
Allergies” – a massive subject and one which affects more than 55 million Americans. Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world’s population – close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment.

Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world’s population – close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment. Allergic symptoms range from the mild to life-threatening. Sneezing, coughing, eyes itching and stuffed up nose. May even be one of the the causes of asthma and right through, to the sometimes deadly, anaphylactic reactions.

Allergy causes, are many and varied. Among the more common are mold, dust mites and it in the springtime, pollen.

Genetics may also play a part and nothing can be done about that. Both good and bad is passed down to you, through your parents.

A low immune system is another major cause of allergies. Boosting the immune system, with such as Green Tree, might help, but balancing the immune system is far more preferable, as boosting the immune system can cause complications in other areas.

What causes allergies? Basically, the body is merely reacting to a perceived threat and fights the allegens in the same way as a bacteriological invasion.

Allergies, concerning food, are not as common as most people think, but can be severe causing several hundreds of deaths annually.

Whilst millions of people are allergic to to animals, especially cats, we should seek relief, rather than do without the company of our precious and loyal, four-footed friends.

Cures may be many and varied. Asthma attacks, for instance, may be alleviated by the taking of a Chinese herbal formula named, Minor Blue Dragon, or XQLT, or xiao – qing – long tang. It has successfully been used for centuries, in China.

It is a most effective bronchodilator and often more efficacious than prescribed drugs.

Acupuncture has also been found to be a most effective treatment, for allergies in general.

Supplements and vitamins may also help, to greatly improve the immune system, together with a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamins, A, C, E, selenium and carotenoids. Antioxidants, MSM, magnesium and zinc may also help. Americans in particular, have become obsessed about cleanliness and buy any product which promises to be “99 per cent effective against all bad germs”, or some such nonsense. Children, particularly the very young, might benefit from a “little dirt” in their surroundings, to strengthen their immune systems, from an earlier age.

Eating foods “in season” can help. People used to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables, but with refrigeration and shipping, from around the world, our bodies receiving no respite from this problem.

This has necessarily been a very short article on allergies.

Seek further information from people practising alternative health and medicine, such as acupuncturists, herbalists, holistic practitioners and aromatherapists. You’ll find that there is much free and interesting information in your local library, or on the internet.

Good luck in your quest. You will find it to be a most enlightening and satisfying journey.

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Warning Signs of a Food Allergy


Warning Signs of a Food Allergy

As you may have known already, food allergy is an unusual reaction to food that is elicited by an exposure to certain food types which then creates a response from the immune system. The reaction that the immune system eventually generates will then cause discomfiting symptoms.

Looking more closely, food allergens (the ones that causes allergic reactions) are proteins that unfortunately withstood the high temperatures of cooking as well as the acidic substances and enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. These allergens consequently live on to pass through the linings of the gastrointestinal tract, disperse into the blood circulatory system, and travel to organs of target, which results to different allergic symptoms all over the body.

Food allergy symptoms are commonly noted as irritation of the skin which may involve hives, eczema, and a simple rash. Other symptoms may also include irritations in the gastrointestinal organs like vomiting, indigestion, diarrhoea, stomach aches, and nausea. Through the years, there have been numerous documented allergic reactions seen in a lot of people, the following is additional information about other allergic symptoms that even you have experienced but have failed to take notice:

- insomniac tendencies or sleeping difficulties
- moodiness
- fatigue
- heartburn
- constipation
- symptoms that resemble arthritis
- canker sores
- nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting
- inflammation of the face and lips
- rhinitis
- migraine
- wheezing

Furthermore, allergic reactions to a specific kind of food can also generate a specific symptom. Therefore there are symptoms that can pinpoint to a certain type of food allergy which can then be quite useful in figuring out what medications to administer and the formulation of a management plan. In other words, it is possible to determine the source of the allergy by evaluating the symptoms.

