Why fish oil is good for your brain: Study finds it boosts memory by 15 per cent


Why fish oil is good for your brain: Study finds it boosts memory by 15 per cent

  • Fatty acid found in fish and seafood boosts memory function by 15 per cent
  • Fish-rich diet important for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing onset of dementia

Sadie Whitelocks

Last updated at 1:47 AM on 30th November 2011

Eating oily fish such as salmon and trout can significantly improve your memory say scientists.

A new study found that a fatty acid found in fish and seafood can boost memory function by 15 per cent.

Scientists are now highlighting the importance of a fish-rich diet for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing the onset of dementia.

According to a new study eating oily fish such as salmon can significantly improve your memory and help prevent the onset of dementia

According to a new study eating oily fish such as salmon can significantly improve your memory and help prevent the onset of dementia

Over a six month period 176 healthy adults were given supplements containing DHA – an Omega-3 fatty acid found in foods such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, prawns and mussels.

During this time memory and cognitive function were assessed and compared to a placebo group.

After treatment, memory, working memory and speed of working memory all showed significant improvements.

It is believed that DHA could be key in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most common forms of dementia, characterised by a decline in mental abilities, such as memory and reasoning and often associated with increasing age.

Lead researcher Professor Welma Stonehouse of Massey University in New Zealand said: ‘This is the first robust study to show that a DHA-rich
supplement can improve some aspects of memory functioning in young healthy adults.

DHA - an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and seafood is one of the most highly concentrated fats in the brain

DHA – an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and seafood is one of the most highly concentrated fats in the brain

‘The cognitive functions shown to be affected by the DHA-rich fish oil, namely memory and working memory, are among the most important functions of our brains for numerous everyday activities, such as working, driving, shopping, studying, playing sports, etc.

‘Maintaining brain health and getting
your brain to perform at its optimal capacity is just as vital as maintaining physical wellbeing and health.’

DHA, is one of
the most highly concentrated fats in the brain and known to play a vital role in the structure and functioning of the brain.

But as the body cannot effectively make this fatty acid it must be consumed as part of the diet.

Researchers highlighted that as many people fail to eat enough fish and seafood, the brain’s performance is potentially compromised.

The study showed that male participants who took a DHA supplement demonstrated 15 per cent faster working memory while women had a seven per cent improvement in the speed of episodic memory.

Professor Stonehouse added: ‘These findings contribute to the growing body of research showing that omega-3′s play a very important role in brain function throughout the life cycle, even in healthy cognitively intact individuals.’

This is one of the few studies to investigate the effects of DHA on cognitive function in healthy adults with no pre-existing cognitive disorder.

Dementia affects around 570,000 people in England, with Alzheimer’s disease responsible for around 60 per cent of dementia cases.

The NHS states a healthy diet should include at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Ever seen a salmon forget to swim up river :)

176 subjects; presumably this includes the control group, so 88 people took the nutrition supplement. Not exactly a stunningly large number. Do you tell us what the likelihood is of this result appearing by chance? Of course not; that would spoil the story. I can tell you, though, that with so tiny a sample the likelihood is very high. Tells us nothing.

My mother ate fish regularly her whole life – she got dementia. I think that depression is often the cause of dementia. You need a lot of laughter in your life. Governments could help by lowering taxes for hard-working people – they would find the health care of the population would improve. Probably more than when people stop smoking. And depression is linked to smoking as well.

Nothing new here, What about Hemp seed and cannabis? Flax seed and certain nuts. These all contain omega3, cannabis and hemp seed contains omega 3, 6 9 in the correct portions that our bodies require. It is also a well know fact that cannabis helps people with Alzheimer and Parkinson etc.

“It is believed that DHA could be key in preventing Alzheimer’s disease”……………………..I agree that DHA rich fish oil will help the memory but it will not, by itself, prevent Alzheimer’s. This is because Alzheimer’s is mainly caused by aluminium and mercury. So the way to prevent Alzheimer’s is to make sure you do not use any products that contain these two toxic metals. The products with the highest amounts of aluminium and mercury are;- aluminium cookware, amalgam tooth fillings, vaccinations, antiperspirants and large fish like tuna and shark.

