Types Of Food Allergies Symptoms And Diagnosis

Types Of Food Allergies, Symptoms, And Diagnosis

Suffering from food allergies means that your own body overreacts to certain substances contained in a kind of food. The circumstance is also termed as food hypersensitivity. Among the usual symptoms are the burning and itching around the mouth, vomiting, eczema, and asthma. Researches reveal that almost 90% of the allergies are being caused by soy, milk, nuts, or eggs.

For children, the allergic response normally occurs when they are below five years old. Some of those can be resolved while there are others which are carried on towards the adult stage. It is said that children who have two allergic parents are most likely to acquire allergies too as compared to those who only have one allergic parent.

Allergies to Food as Related to the Symptoms

By and large, an allergic reaction to food can trigger breathing difficulties. As the immune system responds, the symptoms include fatal anaphylaxis, asthma, wheezing, burning, itching, or swelling in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps, generalized urticaria or the time when the skin gets raised and turns reds.

Different Types of Food Allergy

Food allergies are classified into four types. They have their own descriptions too.

Type I. It often leads to anaphylaxis right within the 60 minutes span of time after having ingested the food. The blood vessels begin to dilate while the nose runs. Many a times anaphylaxis can be life-threatening.

Type II. This leads to the same causes as with the first type.

Type III. This occurs after some hours of eating. The normal reaction of the skin is to get irritated and the bronchi to be somehow blocked.

Type IV. This is the delayed reaction which may take place between 24 up to 48 hours after the food has been ingested. The more food has been eaten, the worse the symptoms can get. Normally, people who are allergic to food succumb to this type.

The common food allergens are contained in the soy, egg, milk, shellfish, nuts, fish, legumes, tomato, berries, some fruits, mustard, white potato, and cucumber.

Diagnosing the Allergy

The first thing to look into when diagnosing an allergic reaction is the person’s medical history and diet. The doctor is likely to investigate if there are any other types of allergies that run in the family.

The diagnostic tests are also helpful. They are medical procedures which are administered to further investigate the case. The tests often include blood and skin tests as well as oral food challenges. These are conducted to unearth the certain types of food that trigger the allergy symptoms.

Food allergies are best handled by the health care professionals. They are the very persons who can administer the right treatment after some careful sets of diagnosis. It is relatively important that one who suffers should be given the proper medical attention to further stop getting to the worst side of the coin.

As you clearly know, the signs and symptoms vary from one person to another. At the same time, the diagnosis is likewise a complex structure. Thanks to the modern breakthrough in the medical field because today’s society is actually embraced by the concept “for every ill is a corresponding pill” thing.

You may reach your doctor as soon as the symptoms persist and of course be very careful with the food that you take.
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You need to Know About Cat and dog Allergies


What You Need to Know About Cat and Dog Allergies

Cat allergies are common. They come around as the reaction to the cat allergen that is known as Fel d 1. It is normally found in the cat’s saliva, the fur, dander from the sebaceous glands in the skin, as well as in the anal sebaceous glands. The other allergens along with the cat’s albumin can also be found in the blood and urine.

The allergy to cats is definitely common. At least 25% of the population is suffering from this kind of allergy. In fact, this type is more common than the dog allergy. It is obvious that cats can’t be generally bathed so this likely heightens the potential of the risks.

The Problem behind the Allergy to Cats

The cat allergen is largely produced because of the usually non-neutered male cats. The allergens are basically controlled by their hormones. The dander is by and large airborne, commonly found in public areas, and is sticky. They can be present in these areas even in the absence of the cats.

The reason behind is that these allergens obviously stick to the clothes of those cat pet owners and then they get shed in the public facilities and places.

The cat dander particles are relatively too small in size. When it is present, the person gets to inhale it into the deepest parts of the lungs so that provokes the allergic reaction. Allergic asthma is commonly triggered by the cat dander. Thus, those who have cats at home but are allergic to them have higher risks of developing the asthma symptoms.

Controlling the Symptoms for Your Sake

The most possible therapy for those who have cat allergies is that of avoiding any contact with cats. There are several allergy medications which you may take provided that they have been prescribed by your doctor but then again it will help if you adhere to some other precautionary measures.

Below are other tips on how you can control the symptoms and reduce the chances of getting exposed to the cat allergens.

