And though Kit said he could taste the Anheuser-Busch in it, this isn’t a Bud Light clone.

New Grist

Ingredients: Sorghum, hops, rice and gluten-free yeast grown on molasses

Review: There just isn’t a lot to New Grist, Lakewood Brewery’s take on a gluten-free beer. It has a very light body and is eminently forgettable. In fact, Erin compared it to a very light, carbonated sake.


Ingredients: Sorghum, yeast, hops

Review: Made from malted sorghum, Bards is strong up front, with notes of caramel and fruit. But, unlike most gluten-free beers that have a distinctly bitter finish, Bards has really no finish. Overall with a solid malt backbone and a nice body, Bards is a respectable gluten-free beer.


Ingredients: All three use millet, buckwheat, rice, sorghum, hops and yeast.

Review: The Dubbel Dark Ale has a slight sorghum finish, but it is sweet up front and passes nicely for a Belgian-style dubbel. The Tripel Blonde Ale has notes of fruit up front and has the characteristic mouthfeel of a true tripel. But the best Green’s offering is the Amber Ale. Medium-bodied with notes of caramel, Green’s Amber Ale doesn’t have much of the sorghum finish and is the most balanced of the three.


Ingredients: Challenger, Liberty and Cascade hops, top-fermenting yeast and specially prepared sugars.

Review: This offering from Nick Stafford’s Hambleton Ales in England didn’t taste much like beer. More like a slightly hoppy barleywine. It had an aroma of dates and figs and was very sweet, but it had almost no carbonation. Erin compared it to a port.

New Planet

Ingredients: All three use sorghum, hops and yeast; Pale Ale also uses brown rice extract, molasses; Raspberry Ale also uses corn extract, natural Oregon raspberry puree, orange peel; Lightly Ale also uses corn extract, orange peel.

Review: The star of this Boulder, Colo., brewery is Off the Grid Pale Ale. With a malty backbone and hoppy finish, it was hard to tell it was a gluten-free beer. Kit, who hasn’t had a real beer for four years, was blown away by how much it reminded him of a true pale ale. The Tread Lightly Ale is a very light beer with a distinct sorghum finish, and the 3R Raspberry Ale is a very carbonated, light ale that is reminiscent of a raspberry cider.

St. Peters

Ingredients: Sorghum, hops, water

Review: If you don’t like European lagers, you will not like this beer. It starts very bitter and has a distinct grassy aroma. It seemed to get better after it had been opened for a little while and was definitely a beer that paired well with food.

Where to buy

Two places with a variety of gluten-free beers:

Sno-Isle Natural Foods Co-op, 2804 Grand Ave., Everett; 425-259-3798.

Janell’s Gluten-Free Market, 7024 Evergreen Way, Suite A, Everett; 425-347-3500

New Planet Beer

New Planet Beer is a gluten-free brewery based in Boulder, Colo. New Planet’s beer isn’t available in Washington, but they plan on having it on shelves in the state in early September. For more information on New Planet, visit