I cant stand fishes to eat, she tryed to make it for roast sunday lunch and had gravy to but i woodnt eat it again, roasted fish fingers.

Old news !!!

Now the price of what has been a cheap and plentiful staple in my house is going to rise beyond the reach of many. Thanks Scientists. Also if all the Agro Chemical Companies, Nuclear Plants etc continue dumpToxic waste into our precious seas who will want to eat it?

I eat loads of fish. I particularly like sea trout and salmon poached in the oven with a little bit of fennel and some prawns. I can assure everybody that this is why I am …………. oh what was it I was going to say? I dunno I forget

Remember those Nature documentaries, of Canadian bears catching dozens of salmon returning to their spawning-grounds. Has anyone yet found a bear with dementia?

The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.

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Fish Oil - It’s Health Benefits & Risks

Fish Oil – It’s Health Benefits & Risks

As the name implies, fish oil is oil that is removed from the tissues of oily fish and is often recommended as part of a healthy diet program. Many nutritionists recommend that individuals each fish at least once a week, but emphasis must be placed on the importance of avoiding fish that contain certain harmful contaminants. In avoiding predatory fish, such as sharks and others, individuals will prevent the consumption of unhealthy substances which can accumulate due to the fish’s predatory lifestyle.

The benefits of fish oil are thought to be many, including a number of experts who believe that it’s consumption can help to regulate cholesterol. This problem affects many individuals and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious complications. The liver of fish, however, may contain dangerous levels of Vitamin A.

According to the American Heart Association, daily consumption of the proper amount of fish oil can be beneficial for patients suffering from coronary heart disease. In addition, the United States National Institute of Health recommends fish oil for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Once again, the institute reiterates the fact that high levels of omega-3 fatty acid intake may increase the risk of dangerous side effects, including a stroke.

In September 2005, Louisiana State University conducted a study that resulted in findings to support a theory that fish oil may prevent the brain from developing cognitive problems that are associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. This illness, which is common among the elderly, causes an individual to gradually lose his/her memory.

Apart from consuming fish on a daily basis, fish oil is available as dietary supplements and can may be purchased at many locations. In certain cases, fish oil may require a doctor’s prescription if the product is of pharmaceutical quality. It is important that individuals read the label and/or instructions carefully before using any medication and/or dietary supplement, including fish oil. It is also equally important that individuals inform their doctor of any current health problems and/or medications for which they are currently taking.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as professional medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, a doctor’s recommendation . Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, including one that involves the use of fish oil, an individual who develops an illness of any type should consult a licensed physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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You Gotta Love Fish Oil

fish oil

You Gotta Love Fish Oil

One has gotta love fish oil. If you think that I’m kidding then please continue reading. Those who shun fishes like mackerel, tuna and salmon due to some personal and at times even weird preferences might have second thoughts after they come to learn the benefits of eating those kinds of fish. These fish along with herring, sardines, flounder and lake trout contains omega-3 fatty acids.

However, just to clarify the fish themselves are not capable of producing the oil themselves. In the case of herrings and sardines, they accumulate the omega-3 deposits from eating microalgae that produces them. And mackerel, salmon, flounder, and trout get their supply from eating small fishes like the herrings.

Now aside from the omega-3, other fatty acids present in what we may call oily fishes are the eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. You have probably heard of these two from commercials or advertisements which markets products that contain these acids. EPA and DHA can play an important role in the development of one’s brain, helps keep the nervous system in top shape and even protect people from heart disease. If you, however, find that these benefits are not enough then I don’t fret fro there are a number of other great advantages from including fish oil in one’s diet. Let us begin.

Another good reason of making oily fish part of the daily meals or considering fish oil as food supplement is that it can reduce the risk of getting cancer. May it be breast, prostate or colon cancer, fish that are rich in fatty acids were found to be capable of stopping the development and spread of cancer cells to healthy ones.

