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Tag Archives: Gluten-free
Gluten-free boom:What’s the buzz about?
International celiac and gluten free nutrition expert Shelley Case, will speak in Hamilton about new research regarding celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, as well as healthy gluten-free living. Shelley is on the professional advisory board of the Canadian Celiac Association, medical advisory boards of the Celiac Disease Foundation and the Gluten Intolerance Group, and author of the national best seller Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide. It’s estimated more than 2.4 million Canadians have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The only treatment for these disorders is a glutenfree diet. Gluten is a protein found in the grains wheat, rye and … Continue reading
Posted in Gluten-Free Tagged celiac disease, gluten intolerence, Gluten-free, gluten-free diet 1 Comment
The Growing Popularity of Going Gluten-Free
The Growing Popularity of Going Gluten-Free As consumers clamour for products, manufacturers respond Not so long ago, only those with celiac disease stayed away from gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Today, going gluten-free is all the rage among America’s celebrities and tastemakers — not to mention millions of others who’ve decided for a variety of reasons to avoid gluten and the foods that contain it. At her recent nuptials, Chelsea Clinton — the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton — chose a gluten-free, nine-tier wedding cake for her … Continue reading