New Juicer From Phillips

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New Juicer From Phillips

Philips held the official launch of the new QuickClean Juicer in Sydney this morning, bringing out celebrity “juice master” Jason Vale to show off the product.

Known as “the Jamie Oliver of juicing,” Vale has written 7 books on healthy living and juicing (which have sold a total of 2.5 million copies worldwide), and has been working with Philips for over a decade to promote the company’s range of juicers.

As well as promoting his books and Turkish health retreats, Vale showed off the new product and its QuickClean benefits, which he said was a major positive in the design of the juicer machine.

“The thing that people usually complain about more than anything else when it comes to the juicer is the cleaning,” said Vale. “Philips has listened – it now takes less than a minute to clean your machine.

“I’m passionate about my juicer – I juice two or three times every day and I need a machine that will take the job on.”

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The new juicer machine can make up to 2.5-litres of juice in one go, and features an extra-large feeding tube, 2 juicing speeds, and an upside down quick-clean sieve that can be cleaned in as little as one minute.

“Delivering more juice without the additional hassle, the Philips QuickClean Juicer not only helps to encourage a healthier lifestyle, it is also very convenient thanks to its simplicity of use and ease of cleaning,” said Joanne Bainy, kitchen appliances marketing manager for Philips Australia and New Zealand.

There are two models of QuickClean Juicer available in a brushed metal finish (HR1871, RRP $249.95) and a black finish (HR1869, RRP $179.95).

Jason Vale compares the health benefits of fresh apple juice to the store-bought product.

Philips launched the new machine at the well-known Sydney grocer and foodie destination, Fratelli Fresh.

Benefits of a Juicer: Reduce Weight And Depression

If you’re thinking of a good diet method to use in order to lose weight, then you might want to consider a juicer as a way of burning calories. This particular method has been greatly endorsed for years now and is one of the most used methods for staying in shape.


Benefits of a Juicer: Reduce Weight And Depression

Not only that but juicing is also one way of keeping the body healthy and supplying it with all the necessary nutrients to keep it running. If you’re not yet convinced, then here are some of the benefits you’ll find in juicing.

Improved Digestion – The decrease of solid food consumed makes it easier for the body to distribute the nutrients and minerals it needs to survive. Remember what your parents say that you should chew your food thoroughly to improve digestion?

Well, it’s true and it would even be better if you consume your minerals through liquid form. It gives your stomach a break from grinding too much food at once.

Greater Energy – Fast absorption of minerals and nutrients basically translate to faster conversion to energy. Hence, upon taking a juicer diet, you’ll find yourself having more energy that you know what to do with.

Better Skin Tone – Like most organs, the skin is also impacted by good or bad dietary regimens. If you’re eating badly and stuffing up on soda and junk food, then you’ll find yourself growing more pimples or rashes. On the other hand, an excellent diet makes for a more even and clearer skin.

Weight Loss – Of course, let’s not forget the effect that made you sign up in the first place. The great thing about juicing is that you don’t have to totally give up solid food in order to start burning calories. You see, the program would only require you to replace one large meal a day with the juice, preferably breakfast.

The rest of the day is up to you. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can eat as much processed food as you want. This only means that you don’t necessarily have to starve yourself. Compared to the lemonade diet which would only require you to drink fluids, this is a huge improvement.

Helps with Some Diseases – Juicing is mainly a convenient way for a person to consume their daily fruit and vegetable needs. You will be taking in enough or even more of your daily nutrients and mineral needs, thereby allowing for a healthier body.

By sticking to the juicing diet, one could alleviate certain problems like arthritis, cancer or other autoimmune diseases. Frequent drinking of vegetable or fruit juices also induces people to start a completely new lifestyle by staying away from unhealthy drinks or foods.

Alleviates Depression – People who are on a diet of fruits and vegetables usually present lower risks of psychological problems. Consuming large amounts of nutritious foods are capable of alleviating depression and stress.

One reason for this is because each time a person drinks healthy vegetable juice, they think: I am being healthy and losing weight with this method. Hence, a person boosts their confidence, alleviates depression possibilities and can decrease the stress one feels.

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Practical Nutrition: Juice cleanses

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Practical Nutrition: Juice cleanses

There is something about drinking a glass of juice that makes us feel so virtuous. Perhaps it’s because we feel as if we’re doing something healthful when we don’t take time to eat a balanced diet.