And what about the findings that pregnant women has less chance of developing complications during pregnancies? You see, those fatty and oily fishes are more than just a treat to the palates. The fish oil, moreover, helps prevent premature delivery and low birth weight. In fact, women who consumed fish oil during their pregnancy were found to deliver babies that are stronger against allergies.

Besides the things that have mentioned so far, fish oil seems to be quite beneficial for our eyesight as well. As we grow older our eyesight slowly diminishes. That’s why a lot of older folks need corrective eyeglasses or even surgery just to see a little bit clearer. Fish oil helps improves eyesight, decrease the dryness, and prevents the decline of eyesight in old age.

Other known benefit include treatment for inflammatory bowel disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and even systemic lupus. Not to mention, fatty acids from fish can help prevent a variety of depression and anxieties. The omega-3 in the fatty acids are good for relieving anxiety, sadness, stress, mental fatigue, restlessness, suicidal tendencies and some nervous disorders. Even those who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorders are encouraged to include fish oil in their diet.

If you by now you’re still not loving fish oil then I don’t know what else to say. Since studies are being conducted continuously, scientists will find more benefits from eating fish oil. They will find a whole new list of why it would be good to add fish oil in one’s diet.

However, even at this time with the different benefits that have been cites, I have no reason to doubt that one really gotta love fish oil.

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Fish Oil, Food & Cooking with Bill & Sheila

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Why Having Fish Oil in One’s Diet is Important

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Why Having Fish Oil in One’s Diet is Important

Why we need fish oil in our diet? Why is it important? The short version of the answer to those questions would be: we’re not healthy if we don’t. Allow me to read some of your thoughts. You are probably thinking at the back of your mind that fish oil are just fatty oils and you know you have been told for so long that fats are not good for one’s health so what is this writer raving about? Totally excluding fish oil in one’s diet is not a healthy practice, is that true? And now kindly prepare yourself for the longer version of the answer to those two questions will follow next.

But before we go into the fish oil benefits let’s briefly explain the omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. These are the two main divisions of the fatty acids. Vegetables oils like soy oil and corn oil fall under the omega-6 group. And most of us are aware, and take note that experts agree on this, that too much intake of vegetable oils could result to blood clotting and inflammation.

This is probably one of the reasons why you are reluctant to believe that not all fatty oils are bad for your health. In fish, the omega-3 fatty acids are produced by marine planktons which are part of the fish’s diet. The omega-3 contains eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) which are basically the two important fatty acids that gives the body the most number of benefits.

Among the health benefits of EPA and DHA include preventing heart attacks, the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. In fact, studies have shown that people who eat more fish have lower chances of having their blood vessels inflamed which is definitely good for the heart. By eating a fish diet or taking fish oil supplements, the heart becomes healthier. Moreover, other studies have confirmed that by including fish in one’s daily meals could help combat hypertension and obesity. These acids are also known to lower blood pressure.

Some studies have found out that fish oil when used by people with asthma conditions seems to provide relief and a general improvement of health conditions. Aside from those with asthma and other allergies, people who are being treated for depression and mood swings can use fish oil as well to help them control their emotions.

Although, we still maintain that the best way to obtain fish oil is by eating the fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. However, due to several reports that the fish we eat contained rather high levels of the mercury, a pretty dangerous element. Pregnant women and those with young children should avoid eating fish with high mercury levels.

While having fish oil in one’s diet is indeed very important, nowadays it is becoming more of a risk to get your daily allotments of fish oil from the eating salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. Even though they are still the best ways to get your essential fatty acids, due to some recent reports of high levels of mercury found in fishes, it might actually be better to go with fish oil supplements instead.

These supplement capsules can be bought from health and even drugstores. But make sure you pick the best brand of supplement and read reviews as well as get referrals from friends. Don’t think for a minute that you’re just being picky.

What you’re doing is making sure that you will invest your money on a trusted supplement brand.

Food & Cooking – fish oil with Bill & Sheila

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What is a Healthy Diet with Fish Oil Supplements?

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What is a Healthy Diet with Fish Oil Supplements?

