Baked tapioca pudding
Can there by anything tastier and more comforting than a bowl of good old farm-style pudding on a cold winter’s night?
Strange how so many of the traditional cooked, baked and steamed desserts have disappeared from restaurant menus to make way for fancy, tiny spoonfuls of brightly coloured and carefully arranged crust, fluff and sweet creams
Mind you, from what I gather from my friends and associates, good old puddings don’t even feature on many of their tables at home anymore…
Thankfully, traditional food is making a huge comeback and puddings are back in food-fashion this winter, so dust off granny’s old recipe books and treat your family and friends.
To light up your taste buds start off with today’s rib-clinging tapioca for which you need:
575 ml milk
3 heaped tablespoons of tapioca
75g sugar
6 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
¼ teaspoon salt
Soak tapioca in cold water for three hours.
Drain off liquid and set aside
In a mixing bowl beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, then lightly stir in the vanilla essence and set aside.
In a saucepan boil the milk, then remove from heat and pour the milk over the egg and sugar mixture.
Mix well and set aside.
Spoon the tapioca into an ovenproof dish, add the milk and egg mixture and mix it all together well.
Place the dish in a roasting pan half filled with water.
Place the pan and dish in an oven pre-heated to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the dessert is firm and golden brown.
Serve hot with a topping of honey, golden syrup or smooth apricot jam and/or custard and ice cream.
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