I’ve had clients switch from 20 ounces of soda to the same amount of juice, thinking it’s healthier. But a 20-ounce serving of 100 percent orange juice has 275 calories; the same amount of Coca-Cola has 240.

At least with juice you get some potassium, vitamin C and folic acid that you miss with soda. But that’s an expensive calorie price to pay when a medium orange has those nutrients for about 80 calories.

Juicing, or juice cleanses, has surged in popularity again, especially with Hollywood stars promoting it. The programs give the impression that we don’t get enough nutrients from the foods we eat, or that toxins build up in our bodies.

We tend to forget that we have a liver and kidneys and their jobs are to filter our blood and rid our body of waste and any potential toxins.

Currently, no medical evidence or clinical studies support the benefits of juice cleanses, or that fruit and vegetables as juice are superior to solid forms.

One popular plan offers five fruit and vegetable juice products for a variety of cleanses. Products vary from 110 to 300 calories per 16-ounce bottle, aiming for 900 to 1,100 calories per daily cleanse.

Some weight loss should occur at that calorie level, but it will be regained if a person returns to undesirable eating habits.

Juicing for a short time or for one daily meal shouldn’t cause problems for healthy people. But some people should avoid juicing. Pregnant and breastfeeding women have higher nutritional needs that cannot be met by juice alone.

Children are still growing, so they should not be on the limited calories of a juice cleanse. Additionally, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly believes that large amounts of juice increase risk for developing obesity, cavities and diarrhea in children.

The AAP recommends limiting juice to 4 to 6 ounces for children ages 1 to 6, and 8 to 12 ounces for children 7 to 18. The rest of their fruit nutrition should come from solid fruits.

Anyone on blood thinners should not juice. Some of them contain greens that could increase vitamin K intake, which can interfere with the medication’s effectiveness. And the large amount of carbohydrate in cleanses could wreak havoc with blood-sugar control in people with diabetes.

The focus of National Nutrition Month this year has been on getting your plate in shape and consuming a variety of food groups at each meal. Fruit and juice are part of that healthy balance but shouldn’t be eaten at the exclusion of all the other groups.

Tropical Breeze Smoothie

Need to sneak more fruit into your day? Try this delicious, easy smoothie. It includes fiber that’s absent in many of the juicing products, and it’s also a good source of calcium.

Makes 2 servings (1¼ cup each)

1 cup nonfat milk
½ cup crushed pineapple (in juice)
1 medium banana
1 medium papaya, peeled and cubed
4 to 6 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a blender on high until smooth. Serve at once.

Tip: Slice and freeze the banana to make the smoothie extra thick.

Nutrients per serving: 190 calories, 6 grams protein, 1 gram fat, 44 grams carbohydrate, 5 grams fiber, 70 milligrams sodium and 203 milligrams calcium.

“Cooking Healthy Across America,” American Dietetic Association and Food and Culinary Professionals

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juicing can play role in healthy diet

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juicing can play role in healthy diet

The practice of juicing — the kind that involves fresh fruits and veggies, not illegal steroids — often shows up a lot in celebrity diets, health detox programs and organic lifestyles. And to be sure, there are positives to be had.

Yet, there are negatives to juicing, too, and juicing at the expense of eating real meals must be approached with caution and common sense.

When you think of juicing, the first thing to come to mind may be a healthy active lifestyle or an easy way to lose weight.

But when you give up the other foods your body needs on a daily basis, it can become harmful to your health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2010, 35.7 percent of the United States population was obese.

Such news often sparks a new flood of quick-and-easy diet schemes, many of them incorporating juicing or juice fasting.

“I think the term is used interchangeably,” said Heather Sylvester, registered dietician at Kennedy Hospital in Cherry Hill, N.J. “Both can mean a liquid diet of juice and water for a short period of time.”

There are people who should not juice fast, such as people undergoing chemotherapy, diabetics, those struggling with nutritional deficiencies such as iron depletion, and those with kidney disease.

According to Sylvester, juicing or juice fasting for those with diabetes could send blood sugar levels through the roof. For those with kidney disease, high levels of potassium and minerals can build up in the blood to hazardous levels. And for people undergoing chemo, juicing is not recommended because of high levels of antioxidants and low levels of protein.

But juicing for a short time, as opposed to an extended juice-only fast, may be used by otherwise healthy people. And, drinking juice in place of one meal to lose weight may work for those without health concerns, especially if it’s part of a balanced diet.