Be sure to have the cat neutered.

If possible, bathe your cat once or twice within the week. It will also help control the symptoms if you wipe the cat with a wet cloth everyday.

Take away the cat from the bedroom. Keep the bedroom doors and the air vents closed at all times.

Station the cat in the garage or in any other part which doesn’t have carpets on the floor.

Buy a HEPA equipped vacuum cleaner and frequently vacuum the sofas, doorstep rags, and carpets.

If your budget allows it, better buy the HEPA room air cleaner.

Research about the dust mite avoidance tips and follow them.

Vacuum the hard floors, clean all curtains and bedding, and steam clean the carpets and other upholstered furniture sets.

Change the heater vent and air conditioner filters from time to time.

For desperate measures, get rid of your pet cats especially when the allergic reactions persist and turn uncontrollable.

Take note that the cat dander normally persists in a range of months up to years. Even when the cat has long been gone, the effect remains unchanged. Thus, it will be wise to keep up with these precautionary measures to protect your health as well as your family’s. So, say no to cat allergies!

Dogs Suffer From Allergies Too

It is not only human beings who suffer from allergies. Dogs do too. In fact, many people are not aware that there are about 20% of cases in the United States where dogs suffer from severe allergy reactions caused by different types, such as flea allergy, food allergies, inhalant allergies, and atopic dermatitis.

The same with human beings, dogs suffering from allergies experience similar signs and symptoms. Cases usually vary but they are normally marked by the following:

Discoloration of the skin
Persistent itching
Mucus discharge

Some people ignore when their dogs develop some signs and symptoms such as above; however, dog allergies are serious conditions which should be taken cared of. If these are not properly addressed, it can be fatal to dogs, just like how human allergies can be life-threatening to people.

Treatments and Consultations

There are some over the counter medicine preparations which can be used for treating allergy conditions. You can normally purchase such from any pet supply shop. However, in most cases, it is a wise move if you consult the right person first before you give your pet any medications or treatments.

First, some of the signs relating to allergic reactions can actually be symptoms of other serious ailments. Second, if allergic reactions are severe, over the counter preparations maybe insufficient or not the proper one to treat the condition and may even trigger more serious health problems of the dog.

Therefore, bringing it to a trusted veterinarian is the best course of action that you can take before anything else. Veterinarians should know what really is happening with your dog. Though the above symptoms and signs are related to suffering from allergies, there are some chances that your dog does not suffer the same condition.

Even if you are sure that your dog is suffering from allergies, you still want to medicate it properly and only the veterinarian can give you that. They can perform certain tests to prove if it were really allergy conditions, how serious they were, and what proper medication or treatment should be applied. These tests will also be the right method to identify what type of allergy exists with your dog; therefore, will be recommended only the right treatment and strategies to avoid them from occurring again in the future.

If the dog is found to be allergic to some foods, it will be the veterinary who will know what and how to restrict your pet’s diet to abort foods that trigger the reaction. Also, if the dog has developed flea dermatitis condition, this will be provided with proper treatment and preventative measures. Similarly, the veterinarian will be able to give your dog the right prevention methods to avoid inhalant allergies to be triggered.

Dogs are like humans that have the desire to live comfortably and healthily. In the same note, dogs do suffer the same condition and can be deadly if not properly addressed with. But when certain conditions occur, and you know what to do, your pet will live a happy and long life with its masters and friends. Playing doctor each time allergies happen always never makes a wise decision.

Because the only persons qualified to diagnose, determine, and provide medications are the veterinarians, just what the qualified physicians are to the human beings.

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Allergies - Are We Too Clean Today

Allergies – Are We Too Clean Today?

It may seem that the more information society gets the cleaner we may become. This will mean that the more the food allergies will persist and more people will become allergic to so many different things.

There are going to be problems of allergies that are going to be much higher in the developed countries than in the lesser-developed areas. The numbers are going to be increased as industrializations spreads through the world.

Because of the hygiene hypothesis the more modern methods of cleaning and sanitizing can help get rid of germs. The body will take care of it through the natural immune system like it does not have enough to do each day.

With children sometimes the immune system does not develop the way that it should. Since allergies are an incorrect response of the immune system, childhood and adult allergies have become bigger problems in most.

