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Tag Archives: coffee
Coffee is the worlds most popular and consumed beverage. It is usually served hot prepared from the roasted seed of coffee beans. Its popularity has given birth to many kinds of instant coffee. The word coffee entered the English way back in 1598 from the Italian word “caffa” via the Turkish word “kahveh” through the Arabic word “qahwa”. The ultimate origin of the word is uncertain there being several legendary account of the origin of the drink. Coffee is such a drink which is liked by all people irrespective of their age or geographical location. Coffee is made either hot or … Continue reading
Today’s Coffee Makers
Coffee, the most popular beverage the world over, has been in use from time immemorial. The making of coffee has always been a matter of interest and innovation and has undergone drastic changes over time. The evolution of coffee making from the early boiling of ground beans, and then the conventional filter over a small pot of boiled water, has finally reached modern standards. The wide variety of coffee that is available in the markets and coffee shops induced the modern home maker to go for a coffee maker to enjoy the luxury of a satisfying cup of coffee of … Continue reading
Starbucks Iced Coffee Recipe Versus All Other Iced Coffee
Starbucks Iced Coffee Recipe Versus All Other Iced Coffee Are All Recipes The Same? If you like iced coffee then I expect as you are probably a serious coffee lover you love the Starbucks iced coffee recipe. If you are reading this article then you have tasted and know what iced coffee is and you will certainly have tried a Starbucks iced coffee recipe. But iced coffee is not what you are thinking it is. You do not make a cup of hot coffee and wait for it to cool down or chill it in the freezer to make a … Continue reading
Posted in All About Coffee Tagged coffee, iced coffee, recipe for Starbucks Frapuuccino Leave a comment
Hawaiian Coffee – The Flavour Of The Tropics
Hawaiian Coffee – The Flavour Of The Tropics If you have ever visited Hawaii then you already know how beautiful and picturesque these islands are. They offer fantastic food which can’t be matched anywhere in the world and the Hawaiian coffee is another thing which is highly sought after worldwide. Hawaiian coffee, also known as Kona coffee, offers a rich flavour that is addictive to the discriminating coffee drinker. Hawaiian coffee is grown on small farms and is typically wet-processed. When coffee is wet-processed it removes the four layers that immediately surround the bean. The result is a cleaner and … Continue reading
The History of Espresso
The History of Espresso If you are an avid coffee drinker then chances are that you probably know all about the varieties, types, flavours, and prices of various coffees that you drink on a regular basis. However, if you’re not that familiar with espresso then you may be in for a surprise. Espresso is quite different from coffee products because there is a very different method of making the liquid. Here are some interesting facts about the history of espresso, though, that you may not have known previously. Developed in Italy Did you know that espresso was actually developed more … Continue reading
Making Great Coffee Takes Skill
Making good coffee isn’t as simple as just setting your coffee machine. Making bad coffee is much easier to make, but if you want the best cup of coffee then you need to take care of certain things before you pour the first drop. If you want the best brew then make sure you have cold water in your machine. Don’t use water that is hot or has been boiled already, if you want even superior results than use cold water that has been filtered or is bottled. If your home has old pipes and nasty tasting water than this … Continue reading
A Good Coffee Mug Makes The Difference
Everyone has their favorite and you are no exception when it comes to your favorite coffee mug. It is special and you like the feel of it in your hands and are really disappointed if someone else in the family is already using it for their beverage. What makes a good coffee mug? Who knows? Each person has their own special likes and dislikes; however, there are literally thousands of different ones to choose from. There are coffee mugs in every shape and size imaginable. They are now insulated and can be covered, are stackable, ceramic, stainless steel, travel sizes … Continue reading
Finding The Best Espresso Machine For You
You need to know what features are most important on a machine when looking for which espresso machines would best suit your needs. There are many espresso machines out there, with many manufacturers producing various makes and models. Upscale coffee houses use their wealth of knowledge and what their associates in the business say to discover which espresso machines are the best. Even they though, need some help when new makes and models are introduced to the market. What should a consumer do? Continue reading to find out. One feature to look for in an espresso machine is the built-in … Continue reading
The Soul Of A Coffee Mug
A coffee mug can be different things to different people. It can be large or small and made out of a variety of different materials. Coffee drinkers all around the world use different types of containers to hold their morning– or all day long– cups of coffee. Manufacturers use different materials to make different kinds of drinking utensils for holding scaling, steaming cups of coffee, and each has a personality of its own. Some people use the same coffee mug year after year, while others get a different one each day. The most common material to make a coffee mug … Continue reading
Can a Coffee Franchise Secure Your Future?
Can a Coffee Franchise Secure Your Future? There are many reasons that people consider franchise ownership. First and foremost among those reasons is a secure future for the family of the franchise owner. Some choose to invest in a coffee franchise in order to plan for better golden years once retirement age has been reached while others seek potential earnings for a comfortable living both now and in the future. Whatever your reason for seeking franchise ownership I’m sure the question as to whether or not coffee really is the way to go has come up at one point in … Continue reading