Simple headaches are usually symptoms of an allergic reaction to chocolates and wheat. Migraines, on the other hand, are typically caused by an allergy to cheese, nuts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, milk, eggs, and MSG or monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a chemical used for seasonings in a lot of foods but only those which have excessive amounts can cause allergic reactions.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis, which is a swelling and drying of the skin, can be seen in allergies to citrus fruits, eggs, and tomatoes. Hives or urticaria is also a form of skin irritation which is represented by elevated skin welts that are reddish. Hives can be very itchy, this allergic reaction is common among tomatoes, eggs, shellfish, mangoes, pork meat, nuts, and strawberries.

Asthma is commonly seen in wheat and egg allergies.

There are also allergy manifestations that affect the physical energy, consciousness, and emotions of a person. These reactions can be regularly seen in allergies to wheat, soybeans, corn, and milk.

As you may have observed, many types of foods share the same symptoms most of the time. A careful assessment and physical evaluation is needed to at least determine the source of the allergy. It is not only in the symptoms that medical professionals can determine what the source of allergy is but also through blood tests, diet eliminations, and food challenges. Careful assessment of daily food intake by the patient can be of great help in pinpointing the culprit and as well as a comprehensive analysis of the symptoms observed.

Furthermore, a consultation with a reputable allergist who will be part of the medical team can assist you in fighting your allergy that may have caused you great discomfort in your daily life.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Food Allergy Survival Guide: A Book That Truly Cares


Food Allergy Survival Guide: A Book That Truly Cares

There are lots of people who are suffering from tragic food allergies. However, some don’t have any idea that they have it. Food allergy is the result of the body’s basic reaction upon introducing the types of food that are difficult or cannot be digested by the system. Once these types of food are digested and penetrate into the bloodstream, some of the food nutrients or other food components are rejected by the body. The tendency of the antibodies and other related elements are to fight back. Thereafter, allergy symptoms become apparent.
Common symptoms of food allergy include swollen hands, itchy and swollen eyes, burning sensations of the lungs due to thinning of the tissue lining, and closing of the larynx or throat.

Dealing with food allergies whether the condition is mild, moderate, or severe, must be learned. It includes learning causes of allergic reactions, the best options for preventing and fighting food allergies, and integrating ways into the person’s lifestyle is to avoid food allergies. The five-star book entitled Food Allergy Survival Guide is the best answer.

This book discuss all about the types of food eaten by people and provides detailed sections on how to deal with major allergens such as eggs, dairy, gluten or wheat, corn, peanuts, shellfish, fish, and yeast. Each section also include explanations regarding the types of food that must be avoided by allergic people, dealing with restaurants, preparing types of food, reading labels properly in connection with dangerous types of food, and incorporating easy and healthy alternatives.

Food Allergy Survival Guide is highly readable and comprehensive. Sufferers from food allergies will never feel alone because this helps them in widening their horizons and increasing their hopes that they could still eat the types of food they love, if they follow proper cautions. This is one of the great informative books wherein you can find common answers to common questions, real advice from experts, how to take the advantage of learning health and food issues, complete nutrition guides, and delicious recipes.

Food Allergy Survival Guide tackles some important health issues including food triggers, effective ways of conducting skin tests for determining sensitivity and allergy, how food allergies are interrelated with chronic illnesses such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), changes in behaviours and emotions once allergic reaction occurs, types of food that directly affects the health of the baby when breastfeeding, questions that must be asked to an allergist, using processed types of food, how to distinguish food sensitivity, food intolerance, and food allergy, how immunological process is connected to food hypersensitivity, and how to maintain eating healthy types of food through non-allergic substitutes.

Surprisingly, the best part of this book is the recipe section containing recipes completely free from major allergens. It is easy to learn cooking and baking healthier types of food retaining the flavor, texture, and richness. The types of food do not have to become boring and tasteless because you have food allergy. Nourishing and mouth-watering recipes are great such as divine macaroons, banana bread, ultra fudge brownies, chocolate cake, and pound cake. More than one hundred featured recipes without using cheese from the expert Jo Stepaniak. Comprehensive nutritional analysis is provided with every recipe, so never worry.