What is really a healthy diet with fish oil supplements, is actually and simply an eating lifestyle that balances the body’s weight and getting the correct nourishment.
A healthy diet with fish oil supplements is an important factor in determining your overall health condition, and when coupled with physical activity, a diet regimen is a key factor in establishing your weight level.

One of the major reasons why people go on a diet is due to obesity, which increases the risk for cardio-vascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, kidney and liver problems, among many others.

These are alarming health risks that require one to go on a diet, not just for aesthetic purposes.

But going on a healthy diet with fish oil supplements as a regimen can be a surmountable task for many, and it is important to get expert opinion on how to go about a healthy diet with fish oil supplements.

Common pitfalls that accompany dieting is lack of time for food preparation, random food selections, food starvation or deprivation, skipping meals, diet medication and incorrect diet practices.

People should understand that healthy diet with fish oil supplementing should not be a daunting task, since it will not be very difficult to seek guidance on getting the proper nutritional information for all food items.

Firstly, try to make use of the tons of nutritional information you find on food labels, since this will give you first-hand information about the nutritional values of the foods you would like to include in your diet.

It’s a good thing that we now live in an age where technology allows us to break down components found in food and identifying each element and their corresponding values for nutrition.

Secondly, always subscribe to natural means of nutritional sourcing. Prefer fortified nutritional health supplements derived from fruit or vegetable extracts compared to synthetic vitamin or mineral sources. You guarantee yourself with less risk from adverse effects with natural supplements compared to synthetic ones.

Thirdly, condition yourself to follow through on your diet regimen. A hastily crafted diet regimen plus a half-hearted decision to pursue a diet regimen could only last you a couple of weeks, or even just days. Long-term planning and a dogged determination to push through with your diet regimen is a vital key to a successful and healthy diet with fish oil supplements program.

Fourthly, try to establish a diet program partner or a support group to keep you motivated. Indeed, pursuing a diet regimen by oneself is generally a lonesome task that could only lead to your diet program going down the drain. It is best to have someone help you monitor your diet program development, since feedback and motivational support can help you move on and keep you challenged to finish your diet regimen program.

Try to also put some fun into our diet regimen program, this will help you have a more enjoyable program that you could keep on to the end, rather than a diet program that causes you to suffer or have misgivings about what you may have given up to pursue your diet regimen.

Lastly, couple your diet program with a supplementary exercise pattern. Physical activity is still the best way to help you hasten your diet regimen, since you get to burn more calories.

Your best resource is your physician or nutrition expert, they can provide you with vital information on what diet program you could subscribe to that could suit you best.
Always be careful when you want to go pursue a diet regimen, it pays to know what is best and save yourself the trouble of regretting something that you would not expect to happen to you.

So why not try a healthy lifestyle with fish oil supplements?

Food & Cooking – fish oil with Bill & Sheila

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Updates On The Benefits Of Fish Oil

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Updates On The Benefits Of Fish Oil

Many scientists believe that the discovery of fish oil as brain food 150,000 years ago became is the starting point that separates modern humans from the ragtag band of earlier species. The discovery was actually an accident since fat or oil from fish was a common diet of many early people in the East African Rift Valley.

Fish oil is a brain food that caused their thinking skills to expand with incredible speed, allowing them tremendous advantage over every other species on the planet. Within a short time, they were able to dominate the earth. For these believers’ fat or oil form fish is most likely the candidate for the brain food that initiated their mental development. Fish oil by then was a rare type of fat that would have been in short supply on the plains of Africa but was found in great abundance in the lakes of the

East African Rift Valley.

They believe that fish oil is the crucial dietary factor that enabled early generations to evolve into modern humans about 150,000 years ago. For them it is the missing link that will allows us to age with our mental capabilities completely free from many disorders. Dementia and depression are one of these disorders, both a mental health problems.