Of course, with juicing can come with loads of sugar. If you are looking to lose weight, but still want to include juicing in your diet, Sylvester advises limiting to just one meal.

“Breakfast or lunch is the easiest (meal to replace), but any meal works,” Sylvester said.

For breakfast, you could combine fresh fruits and vegetables with water or ice and no sweeteners. If you want it to be more balanced, turn that juice into a fruit juice smoothie by adding low-fat yogurt or skim milk.

This way, your breakfast is not only filling, but provides a well-balanced, healthy breakfast.

April Schetler, registered dietician at Virtua Health Wellness Center, points out that juicing eliminates much of the fiber that fresh fruits and vegetables carry. However, juicing does provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in fruits and veggies. It also hydrates.

“Juicing can be a great addition to a health diet when used in moderation, Schetler said by email. “Instead of reaching for a soda to beat the afternoon slump, a glass of freshly squeezed juice may be a better pick-me-up.”

Juicing has many positives when it is done in moderation as part of a healthy lifestyle, says Anthony Gentleski, owner of Animo Juice Burrito Bar in Haddonfield, N.J.

“If you allow yourself to eat whole, raw fruits and vegetables … it is more satisfying, and will likely allow you to stay with it for a longer amount of time,” Gentleski said.

Gentleski, his brother Joe and sister Maria created Animo with the aim of providing healthy, quick-serve foods and juices free of preservatives and synthetic ingredients.

Gentleski believes including juicing and whole fruits and vegetables in a diet along with exercise and no processed or artificial foods is the way to go.

At one point, Gentleski tried a three-day juicing diet. “Now I’m more likely to do a one-day juice fast once in a while to give my digestive system a break,” Gentleski said.

If you hate the taste of veggies, juicing vegetables with your favorite fruit will help you consume your daily intake of veggies, he says.

Slowly weaning your taste buds away from fatty foods and a mass amount of sugar will turn cravings toward healthier foods.

“Slowly, your body will adapt to your new, health-conscious way of eating, and you will begin craving fresh fruit and vegetable juice, instead of greasy, fat and sugar-laden foods,” Gentleski said.

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Welcome to the world of Hurom Slow Juicer


Welcome to the world of Hurom Slow Juicer

MANILA, Philippines – Don’t be misled by its name. Though slow and unhurried as it seems in its actions, the results this revolutionary product delivers are measured, deliberate — and exceptional.

Introducing the Hurom Slow Juicer from Hurom L.S. Ltd., the global leader in juicing technology and manufacturer of juicers and juice extractors that provide for better health of people around the world and is now in the Philippines for health-conscious Filipinos to bring home and enjoy.

The Hurom Slow Juicer was introduced recently to guests and delegates at the Philippine International Food and Beverage Expo (PIFBEX) at the PICC Forum 1-3 in Pasay City.

Many were impressed at this wonder product’s simple slow-juicing technology that aims to bring health and wellness to many Filipinos and to encourage them to turn to juicing for better overall physical condition and well-being.

Unlike traditional juicers that boast of high-speed motors and cutting blades that perform lightning-fast cutting motion, the slow juicing action of the Hurom Slow Juicer is courtesy of its patented Low Speed Technology System or LSTS.

LSTS slowly and gently presses— not crushes — the fruit to extract all of its natural juices in order to create juice that is full of vitamins, minerals and important live enzymes and most notably, still bursting with all its natural flavors. And yes, the Hurom Slow Juicer can juice vegetables, too.

Fresh fruits are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals like lycopene, antosianin, and beta-carotene that are very much significant in fighting certain forms of cancer and helps prevent aging and has tremendous qualities to help improve our skin.

Because of the gentle pressing action of the Hurom Slow Juicer, these essential nutrients, including the fruit’s and vegetable’s natural taste and fragrance, are preserved unlike fast-cutting traditional juicers where the juice extracted is oxidized, which means most of the important nutrients are already lost because of the high-speed juicing action.

More importantly, the juice extracted from the Hurom Slow Juicer is 100 percent all-natural compared to commercially manufactured fruit juices that are full of artificial flavoring, coloring and other harmful chemicals that may damage the body.

This slow-juicing technology of the Hurom Slow Juicer is already accepted in major countries around the world like in the US, Japan and China, including other parts of Europe and in 40 other countries where Hurom L.S. Ltd. has patent applications.