Compared to other books on dietary health, the Food Allergy Survival Guide takes the lead. So, if you are one among the thousands of people who are suffering from food allergy, you should consider purchasing this book. Knowledge, practice, and medications are at your hand. You can deal with food allergy with a more positive and affirming outlook.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Food Allergy Management at Schools


Food Allergy Management at Schools

Food allergy is a serious condition that can threaten the lives of people especially students at school. Food allergy also known as food hypersensitivity is the immune system’s reaction to the types of food containing protein or other ingredients. Thus, a certified allergist is needed to diagnose food allergy.

The symptoms of food allergy may greatly vary among individuals because of different exposures to food allergens. The time of attacks and severity also depend on the reaction to the types of food that are eaten. Food allergy’s most common symptoms include: skin irritations like hives, eczema, and rashes; gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea; and runny nose, breath shortness, and sneezing.

If not treated properly, severe reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, a fatal condition that requires instant medical attention. This is manifested by speedy onset of concurrent reactions such as hives, itching, swollen throat, difficult breathing, low blood pressure, and unconsciousness at some instances.

However, if food allergy management is incorporated, students can be handled without too much risk. The secret to its effectiveness lies on knowing and doing the responsibilities of the concerned parties. In this manner, students with food allergies are provided with a safe and sound educational environment.

The family of students with food allergy should notify the school about their condition. They must work with the school’s administration to create a plan on how to accommodate the needs of their children inside the classroom, cafeteria, post-care programs, school bus, FAAP (Food Allergy Action Plan), and sponsored activities in school. Medical instructions, documentations, and medications provided by the child’s physician through the FAAP must be submitted including photos.

Medicines must be disposed upon expiration or replaced after use with proper labels. Parents should educate their children about unsafe and safe types of food, strategies to avoid unsafe types of food, allergic symptoms, reading labels of types of food, and right time to tell adult once allergic symptoms occur. Review procedures and policies with your child, child’s physician, and school staff. Never forget to give contact information in case of emergency.

The school should be knowledgeable regarding federal laws and any district or state policies. They must review the student’s health records provided by their physicians and parents. They must create a school team which are composed of a school principal, nurses, teachers, school food services, counsellor, and nutrition director to work effectively with both students and parents and establish a major prevention plan.

Students with food allergy must be included in all school activities. Fieldtrips and no eating rules on school busses must be thoroughly discussed with parents and administrators. School staff with direct contacts to the students knows about food allergy, recognizes its symptoms, coordinates with other staff to get rid of allergens in the meals, school projects, educational tools, or incentives of allergic students.

Proper coordination and cooperation of all school staff is needed so that FAAP becomes efficient and effective. All medications are properly secure and accessible within school premises. However, regulations stated in the federal laws must be strictly followed.

The students should never trade different types of food with other students, eat types of food without knowing its ingredients, participate actively on the FAAP, and immediately notify adults in cases of emergency.

Students can outgrow their food allergies through proper management. Making this as part of their daily activities can enhance safety as well as food enjoyment throughout their lives. Planning well and joining forces together will definitely end well.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Easy Guidelines on Fighting Food Allergy through Allergens-Free Diet


Easy Guidelines on Fighting Food Allergy through Allergens-Free Diet

Some people are not aware that they have food allergy. It can be difficult to diagnose especially if allergic reactions are not apparent before. Symptoms of food allergy only appear if you exceed the tolerable amount of foods you are allergic to.

Food allergy lets your body react as if some foods are harmful. The immune system of the body then creates antibodies for fighting back food allergens which triggers the food allergy. Once the person eats the food, touches the food, or even inhales its particles, chemicals including histamine are released by the body to protect it from allergens. Allergic symptoms can affect your cardiovascular system, skin, gastrointestinal tract, or respiratory system. Food allergy symptoms are characterized by wheezing, abdominal pain, swelling, itchiness in the throat, tongue, or lips, itchy skin rashes, and runny nose.