Dementia is a loss of brain function and usually occurs with other diseases. The causes of dementia are mostly not preventable. There are studies that say that dementia can be controlled by practicing healthy habits like quitting smoking, controlling high blood pressure and diabetes. Dementia has many types and one of them is the vascular dementia, a type that is caused by series of small strokes or changes in the brain’s blood supply. A notable healthy habit that can help reduce vascular dementia is by taking a low-fat diet and exercising regularly.

Depression on the other hand, is a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder with symptoms like severe sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and sleeping time, feelings of hopelessness, and sometimes can lead to a suicide. A recent study revealed that higher blood levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are associated with a lower risk of these two diseases among elderly persons. EPA is found in certain fish and are believed by some to lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

New medical research also revealed that almost every chronic disease is affected by an imbalance of eicosanoids. It is by constantly controlling insulin levels that a person can gain control of eicosanoids which is the key to prevent diseases and maintain wellness. Eicosanoids affect our body as a whole including the heart, mind and even emotions. Excess in insulin leads to a wide range of disease conditions.

There is also a need for a person to regulate calorie without hunger or deprivation. It is believe that by doing so, aging is reversed. And lastly for a person to gain balance in her well-being, a person most supplement her diet with tolerable amount of fish oil.

Hormones are the key to longevity and optimal health and you have the power to control your hormones through your diet. Once you achieve this, you can have the power to reverse the aging process, prevent heart disease, reverse cancer, reduce pain and inflammation and treat neurological disease.
And since controlling your hormones is the key to a longer and better life, fish oil is the missing link that allows you to achieve it with no side effects.

Food & Cooking – fish oil with Bill & Sheila

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Understanding Fish Oil

fish oil

Understanding Fish Oil

Fish oil has a long history of being used as a nutritional supplement. It is generally derived from oil coming from the tissues of oily fish. There are many sources of fish that the world gets its fish oil supply from. But about 50 per cent of all fish oil production in the world comes from farmed salmon.

Fish Oil Sources

Fish oil is primarily derived from farmed salmon. There are times when fish oil may also be sourced from other fatty fish notably mackerel, lake trout, flounder and tuna. But such types of fish are known to be predatory. And because of this, they run the risk of accumulating certain toxic substances such as mercury, dioxin and PCB’s. In order to avoid this and have fish oil sources known to be as clean as possible, farmed salmon are the best option.

Fish Oil Benefits

One of the things why fish oil has become quite a popular nutritional supplement around the world is because it is very rich in Omega -3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid. These compounds are said to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. There are also studies that say that these nutrients also have anti-cancer properties as well as may help in certain cases of depression.

Fish Oil Production

Production of fish oil is shared among a number of countries. But it has been seen that there was a substantial decrease in total fish oil supply, mainly because of declines suffered by a lot of the said countries. Countries such as Peru, Chile, Denmark, Iceland and Norway are known as the five major fish oil exporting nations.

Adverse Effects

Despite the various benefits that fish oil is said to offer as a supplement, medical experts still suggest caution in overusing it. There have been studies that indicate certain risks associated with fish oil. In some studies, there are suspected risks that researchers have found in the use of EPA and DHA fatty acids in fish oil.

Over usage of EPA and DHA, which is determined at more than three grams daily, are known to increase the risk of bleeding, especially in people who are also taking aspirin or warfarin. But further research may be needed to determine if EPA and DHA do offer such risks. Extreme dosage intake of fish oil is also associated with a higher risk of experiencing haemorrhagic stroke. In some individuals, fish oil intake may also affect LDL cholesterol levels.

Cardiac Risk

Because fish oil is still considered as fat, people with conditions arising from too much fat in their systems should also be cautious of taking fish oil as a supplement. Recent research seems to provide different results when it comes to how the fatty acids in fish oil affect people who may be suffering from heart disease or stroke.

In absence of definitive research, patients are being cautioned not to take fish oil without the recommendation from their doctor. People with certain heart problems or a history of heart disease should first talk with their doctors about the safety of taking fish oil supplements.

Food & Cooking – fish oil, with Bill & Sheila

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The Healing Benefits of Fish oil

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The Healing Benefits of Fish oil

“What are the healing benefits of Fish oil and how can it help someone with cardio vascular diseases?”