There are studies that will show the common allergic disease like hay fever, eczema and other food allergies that are found less often in children from larger families.

There are agents that are germs that are going to be shared by brothers and sisters that are helpful to the immune system. It will help that the immune system will learn what it is supposed to do in order to protect our bodies from.

There are antibiotic uses during a baby’s first year and the growing use of antibacterial cleaning products has also been linked to an increase in asthma and other types of allergies today.

The hypothesis of hygiene can explain to us that the antibacterial cleaning products and antibiotic drugs will limit our immune system’s exposure to infectious diseases, parasites and other harmful bacteria.

These things will hold the immune system back with its development. This is because of the lack of dirt and germs that the immune system does not learn what it should in order to protect the body from. This is going to allow it to go after other things that are not going to be good for the body and it can cause a problem with allergies in just about anyone.

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Why You Are Allergic And Others Are Not

Why You Are Allergic And Others Are Not

Allergens are everywhere but why are there people who are more prone to developing allergies and why are there people whose bodies do not seem to give a heck?

The thing is, our bodies react differently to allergens. While it is true that allergy-inducing components are present in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink in varying quantities, our bodies can somehow fight them or get defeated by them. It is basically a war between the immune system and the nasty foreign substances we dearly call “allergens”.

The difference lies in the reaction of the immune system. Normally, allergens such as pollens, food and dust are very well tolerated by our bodies. The body treats them as common substances that do not pose any harm to the system. However, for some people with so-called allergic reactions, their bodies react defensively, oftentimes producing symptoms that are identified as allergic reactions.

This is where things mess up because by nature, the body should be tolerable enough to come in contact with the so-called allergens without putting up a fight. By the way, allergens are certain types of antigens which are basically foreign substances that upset the homeostasis of the immune system.

For normal people with normal reactions to allergens, the immune system produces antibodies that are meant to combat with the foreign materials. These antibodies are, in a way, protectors of the body in protein form. They are medically known as immunoglobulins. They work by attaching themselves to the surface of the invading materials such that other immune system cells can easily destroy the allergens. There are five immunoglobulins that are found in human body namely IgA, IgD, IgG, IgM and IgE. The latter is the allergic reaction-producing immunoglobulin.

However, the case is different for those people with allergic reactions for they develop the allergy antibody called IgE in abnormally high quantities. This either develops on the first exposure or it can sensitize for several years and will only arise on succeeding exposures.

For both conditions, it is possible that there is prior exposure to allergens that have triggered the development of the IgE antibody in higher quantities. Once this happens, the immune system would produce much higher numbers of IgE which would turn out to coat immune cells that contain certain chemicals that might cause various body reactions during their explosion.

When these chemicals are released, which include histamine, inflammation in specific sites of the body would occur, the typical symptom of allergy. This is the result of the body’s exaggerated reaction to various substances. On subsequent exposures to allergens, the body will react in the same exaggerated manner. In fact, the body may become more reactive. The result is an allergic individual who cannot put up with otherwise harmful substances.

But then again, for normal individuals, the reaction would be very different. Allergens will be treated differently by the immune system and would be readily eliminated from the body. Any subsequent exposures will not be entertained by the immune system as threats.

The importance of the IgE makes sense if seen from its original, and not the altered, function. IgE are meant to protect the human body from the invasion of parasites and not normal substances such as dust, dander and mites.

Thus, reactive responses to allergens are not normal and should be treated as such.

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Recommended Reading

  • food
  • Food Allergies - Can Foods Make You Feel Sick
  • Types Of Food Allergies Symptoms And Diagnosis
  • You need to Know About Cat and dog Allergies
  • Allergies - Are We Too Clean Today
  • Anaphylaxis A Severe Allergy Complication
  • Peanut Allergy - Beware of hidden threats
  • Families Today: Making small changes in child's diet may be the best course
  • Sharp increase in allergies
  • Food allergies in children on the rise
  • Traveling with food allergies? There's an app for that
  • Google+1

Families Today: Making small changes in child's diet may be the best course

Families Today: Making small changes in child’s diet may be the best course

Q: My 10-year-old daughter is allergic to tree nuts and shellfish. As a result, she is suspicious of trying new foods. Her diet consists of bread (homemade), chicken fingers (if we dine out), potatoes (baked, and the occasional french fry), eggs (scrambled), steak, pasta (no sauce) and Lucky Charms cereal.

