The Case Against Banning Chocolate Milk
Here’s the clearly very sensible Penny McConnell of the Fairfax County school system, in Virginia, on chocolate milk: “Banning a food may not be as helpful as the more complicated task of teaching kids to look at their whole plates, and make good choices.”
Eliminating chocolate milk from school cafeterias has become a common quick fix for our childhood obesity problem. A few strokes of a pen can earn a policy maker some nice pats on the back, as schools like those in Fayetteville, Ark. (no more chocolate milk at breakfast), and Los Angeles (no more flavored milk at all) have found. Fighting on the other side is the milk industry, which runs a campaign describing chocolate milk as a “nutrient-rich beverage option for kids” and released its very own survey results earlier this year showing that 84 percent of parents want chocolate milk served in schools.
Yes, parents do want chocolate milk, Ms. McConnell told NPR’s Allison Aubrey.
“When we eliminated chocolate milk,” she said, “we had as many parents upset as the ones who were pleased with it.” Instead, she worked with her dairy suppliers to reformulate chocolate milk with only 30 calories more than the regular milk her school serves.
Although Ms. McConnell’s new chocolate milk has all the calcium and nutrients of regular milk, it still isn’t as solid a health choice (and you’ll find parents who say milk is not a healthy choice at all). What’s important is that it remains a choice. A parent, a teacher or an educator could suggest that a child with milk money choose regular milk more often, or even just once a week. Children may not do it the first time, or the second, but they are learning more from hearing the suggestion than they are if the milk just disappears from the case.
It’s easier to ban foods than to teach our kids to make healthy choices or to allow them to make mistakes. But every time I meet another mom whose preschooler’s lips have never been sullied by corn syrup, I wonder how that child is going to fare on his or her own. With some of my kids’ friends, I know the answer: the child whose parents never buy chips is often the one turning the bag over and desperately shaking salt and crumbs onto a plate, while the kids who I know have free access to everything from Oreos to apples can and will shove aside a bowl, no matter how delicious a vice it contains, once they have had their fill.
There are no chocolate milk bans in the real world. What we say to our kids about food matters, and saying, “I don’t trust you to make good choices” isn’t as effective as teaching how to choose, even if a whole lot of not-so-good choices get made along the way. Ms. McConnell’s approach is better for kids in the long run. I wouldn’t extend this argument to giving elementary school students open access to French fries and junk food at every lunch, and I’m still angered by the House’s decision — which can only be of service to food industry lobbyists — to ban the Department of Agriculture from recommending limits on the number of starchy vegetables like potatoes that are served in school lunches. But chocolate milk represents a good training-ground choice between healthy and less-healthy, and a good education includes learning how to make that choice.
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