Food allergies need to follow special diets. These diets do not contain food allergens as much as possible. It is advised to consult your doctor or dietician especially if you want to eliminate some types of food from your original diet or begin a specialized diet. It is because you might need some adjustments on the new meal plan or replace any lost nutrients by taking nutritional supplements.

1. Milk allergy diets. You need to eliminate milk and dairy products containing milk. These are good sources of Vitamin D and calcium. So it is necessary to replace it with other kinds of food such as soy products, spinach, and broccoli, also enriched with these nutrients. The labelled ingredients of the products must be always checked. You can also use almond, rice, or soy milk, instead of cow’s milk. Non-dairy goods which include some margarines, cheese, yogurt, chocolate, and ice cream.

2. Egg allergy diets. Young children, adults, and infants are more prone to egg allergies. Elimination of eggs and other products with egg contents is needed. Also check labels carefully because some egg alternatives has egg white contents.

3. Peanut allergy diets. Peanut allergies are one of the most fatal and are potentially serious among all types of food allergies. It contains food allergens most common for triggering allergic reactions. Most commercial foods such as ethnic foods, candy, and baked foods contain peanuts, especially if prepared only by one manufacturer.

4. Tree nuts allergy diets. All products with tree nuts ingredients must be totally avoided even though only one nut triggers your allergic reactions. Some shampoos and lotions also contain tree nuts. Carefully check the product labels.

5. Fish allergy diet. Fish have different species but contains similar proteins. You need to eliminate all kinds of fish from your diet, except if your allergist has already determined the specie that triggers your food allergy. It is also advisable not to visit seafood restaurants.

6. Shellfish allergy diets. Shellfish have different species but contains similar proteins. You need to eliminate all kinds of shellfish from your diet, except if your allergist has already determined the specie that triggers your food allergy.

7. Soy allergy diets. Soybeans are considered legumes which include kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, string beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, peanuts, carob, liquorice, and lentils. This is widely used for processing foods, so make sure to avoid such products.

8. Wheat allergy diets. Wheat proteins are called gluten and wheat made foods are considered as American diet staples, which you need to avoid. Read the labels of the products carefully.

Never forget these diet guidelines to fight food allergies successfully. After all nothing beats caution and preparedness.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Spotting the Culprit: Food Allergy Blood Test


Spotting the Culprit: Food Allergy Blood Test

A simple food allergy can change the way a person live his or her life for it basically makes this person a little altered than his or her allergy-free contemporaries. Allergies with certain types of food are caused by a specific chemical that is a common chemical ingredient in that same food. So, it is not surprising that an allergy to food may also cause a reaction to medications which subsequently leads to an alteration in medications, too.

As a result, medical professionals have been finding ways to detect food allergies as early as possible before the reactions take place. There are numerous testing processes that they utilize in finding out whether a patient is allergic to certain types of chemicals. One of these tests includes blood testing.

But before going further about blood testing, you should first understand what goes on inside the body during the allergic process.

There are two ways that the immune system reacts to an allergy. One approach is that the body, after the detection of allergens, generates immunoglobulin E or IgE which is a kind of antibody. IgE is then disseminated in the blood stream. The other approach is the occurrence of mast cells. Mast cells appear in the body tissues particularly in common allergy sites like the throat, nasal cavity, oral cavity, skin, lungs, and the organs of the gastrointestinal system.

There are cases that the capacity to produce immunoglobulin E to fight off a certain food allergen is in inherited. Individuals who are at higher risk in being afflicted with food allergies are those who have blood relations who have suffered from asthma, eczema, and hay fever.

Furthermore, an individual must initially be in contact with the potential food allergen before his or her body produces the antibody IgE. As the individual is finally exposed to the allergen the IgE is then produced and consequently fastens itself to the mast cells. This team up will eventually cause body chemical reactions the next time the allergen is eaten by the hapless individual.

Now, this immunoglobulin E is important in the detection for allergies through blood testing. The most frequently utilized blood tests are Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and CAP-RAST (which is basically similar to RAST but more advanced).