While I want her to be cautious in deference to her allergies, I would like her to eat more nutritiously. I don’t want to start a food battle, which is where we’re headed.

– via e-mail

A: You’re right to try to avoid food battles, which parents can’t win.

You might start by addressing the allergies generally. Ask your daughter’s pediatrician about your consulting a pediatric allergist.

Occasionally allergies diminish as a child matures. In some instances, the allergist may consider a re-exposure test — exposing the child to the allergens to see if the reaction still occurs. Note: Do not try to test on your own. It must be conducted in a clinic or hospital where emergency equipment is available if needed.

The allergist can review for you exactly what the risks are. A clear emergency plan will reassure the whole family.

A child this age should always carry her own self-injectable epinephrine shot and should know how to administer it. Extra self-injectable epinephrine should also always be available wherever the child is — at home, school and camp. At least one adult should also be trained to administer the shot.

As for your daughter’s diet, it sounds as if vegetables, whole grains and fruit are missing, and could be safely added — particularly if they aren’t processed. Chicken, eggs and steak are good sources of fat and protein. (Sugary cereals aren’t a healthy choice, but if she adds skim milk, that would be a source of protein and calcium — especially important through adolescence.)

Since she likes eggs, you might offer an omelet with a bit of cheese, green peppers, tomatoes, or spinach. Give her a choice, and if she’s not ready to try, don’t make an issue of it.

Such precautions will help to make mealtimes relaxing and sociable. Eating may have become associated with anxiety. If you all know the food on the table is safe, everyone can relax and enjoy each other’s company. It may take awhile, but once your child has learned to look forward to meals as a chance to be together, she may be less hesitant to depart from the usual menu.

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton’s column appears Thursday. Write to him at 122 E. 42nd St., New York, NY 10168, or e-mail at [email protected].

New York Times Syndicate

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Learning About Food Allergies


Learning About Food Allergies

Food allergies affect approximately 4 million Americans with symptoms that can include difficulty breathing, an outbreak of hives, asthma, vomiting, and even death. Oftentimes food allergies are confused with an inability to tolerate certain foods. Food intolerance usually brings about an entirely different set of symptoms including a bloated feeling, gas, or other similar type of discomfort.

Food Allergies or Food Intolerance

An easy way to distinguish food allergies from food intolerances is to understand that an allergic reaction actually originates in a person’s immune system. A severe allergic reaction can result in suffocation when the throat or the tongue swells so much that a person cannot breathe. Given the fact that approximately 150 people in the United States die each year from food allergies, this condition is no laughing matter.

Individuals with known food allergies usually inherit this condition from another member of the family. When food allergy patients are studied, it is common to see that conditions such as eczema, hay fever, and asthma affect other family members. http://www.withallergies.com/helpwithallergies/

Foods That Cause Allergies

A few different kinds of foods seem to trigger the most allergic reactions. And it seems that adults and children each have a different set of foods that cause problems. The majority of food allergy cases in children involve peanuts, milk, eggs, soy and wheat. In adults, the foods most involved with allergies include shellfish (such as shrimp, crab and lobster), peanuts, walnuts, eggs, other fish and nuts that grow in trees.

Food allergies are so serious in some people that even smelling the food can trigger an allergic reaction. However, food allergies mostly become an issue after a person has eaten a food to which he or she is allergic. Symptoms can begin right at the point of entry with lips that begin to tingle or a tongue that begins to itch. Gastrointestinal trouble follows with cramping, or the need to vomit, or the development of diarrhoea. As the troublesome food breaks down and enters the bloodstream, it travels towards the lungs and at that point conditions such as asthma, eczema, shortness of breath, or low blood pressure can all develop.

Dealing with Food Allergies

To protect themselves, people with known allergies to food simply have to avoid coming into contact with these foods. That sounds easy enough, however the reality is that it is not always possible to avoid the foods that cause problems. Processed foods can contain so many ingredients that sometimes the food culprit is buried deep in the fine print. Legislation aimed at improving food labelling as it pertains to food allergies has recently been enacted and hopefully these new labelling requirements will better protect those with food allergies.

