Chocolate tartlets Tartaletas de ganache de chocolate
A few weeks ago, we said that we would be starting a series of Spanish Desserts for your pleasure. We started the series of with a Spanish variation on the Swiss roll. This weeks offering is based on chocolate. As a lead up to Christmas we will be bringing you some of our favourite desserts gleaned from our vast collection of Spanish dessert recipes.
Chocolate tartlets.
10-12 people 45 min.
• 250 g flour
• 150 g butter
• 80 g sugar
• 45 g ground almonds
• 1 egg
• pinch of salt
• Berries to decorate
For the filling:
• 200 g Chocolate fondant
• 200 ml cream
• 1 bottle of liquid red fruit jam
Put in a large bowl the flour, the softened diced butter, the sugar, the ground almonds, egg and salt and knead with your hands until you obtain a compact mass. Let it stand in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface, with the aid of a roller and cut circles slightly larger diameter than the tartlet moulds. Line the moulds with the dough, remove protruding from the edges and prick with a fork.
Bake the tarts in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 18 minutes or until browned. Chop the chocolate finely and place in a bowl. Heat the cream and, when it boils, pour over the chocolate. Stir until melted. Reserve at room temperature.
Remove the tartlets from the oven, let them cool, unmould and fill with a little jam. Add the chocolate while still liquid and store in the refrigerator 30 minutes, minimum. Garnish with berries.
Translated from the original Spanish recipe by the spanishchef.
Chocolate with Bill & Sheila
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