In blood tests, the outcome is ranked from one to six, with one the least positive and six the most. Blood tests can be utilized in individuals afflicted with a severe case of eczema since this type of testing cannot be influenced by antihistamines.

Following the drawing of blood samples, it is then sent away to the laboratories for further evaluation. Blood tests can be pretty much expensive and results are not immediately available for the patient to know whether they are allergic to certain food or not.

Eventually, an allergy is diagnosed when the medical professionals detected the presence of the immunoglobulin E or IgE in the patient’s blood. But the results of the blood test cannot identify if there is a close connection between the existence of IgE and the allergy’s intensity. There are even cases wherein the results are negative although the patient manifests symptoms of food allergy.

In case, blood tests fail there are still other tests that the medical professionals may utilize to size up your allergy. These tests may include skin prick tests, elimination diets, and food challenges.

Furthermore, feel free to ask questions to the medical professionals concerning the results to better understand your condition.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Food Allergy and Food Intolerance: Identification and Treatment


Food Allergy and Food Intolerance: Identification and Treatment

Most medical doctors nowadays are giving much attention to food allergies and intolerance unlike before. Although there is no particular drug that can be used as treatment for food allergies, there are other alternatives that can be pursued to control your addiction to certain foods. Some doctors also prescribe vitamin supplements and other drugs that can be helpful in controlling your cravings for certain foods.

Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamin wrote a book which was published way back in the year 2000. It’s a book all about food allergies, food intolerance, and their treatments. If you want to get invaluable advice to achieve long-lasting and dramatic health improvements, this is the best book to add to your book collection.

This book explains how food sensitivities cause misdiagnosed and chronic ailments like migraines, persistent fatigue, and sinus problems. It also features a gradual process of identifying certain food allergies, intolerances, and helps you reshape your diet to achieve better health.

Some chronic ailments like the ones mentioned above remain elusive, and doctors find it quite hard to diagnose such ailments. If all conventional tests can’t provide comprehensible diagnosis, the likely culprits are food intolerance and food allergies.

You can find clear explanations about the causes, differences between allergies and intolerance, and various case studies on certain problems that the readers are quite familiar about. Most importantly, the needed solutions or treatments for such problems are also provided. Many charts and illustrations are provided, including an elimination diet divided into three stages and a gradual reintroduction food system.

If you suspect that you have a persistent condition that is linked to any dietary sensitivity, this book can provide you with the necessary information that you will need in achieving sound results. You’re not only improving your health, but your life as well.

Most critics gave the book high ratings and they claim that the texts are thorough and detailed. The critics recommend the book for public health collections and for the general consumers. If you’re studying about food problems and allergies, this is a must-have that you shouldn’t miss. Of course the book can’t please everyone, and there are those that say the book lacks adequate examination of complementary and/or alternative practices which most readers and allergy sufferers are looking for in a book.

Many consumers also gave the book high ratings. Most of them claim that it’s truly a helpful book that it unlocks the door that leads to the better understanding of food intolerance and food allergy.

The good news is that the book is sold at approximately $20, and is shipped to you in twenty four hours. If you can’t afford it, you can settle for used copies, but make sure that you get it from authorized dealers.

The authors of the book are Brostoff and Gamlin, and they are an honorary professor/consulting physician and biochemist respectively. Brostoff is highly recognized as the leading authority on intolerance and food allergy internationally while Gamlin specializes about health matters, allergies, and immune system. Gamlin is also a well-respected writer.

So if anyone in your family suffers from any health condition and you think that it is brought about by food allergy, or perhaps food intolerance, don’t hesitate to buy the book. This is the key to discover what causes such health conditions.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Food allergy and anaphylaxis


Food allergy and anaphylaxis

A person will never know if they are allergic to a certain type of food unless they have eaten the food allergen itself. It takes a certain amount of food for the reaction to take place and trigger a symptom.

Food allergy and anaphylaxis are closely related, but they have their own defining differences that will be discussed as you read on.