Keeping children away from food allergens is difficult unless a parent is vigilant about what goes into the child’s mouth. Parents of children with food allergies must inform everyone from school officials to neighbours about the child’s food allergies and even then, accidents happen. Fortunately for children with food allergies, most will outgrow this condition.

author:Gray Rollins

Food Allergies with Bill & Sheila

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Food Allergies

Food Allergies

An allergy can be described as a malfunction of the immune system, an exaggerated response to certain substances. Your body mistakenly believes that something it has touched, smelled or eaten is harmful to it and your body releases massive amounts of chemicals, such as histamine to protect itself.

It is believed that 11 million Americans suffer from food allergies. These allergies are as varied as food itself is. Some people suffer from an allergy to one food, some to many. The most common food allergies are generally eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts), fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.

Symptoms of food allergies are varied and range from a tingling of the mouth to swelling of the tongue and throat to difficulty breathing to hives, cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting and in some instances death.

There are ways to help you or your loved one manage your food allergies. First seek the help of an allergist. Your allergist will perform a patch test to determine the exact cause of allergic reactions. This will be the guideline you use as you develop a diet based around your food allergies.

As with other types of allergies there is no cure for a food allergy. Some children do grow out of some food allergies as they age although allergies to peanuts, fish, shellfish and nuts are often considered lifetime allergies. You or your loved one must simply avoid the food that causes the allergy. This can be difficult, especially when eating out in a restaurant. Depending on the severity of allergy, even slight cross contamination of food products can cause reactions.

Food labelling is a very important component of avoiding foods that trigger allergies. Since 2000 the FDA has been presenting information on allergy risks and labelling requirements to manufacturers. They seek to have manufacturers change some labels to be easier to read, using plain language like “milk” on a label instead of “caseinate”.

In the case of a milk or egg allergy there are alternatives that can be used when cooking or baking. There are many online sites dedicated to supplying information, education and support to those with food allergies.

Recommended Reading

Eating Out Can Be Dangerous For Those With A Food Allergy

Eating Out Can Be Dangerous For Those With A Food Allergy

For those who suffer any type of food allergy eating at a restaurant, or even eating at someone else’s home can be can be like taking their lives into their own hands. Symptoms of food allergies can range from mild rashes to life threatening anaphylactic reactions. Ingesting even a small bit of the food that causes an allergic reaction can be deadly for the allergy sufferer.

Foods that most commonly trigger an allergic reaction include shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk and eggs. Since such a small amount of these substances are required to start a serious allergic reaction those who live with food allergies have to be very careful where they eat and what they eat.

There are various ways the ingredients that cause allergic reactions can sneak into the food we eat every day even if we try to avoid them. The following are some things you should take into consideration if you suffer a food allergy.

If you have an allergy to milk, be sure the person who cuts your meat at the deli hasn’t previously used to machine to cut cheese as this cheese residue may find its way into your meat. Also, check your food labels carefully for the ingredient in case this is a milk derivative.

Finally, some restaurants use butter in their marinade for steaks. If you suffer with a milk allergy, be sure to request they skip the butter when cooking your food.

For those who suffer peanut allergies, you already know how hard it can be to avoid peanuts or peanut oils. There are many times when peanuts are reflavored and passed off as a different type of nut. Be sure you always read product labels carefully.

Also, sunflower seeds may also be processed on the same equipment as peanuts meaning the seeds may contain some peanut oil residue. When eating out, be aware that any type of ethnic food may contain or be contaminated with peanut oils. It is always better to pass on a particular food than suffer a life threatening reaction.

Allergies to fish and shell fish are also common. If you suffer these types of allergies, it is best to stay away from steak sauce as well as some Caesar dressings as they may contain anchovies, a type of fish.

Again, read food labels carefully before eating anything suspicious. When dining in a restaurant that serves fish, inform the waitperson of your allergies so that special precautions can be taken to keep you from getting sick.

Since soybeans and soy-based products have become so popular in American foods, it is difficult to remove this food from your diet entirely. If you suffer from an allergy to soy products, be sure you know the foods you are eating are soy-free.

Since such a variety of foods contain this ingredient, however, you may find it difficult to eat a healthy diet and avoid soy. You may want to consult a dietician for advice on how to handle your allergy and still eat a healthy diet.