This is one of today’s biggest question on one of this century’s enigmatic disease called cardio vascular diseases, which is often associated with one’s lifestyle, diet and even stress and depression.

The primary cause of cardio vascular diseases is still not known, however, experts agree that emotional or physical trauma are among the factors that develop the disease. Some experts also believe that cardio vascular patients have constant abnormal transmission responses to pain.

Insomnia and other sleep disorders are also common in cardio vascular patients, leading to increased stress levels on the patient and could rapidly spread the disease throughout the human body, while another theory supposes that cardio vascular diseases is also linked to the metabolical changes in a person’s blood flow, leading to symptoms of weakness and chronic fatigue.

A much more simpler theory suggests that cardio vascular diseases may be inherited and flows along family lines, still there is also no proof to attest to that claim.
Although there is no established prevention for cardio vascular diseases to occur in a person, the management and treatment of the disease has significantly improved and advanced over the years.

Despite the somewhat enigmatic cause of this disease, one treatment method that is popularly adopted by cardio vascular patients is an Asian therapeutic treatment approach is fish oil supplements, since it is a very good source of Omega 3 acids which significantly help in ensuring good oxidation in the body and helps improve blood circulation and muscle strengthening, among them the human heart.

Fish oil has been adopted as a good treatment for internal diseases for over a thousand years now and traces its roots back to ancient Japanese and Chinese natural healing methods.

Currently, thousands of cardio vascular sufferers have benefited from the healing powers of fish oil, and many of these consistent testimonials are that it significantly relieves stress and anxiety, strengthens the body’s natural self-healing ability, balances the functions of the human organs and glandular systems, promotes a positive spiritual and emotional well-being, enhances relaxation including sleep, relieves pain, removes toxins from the body and strengthens the body’s immune system.

Today, cardio vascular diseases and fish oil are mutually associated with each other, since a growing number of cardio vascular patients have found fish oil to be a healthy alternative to the treatment of the disease, although it is pointed out that it is not a direct healing medication that will actually ‘cure’ the disorder, its supplemental properties- when administered accordingly with conventional treatment- hastens the healing process.

The healing benefits of fish oil – especially for those suffering from cardio vascular diseases – are not just made popular by lip service or media hype, but more from the results of a healing experience that have eased the suffering and pain of thousands of those with cardio vascular diseases.

Science and technology has indeed found a way to harness this wealth of the deep for the benefit of mankind and now that we have it at the palm of our hands and what better way to make the most of it is to embrace the healing benefits of fish oil to our day to day living, be it for treatment or even just as a health supplement.

Food & Cooking – fish oil, with Bill & Sheila

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The Dark Side of Fish Oil: The Side Effects

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The Dark Side of Fish Oil: The Side Effects

First you need to understand that fish oil has a lot of benefits. The omega-3 fish oil belongs to the essential fatty acids which our body needs. Our body does not have any capabilities of producing the omega-3 so we rely on external sources, mainly fish rich in oil, as our main source. The fact that it is labelled essential fatty acid means that our body really needs it and the lack of which could result to a variety of health consequences.

Among the known benefits of taking omega-3 includes reducing the risks of having heart disease, can reduce the development of cancer cells, prevents pregnancy complications, improves eyesight and helps prevent depression. We can have a longer list but I won’t trouble you with that, needless to say the benefits of fish oil are real. But unknown to quite few, the fish oil supplements that we all think of as friends has the dark side too, has side effects which when left uncheck can be quite harmful and can even prove to be fatal.

If our list of benefits is quite long, the side effects not as many. The side effects only manifests when one overdoses with the intake and can even disappear after a few days. Sometimes that body just needs to get used to the fish oil and once it has adjusted, the side effects would disappear. Some of the minor and immediate side effects include a fishy after taste and diarrhoea.

These two often appears during the first few days of taking the fish oil. These symptoms should disappear after a couple of days but in case they don’t changing brands of fish oil supplements might help. But setting up a meeting with your doctor would be the best idea.