Various awards were also already given to Hurom L.S. Ltd. by globally recognized award-giving bodies and in global invention exhibitions like the 2010 Swiss Geneva Salon International Des Invention and at the 2010 Pittsburgh International Invention Fair (INPEX) where it won the gold medal because of the juicing technologies the company pioneered.

In Korea where Hurom L.S. Ltd. was established, it received the KOTRA (Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency) Seal of Excellence that depicts the mark of quality, high technology and trustworthiness.

Over the years, “Hurom” (which combines the words human and rom meaning “beneficial” in Korean) L.S. Ltd. will continue to come up with innovative juicing products using cutting-edge technology and provide more people more opportunities to consume as much natural food as possible.

This commitment is espoused by the chairman of Hurom L.S. Ltd., Kim Young Gi, regarded as the “Father of Juicing” in Korea.

The pioneering Hurom Slow Juicer is now available in the Philippines at Rustan’s department stores and is distributed by Zinven International Corp. For more information, visit

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Commercial Juicer, Capable of 28 Oranges Per Minute

Commercial Juicer, Capable of 28 Oranges Per Minute

The juice produced by this juicer may be good for your health. But if you’re looking for a juicer for use at home, this one may not be very good for your financial health, considering that it is priced at $9900.

This restaurant-grade heavy duty juicer is capable of extracting 84 ounces of fresh fruit juice every minute. To put that in perspective, you can extract the juice of up to 28 oranges in a minute.

Now, that level of productivity would be useful in a restaurant that serves fresh fruit juice at breakfast or through the day as well.

Rotating flywheels press the fruit on to a micro-serrated blade made of stainless steel, which cuts the fruit into halves. Spinning reamers then squeeze the juice out from the pulp. A filter ensures that the bitter pith is kept out of the juice just before the juice flows into a glass.

This commercial juicer can extract juice from apples, oranges, grapefruit, pomegranates and pretty much any fruit. A transparent chute lets you stock up fruit in it so that as soon as one is processed, the next one automatically goes in. The transparent plastic housing lets you (and your customers) view the entire juicing process.

All parts of this juicer are made of food grade plastic or stainless steel and reportedly, can be used for decades. The blades, reamers and drums can be easily removed for cleaning and washing.

The juicer is not small or light. It measures 34” in height, almost 30” in width and 17” in depth. It weighs 96 lbs (around 43 Kg). You can order one at Hammacher if you think the juice is worth the squeeze.

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How Joe beat bulge with juice

How Joe beat bulge with juice

FORMER obese businessman Joe Cross is on a mission to deliver his secret of good health to as many Australians as possible.

Filmmaker Joe Cross demonstrated how to make fresh juices at Booval Fair Woolworths.

FROM financial trader to health advocate, former obese businessman Joe Cross is on a mission to deliver his secret of good health to as many Australians as possible.

The former Sydney businessman was in Ipswich this week presenting his good health message through a juicing demonstration at Booval Fair Shopping Centre.

Three years ago, weighing 145kg and taking regular medication for an auto-immune disease, Mr Cross decided he needed to make a radical change to his lifestyle.

The then 40-year-old decided to reboot his body by drinking nothing but the juice of fruit and vegetables for 60 days.

The result was a leaner, healthier, disease-free body and a documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead that inspired a health movement in the USA and Australia.

Now 43, Mr Cross is taking his message to the streets to inspire others to turn around their health.

“In Australia, obesity has become the single biggest threat to public health and majority of Australians only eating half the recommended amount of fruits and vegies,” Mr Cross said.

Mr Cross said his juice method was devised to give his body a “circuit breaker” to help restart his system from the inside out.

“It’s hard to go from McDonalds or Hungry Jacks to eating good food straight away,” he said.

“The juice method isn’t a long- term approach but it does help reboot your system.”

Mr Cross, who lost 45kg in 60 days during his initial circuit breaker period, spoke of the importance of getting back to whole foods in your diet.

When questioned about the health implications of losing weight so quickly, the film maker defended the method as safe.

“It’s safe to lose weight quickly if you are doing it the right way,” he said.

“Starving yourself and then binge eating is a sure way to failure, but by drinking only plant matter you get all the nutrients your body needs.”

Mr Cross said the idea behind juicing rather than eating whole vegetables was simply about delivering nutrients in the most effective way.

“Ideally you would both drink juice and eat whole foods to increase the benefits.”