Plus, a person can also develop allergic reactions to foods that are closely related to the original food allergy he or she has. Say, an allergy to oysters can also lead to an allergic reaction when the person eats shrimp, crabs, or fish.

In food allergy, the individual’s immune system reacts in two ways. The body may respond through the use of mast cells. These mast cells can come about at just any part of the human body but its favorite spots make itself known to the world is in the throat, lungs, eyes, skin, and especially the organs of the gastrointestinal system. The other type of response is through the body’s release of immunoglobulin E antibodies that travel through the blood system. It then eventually causes the discharge of the body chemical histamine which then causes the activation of allergic reactions in the common body sites previously mentioned.

On the other hand, anaphylaxis is derived from the Greek words ana and phylaxis, which subsequently means back and protection. It is the abrupt allergic response that is much more intense than the common allergy which can be lethal to the sufferer. Chief causes of anaphylaxis include insect stings, skin contact to latex, medications, and food. Anaphylaxis may also be idiopathically caused or, in lay man’s terms, unknown causes.

Like in food allergy, anaphylaxis involves the reaction of the different body sites; the only difference is the intensity of the response and only a small amount of the allergen is needed for the reaction to take place. The time span before signs and symptoms become evident ranges from within a few seconds up to a few hours after allergen exposure.

Anaphylaxis can come about following the intake of food, skin contact, or even as simple as inhalation of the food aroma. The life threatening type of anaphylaxis is called anaphylactic shock. In anaphylactic shock, only a tiny amount of the food allergen is needed to cause death to the sufferer within moments of exposure.

Individuals who are in danger of undergoing an anaphylactic reaction are those who have a history of allergy to food, asthma, and eczema. They are more likely to experience an anaphylactic response that can be fatal. Another population group who are also at risk of anaphylaxis, through the evidences of current studies that have been conducted, is teenagers who are afflicted with a certain type of food allergy. This is due to the fact that teenagers have frequent tendencies to eat out, are daring and experimental in their endeavours, and are more likely to fail to identify symptoms of anaphylactic reaction. Moreover, teenagers have tendencies to forget to carry with them essential medications which can either be caused by self-consciousness common to their age group.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis may be similar to that of food allergies. Basically, an incident of anaphylaxis initially starts with an itchy or irritating sensation, and some individuals experience a metallic after-taste. Anaphylactic symptoms may also include hot flashes or sudden warm feeling, inflammation of the throat and oral cavity, hives, dyspnea or laboured breathing, low blood pressure, diarrhoea, gastric irritations, and fainting or loss of consciousness.

Furthermore, there are cases wherein the symptoms fade away for a moment but then come back within a few hours; this incidence is known as biphasic reaction.

To prevent food allergy and anaphylactic reactions, careful scrutiny of food labels, diet modifications, specific instructions in food orders in restaurants, and certain medications can be of great help in reducing the incidence of any type of reaction. Moreover, a consultation to the physician is advisable for an efficient management plan and if allergies seem to run in families because it can also be hereditarily caused.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Common Food Allergy


Common Food Allergy: Effectively Managing Food Allergies

It is a fact that you have to eat food every day in order to give your body the nourishment it needs in order for it to function on its daily tasks. Obviously, food is what fuels your body to go on living. However, there are cases where food can also cause illness that you have to avoid.

Today, there are cases where people are allergic to certain kinds of food. In order to properly manage it, you have to consider that you will need to be aware of the food that you are allergic from and also to avoid food that contains certain kinds of allergens that your body will react to.

It is very important that you should know how to effectively manage your diet especially if you are allergic to certain kinds of food as allergy attacks can be very uncomfortable and can affect the normal functions in your daily life. In severe cases, allergy attacks may need you to be hospitalized as it can cause swelling in your air passages that will not allow you get any oxygen in your lungs and suffocate to death.

