The Amish Cook: Apple bread perfect for this time of year

The Amish Cook: Apple bread perfect for this time of year

We are enjoying beautiful fall weather. Many, many leaves have fallen from our trees this past week, creating such wonderful autumn scenes everywhere. Along with it we have been blessed with some nice, warm sunny weather. Along with the scenery also comes some work in raking up the leaves. The younger children have been having fun making huge piles of leaves and hiding under them.

On Friday, my husband Joe didn’t have any work at the factory so he tilled the garden, which means that is done for the year. Sons Benjamin and Joseph also helped him haul manure to the garden and the fields.

Last week the girls and I washed all the curtains and windows on the main floor of our house. Since today is another nice laundry day we are going to wash all the curtains in the bedrooms upstairs. While they are drying we plan to clean the windows up there. After all those cold wet days in September it makes us appreciate this October weather even more. We have been eating out on the front porch quite often this past week. A person can just sit out there and just take in all the splendid scenes that our Creator has created. Husband Joe has been doing a lot of grilling outside in the warm weather.

Daughter Verena has to have therapy twice a week now since her cast is off. She will get an ankle brace that she will wear inside her shoe to help her support her ankle. She is worn out after an hour session in therapy. It has kept me busier than usual taking her twice a week but I am glad to see her getting help. We are very thankful that she is not having the post-concussions any more but she does get headaches quite often.

Communion services were held in our church district last week. There were three new babies in our church and all of them are neighbors to us. Two of the babies are a set of twins which brings them even more attention. It looks like the mother has her hands full with the twins, a 1 1/2-year-old son and a 5 ½-year-old daughter. The twins are a boy, Lyndon and a girl, Lanette,. Our church is having a diaper shower for them and lots of meals are being taken in. It is a big help to the family at such a time.

I did get my red beets and peppers canned last week. I have some butternut squash here that someone gave to us. I would like to cook them and make a puree to use for baking. It tastes very close to pumpkin.

Farmers are busy harvesting potatoes, beans and corn. We would like to go pick up potatoes in some fields to have to store for winter use. The picker doesn’t get all the potatoes so the farmers let people go pick up what was missed. Since our potatoes didn’t do well we will be glad to get some.

Deer season for bow hunters has also opened. Joe was undecided if he would hunt deer or not. He always hunts with a gun, though, and that season opens up later. It is too nice to be sitting out here writing, time to get started with the laundry

Apple season, though, is still in full swing with lots of fresh cider on the menu and plenty of apples to be made into butter and bread. This is a delicious recipe for homemade apple bread. Last week I shared apple cake and this recipe is just as good!

Amish Apple Bread

2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
4 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
3 tbsp buttermilk
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup butter
3 cups grated apples
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups chopped pecans

Cream sugar and butter.Add eggs and beat well.Add apples-mix in dry ingredients,buttermilk and vanilla.Add pecans.Put in loaf pans and bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until done.

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