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Choose juicing

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Choose juicing

There is no other season when you almost want to give up on eating. Celebrating a good year that has passed, reuniting with classmates, meeting up with friends, grouping with relatives … are all done with a buffet of rich food and flowing drinks! Not to mention the best desserts to feast on.

When you reach your saturation, all you want to do is push yourself away from the table. This is also when you choose to go on cleansing and juicing. We spoke to Camille Porras of Liquid Sunshine, a juice delivery business owner, regarding the healthy practice of juicing.

THE PHILIPPINE STAR: How did you get into juicing?

CAMILLE PORRAS: My family started juicing when my dad got sick with cancer.  We purchased a juicer that comes with a hydraulic press, which grinds and masticates the vegetables and fruits without killing the enzymes.  My dad’s appetite was dwindling then and it was important that the food he took was pure and unadulterated.

How much juice do you personally take every day? What benefits did you derive that convinced you to make this a way of life?

Every chance I get, upon waking up and especially before bed.  I have customers who take four bottles a day in lieu of their meals. Since I started juicing, I rarely get sick.  And whenever I feel feverish, I just drink more juice and it always works! I attribute my strong immune system to the juices we take.  I know I get the nutrition my body needs by regularly drinking a variety of vegetable juices. Physically, I noticed my nails are so smooth and it grows real fast!  And most importantly, I feel good about myself, knowing I’m feeding my body with pure and healthy goodness.

You mentioned that your mother is also a happy, loyal juicer. Tell us more about this.

My mom was so stressed out seeing my dad sick.  She had to take care of her health, too, and wasn’t discriminate on which taste appealed to her. So she drank all the juices we gave her. Her skin became translucent and her hair more buoyant and shiny, which she attributes not to the creams she’s using but to the juices she’s drinking. Good health indeed manifests itself on the outside — our skin, nails, hair.

How did juicing change your life?

Juicing has made me more aware of what I feed my body. It gave me a whole new perspective about what to feed my body and the benefits you reap when you make a conscious effort to take responsibility for it.  You can’t help but be more attuned to and aware of your body functions.  Our body heals itself, only if you address the chemical shortages due to stress and exhaustion by cleansing and feeding the immune system properly. Only then does our body heal by virtue of natural laws.

What convinced you to take this up as a business?

I discovered juicing and its wonders when my dad got sick. We lovingly prepared juices for him every day.  When he passed away, I wanted to do something that mattered and meant something. And so, Liquid Sunshine was born.  I also wanted fresh, healthy food to be convenient to purchase. Something our customers can include in their daily diet and that’s why I chose a delivery service.

What is your favorite juice blend?

Oh a lot!  I like juicing beets because of its amazing benefits.  It goes well with apple. I also love spinach.  Ampalaya is also good juiced with pineapple. I can go on and on!

What tips can you give to those who want to start juicing?

Start right now!  Some people take it only when they want to cleanse or detoxify (which is good), but I recommend that it be part of your daily diet.  It’s a great way of balancing one’s eating habits. Don’t compromise on the quality of your ingredients. Organic produce may be more expensive but considering it doesn’t go through the process of cooking, you might as well get the best picks, fresh and unadulterated. Beware also of slight dizziness when you start juicing. My mom and I noticed we’d get dizzy after drinking and a doctor explained that it’s because of the live enzymes we drink that go straight to our blood stream.

Any favorite juicing books or blogs?

Dr. Jensen’s Juicing Therapy.

Mayo Clinic’s nutritionist Jennifer K. Nelson said that juicing is probably not any healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Juice extracts contain most of the vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) except the healthy fiber lost during most juicing.

Nelson said “proponents say that juicing is better for you than eating whole fruits and vegetables because your body can absorb the nutrients better and it gives your digestive system a rest from working on fiber. They say that juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help you remove toxins from your body, aid digestion, and help you lose weight. But there’s no sound scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself.”

She did confirm though that “ if you don’t enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables, juicing may be a fun way to add them to your diet or to try fruits and vegetables you normally wouldn’t eat. You can find many juicing recipes online or mix up your own combinations of fruits and vegetables to suit your taste.”

She concluded, “If you do try juicing, make only as much juice as you can drink at one time because fresh squeezed juice can quickly develop harmful bacteria. And when juicing, try to keep some of the pulp. Not only does it have healthy fiber, it can help fill you up, too. Note that juices from some fruits and vegetables can contain more sugar than you might realize, and this can add unwanted calories and lead to weight gain.”