First of all, allergy attacks are triggered by the allergens found in allergen-containing foods. Normally, these allergens are considered to be harmless. However, once it enters the body of a person with allergic reaction to specific allergens, the immune system overreacts and tries to destroy the foreign object that made its way to the body. During this process, the body reacts by showing signs of swelling to different parts of the body, skin rashes, redness and increase in temperature, itching, shortness of breath and wheezing,

As you can see, allergic reactions of your body can be very uncomfortable and will severely affect your daily activities. This is why you have to be aware of the foods you eat and know what kind of food you are allergic from.

Usually, the most common food allergies that the body reacts to are peanuts, shellfish, milk, fish, wheat and soy. If you are not sure what food allergens you are allergic to, you have to visit your physician or an allergist. They will give you a series of tests that will enable you to identify what kind of food you are allergic from. With this kind of information, you will be able to manage your allergy effectively and prevent any future attacks.

Here are some ways you can prevent allergy attacks. Firstly and obviously, you have to avoid foods that contain food allergens that your body reacts to. This means that you should never eat food that you are allergic to and never cook food with an ingredient that contains the food allergens.

If you are out dining in a restaurant, you should inform the waiter or waitress about your food allergy and ask him or her which food contains the food allergen you are allergic from. If you really want to eat foods that contain the allergens, you have to inform the waiter or waitress to not include the ingredient (milk, peanuts, tree nuts, egg) that you are allergic from.

If you accidentally ingested the food-containing allergen, it is very important that you should immediately take anti-histamine medications. This is why you have to take anti-histamine medication wherever you go in case you accidentally ate food that contains an ingredient that you are allergic from.

These are some of the common food allergens that you should know about in order to properly manage it and minimize the risk of future allergy attacks that can lead to severe discomfort and in severe cases, death.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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Child Food Allergy: How to Effectively Manage It


Child Food Allergy: How to Effectively Manage It

As a parent, it is very important for your child to have everything. You would want everything to be the best for your child and this is why most parents work very hard in order to give their children their needs and their wants. You work hard in order to give your child the best possible living conditions, nutritious and delicious foods, enrol them to the best schools, and you also want them to have the best toys that they can play with.

As you can see, it is quite natural for you as a parent to want the best in everything for your child in order for them to grow up healthy as well as happy. However, there comes a time where your child gets sick. Today, there are numerous cases of child food allergy that can severely affect your child’s way of life.

With a child food allergy, you have to take care and closely monitor what your child eats. Because they still don’t have an idea about what foods they can eat and what foods they cannot eat, it is very necessary that you should always keep an eye out for your child. However, if they are now going to school, you have to consider that their classmates may eat food that their child is allergic from. You have to realize the fact that your children just might want to taste it. And, with you at the office, working very hard for your child, you can’t always keep an eye out for your child and tell them that they can’t eat the food.

First of all, allergies are triggered by histamines. Although histamines are normally found in animal dander, and in pollens, it can also be found in certain foods. In fact, some people are allergic to a lot of foods that they have to know what they are eating. You also have to know how allergies work in order to fully understand how you can manage it. Allergies are triggered when your child ingests histamine. Histamines are normally considered to be harmless in the human body, however, when a person is allergic to it, the white blood cells or the immune systems overreacts and attacks the histamine. This also triggers the body to experience sneezing, runny nose, and swelling in different parts of the body. This is considered to be your body’s self-defence when they encounter an alien object in your body.

There are severe cases of allergies that some children experiences that can really affect their life. In some cases of allergy attacks, you may need to take your child to the hospital. This is why it is very important that you should identify what kind of food is allergic from.

Usually, child food allergy is triggered by histamines in peanuts and in shellfish. Although they may develop allergy to other kinds of food, peanuts and shellfish are the main triggers of allergies.

It is also a great way to keep track of their diet in order for you to identify the causes of allergy attacks in your child. However, it is best that you should consult their paediatrician where they will perform a series of tests that can be used to identify what kind of allergens triggers your child’s allergy attacks. To do this, your paediatrician will do a series of lab examination that will include skin tests to determine the causes of the allergy.

By doing this and by knowing about what kind of food your child is allergic to, you will be able to manage the food they eat and give them a more normal life to live.

Food Allergy with Bill & Sheila

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