After a couple of weeks of taking fish oil capsules, you might notice some fishy burping before and after each meal. This can just be because your body is still adjusting. Give it a couple of days and the burping might stop. Although, you should check the expiry dates of your of your supplements. You might also want to consider that what you have been taking are bad quality produce. Changing brands might help. Some suggest keeping the supplements in a freezer to prevent the various gastrointestinal side effects.

On the other hand, blood thinning is something that you cannot eliminate by just simply changing brands. You see omega-3 from fish oils is great for the heart because it is a natural blood thinner. They help coagulate the blood which helps prevent blood clots which helps prevent heart diseases.

But because omega-3 is already a blood thinner, people who are already taking blood thinning medications should avoid the intake of either the fish oil or the blood thinning drug. The possible problem with this is that people will get too much blood thinners resulting to patients bleeding out. The bleeding could be internal which can damage organs and could result to something fatal.

You should watch out for signs of internal bleeding like black stools or the presence of blood in the stool or vomiting of blood which are all signs of gastrointestinal bleeding. When you bleed in the brain the signs could be changes in your vision or speech, numbness of an arm or leg, and severe headache.

The dark side of fish oil is just that, one part of a fairly good supplement. There are ways to prevent the side effects and most of them through proper consultations before you even start taking those fish oil supplements.

Food & Cooking – fish oil, with Bill & Sheila

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The Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements

fish oil

The Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements

The benefits of fish oil supplements should not outweigh the need to understand how these supplements should work or provide essential nutrients for the human body.
Although it is a general notion for nutrition experts to insist on regular food as the common and most basic source of vitamins and minerals important for the human body, fish oil supplements, be it in liquid or solid form, are needed to ensure a holistic enrichment and nourishment for the body.

Fish oil supplementation is ideally beneficial by providing for what the regular or daily diet may not provide, it can also be a preventive measure against diseases and illnesses.

Essentially, fish oil supplements are meant to complement a diet, not as a substitute for it, as what many believe to be the case. Since plant foods still contain many nutrients, among them phytochemicals, that still cannot be substituted or generated through synthetic means.

Why the need for fish oil supplements? Take for instance these circumstances;

Infants that are being breast-fed need to have their regular source of iron, especially when they reach their four to six months, since breast milk only provides little iron. This is where iron supplementation comes in with baby milk formula or alternative sources like fortified cereal meals or baby food.

Children also need fluoride supplementation to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Pregnant women need multivitamin-mineral supplementation, to ensure that their nutrient levels are met for the development of the foetus inside the womb. Among those that need supplementation are increased levels of foliate to prevent birth defects, as well as increased amounts of vitamins like B6, C and D and minerals like calcium, copper, iron and zinc.

For children who are picky eaters, they need to have their regular dosage of the required vitamins and minerals to ensure better growth and brain development.
Breastfeeding mothers also need supplementation, since they need increased amounts of essential nutrients that depletes during the process of breastfeeding. Among those are vitamins B6, C and D, as well as calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

Even vegetarians are not exempt from the need to take in supplements, since they do not get all the essential nutrients only from vegetables, especially for growing vegan children who need to have the nutrients provided by dairy products, meat, poultry and fish.

Also those above the age of 50 have special needs for some nutrients that they need more of and some that they need less. Seniors need to have more vitamins B6, B12 and D, as well as foliate. Postmenopausal women also need the supplement their calcium intake to lessen the risk of osteoporosis.

Alternative fish oil supplementation is a must to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle, but don’t be fooled by mass media advertising campaigns or too-good-to-true offers, since not all those supplements found in the market are what it seems to declare or state.

Be cautious. It does not mean that because it is cheaper than others you get good value for your money. It is best to investigate first.

Also try to seek advice from a nutritionist, dietician or your physician as to what your body needs and does not need to have, since they may be able to help you establish what you need supplemented or fortified.

The benefits of fish oil supplements is indeed good for the body, but take note that anything good taken in excess can end up to negative results.

Food & Cooking -fish oil, with Bill & Sheila

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