Want to read on and explore? The top 10 sites for juicing on are,,,,,,,,, and

(You may view details of Camille’s wonderful juices at

* * *

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Arsenic levels in fruit juice spark concern: study

Arsenic levels in fruit juice spark concern: study

(Reuters) – Arsenic levels in some fruit juice samples exceed allowable limits for water and have renewed concerns about the safety of popular childhood drinks, according to a consumer group report published on Wednesday.

Product-testing organization Consumer Reports analyzed 88 samples and found that five samples of apple juice and four samples of grape juice had total arsenic levels exceeding federal limits in place for drinking water.

Brands including Apple Eve, Great Value, Mott’s, Walgreens and Welch’s had at least one sample that exceeded the 10 parts per billion threshold, it said.

Federal standards for arsenic in water exist, but fruit juices and other foods are not regulated, it said.

Because fruit juice is a mainstay of many children’s diets, the group said they could be particularly vulnerable to health issues associated with arsenic, including certain forms of cancer.

The 88 samples came from 28 apple and three grape juice brand products that were purchased by Consumer Reports. They included ready-to-drink bottles, juice boxes and cans of concentrate from different lot numbers at stores around New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The findings were released online and are featured in the January 2012 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

The Juice Products Association said comparing juice to water standards was not appropriate.

Fruit juice producers are confident the juice being sold today is safe,” said Gail Charnley, a toxicologist for the juice association.

Juice producers are committed to meeting an informal level of safety for fruit juice set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, she said, adding that all the samples from the report met those measures for inorganic arsenic levels.

Consumer Reports also found about one-fourth of all fruit juice samples had lead levels at or above the federal limit for bottled water, it said.

The advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, Consumer Union, said in the report these findings should be enough to prompt the federal government to establish arsenic limits for juice.

Arsenic is found in water, air, food and soil as a naturally occurring substance or from contamination.

Breathing in high levels of arsenic can irritate the throat and lungs. Exposure to lower levels can cause nausea and vomiting or discolor the skin.

Ingesting very high levels of arsenic can lead to death.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been monitoring fruit juice for years. It said in a statement the vast majority of apple juice tested contained low levels of arsenic and it was confident in the safety of the product.

It did recognize, however, that a small percentage of samples have elevated levels. The FDA has increased efforts to monitor the product to determine if levels can be established that would reduce consumer exposure to arsenic in apple juice, the statement said.

The FDA conducted its own tests on apple juice this year after Dr. Mehmet Oz reported on his TV show high levels of arsenic in some products.

The FDA said its own tests of the same products showed very low levels of total arsenic in all samples tested.

(Reporting by Lauren Keiper; Editing by Barbara Goldberg and Ian Simpson)

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Fruit For Thought: How Grape Juice Can Help Keep Us Mentally On Track

Fruit For Thought: How Grape Juice Can Help Keep Us Mentally On Track

We’ve all heard that drinking wine is good for us, but what about those who are on medication and just can’t indulge in alcohol? Well, according the experts, non-fermented (Concord) grapes may be just as healthy for you, especially when it comes to our aging brains. In fact new studies suggest that drinking a healthy amount of unadulterated (Concord) grape juice can help us healthy by keeping our bodies laden with important antioxidants and our minds limber and our memories on track.

Recent research shows that grape juice given to lab rats (who were approaching the end of their life span) enhanced their cognitive and motor abilities and skills. The researchers placed laboratory animals under a significant series of tests focusing on their short-term memory and their neuro-motor skills. What they found, was that the majority of the tests conducted revealed ample improvement or a trend toward substantial improvement in these essential areas that also significantly affect humans as they age.

These experiments, addressing our continually and increasingly aging population (people these days can look forward to enjoying a healthy life, up into their 80s and beyond, with a new standard reaching the 100 year mark), seek to determine better ways for individuals to grow “old” gracefully and maintain their mental and physical abilities and skills.

Experts go on to add that although these tests and findings are currently in the preliminary stages, they assert that much (previous) research has identified (red, concord) grapes as containing essential antioxidants that are beneficial for our health for a vast variety of reasons, including lowering cholesterol, and warding off serious ailments such as certain types of cancers. Now, drinking Concord grape juice is gaining notoriety for it (seeming) potential to help retard the mental and physical deterioration process that generally has been associated with aging.

Healthy Lifestyle – with Bill & Sheila