In order to keep from suffering a dangerous allergic reaction, it is important to keep in mind that your allergen may be hiding in the least expected places. Be aware of these hidden sources of allergy-causing foods. If you suffer a food allergy being vigilant can save your life.

Bill & Sheila’s Wine

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Allergy and Mental Disease

The following will come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.

Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!

This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80′s. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had videos of persons with mental problems caused or worsened by allergen testing. He was the first to name such as “brain allergies”.

In 1982, Dr Von Hilsheimer introduced the first End-Point-Titration allergy testing into Florida, and I worked with him at an allergy clinic in Orlando. We amazed several MD allergists in that clinic with depression and many other cases being solved.

During that time, I studied allergy/sensitivity extensively. I found a list of mental diseases caused by allergens that surprised me. None of my previous experience with psychology had prepared me for such. If was the following:

Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), Emotional instability or hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behaviour, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behaviour problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviour, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.

While giving a 4 day orthomolecular seminar in Soviet Georgia in 2000, I was introduced to the latest EEG biofeedback therapy of raising the amplitude of the brain waves just above Alpha, in the range of 12-15 Hz. In the discussion, I remembered that list of mental diseases caused by allergens, and proposed the theory that raising that brain wave somehow changed the affect of allergens on the brain.

When I returned to the US, I started the first leasing of EEG BF equipment for home use. As you can imagine this did not endear me to the clinicians who were charging up to $250 per half hour for the service. The actual operation is so simple that anyone with a high school education can easily learn how to do it, although the learned clinicians will (as usual) protest the necessity of a professional approach. (This in spite of no harm being done to anyone, and no license being required to practice this simple therapy.)

In 2001, Dr Jiri Tyrl of the Czech Biofeedback Society listed papers about EEG biofeedback that showed the following mental diseases as being either cured or greatly improved by this feedback:

Epilepsy; ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Academic-Cognitive Enhancement; Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Depression, Hemispheric Asymmetry, Anger, Addictive Disorders, Brain Injury, Stroke, Coma, Spasticity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Dysfunctions, Headache and other Pain, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Parkinson’s Dystonia, Tourette’s Syndrome, Autism; Cognitive Decline with Aging, Asthma Hypertension Dissociative Disorders, Creativity, Optimal Functioning, Criminal Recidivism.

This list was further proof (to me at least) that allergens were involved in much mental more mental disease that was suspected, and that this particular EEG biofeedback (now known as raising the SMR brain wave), DID somehow relieve this allergen susceptibility.

In 2004, one of those comic light bulbs went on above my head, and I realized that it should be possible to do the same thing – namely raise the SMR brain wave – by use of subliminal messaging.

I put out a call for volunteers, and got over 20, who sent me weekly emails. Most were various types of ADD/ADHD, with a few depressives and insomniacs mixed in. The results definitely showed both that my allergen theory was correct, and my subliminal theory was also correct.

In 3 more volunteer tests since that time, we have shown that this therapy (named Neuroliminal Training) is at least as effective as EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) for ADD/ADHD, depression, insomnia, autism, and epilepsy.

We’re going even further with a current test that includes Alzheimer’s cases, PTSD cases, OCD/anxiety and other severe depression cases, autism and epileptic (longer testing), and even some anaphylaxis cases. Anyone interested in this test should contact me at the website below.

Dr Bate is the retired orthomolecular psychologist who invented Neuroliminal Training, the affordable way of changing brain wave amplitudes.
http://drbate.com – [email protected]

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Allergies” – a massive subject and one which affects more than 55 million Americans. Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world’s population – close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment.

Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world’s population – close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment. Allergic symptoms range from the mild to life-threatening. Sneezing, coughing, eyes itching and stuffed up nose. May even be one of the the causes of asthma and right through, to the sometimes deadly, anaphylactic reactions.

Allergy causes, are many and varied. Among the more common are mold, dust mites and it in the springtime, pollen.

Genetics may also play a part and nothing can be done about that. Both good and bad is passed down to you, through your parents.

A low immune system is another major cause of allergies. Boosting the immune system, with such as Green Tree, might help, but balancing the immune system is far more preferable, as boosting the immune system can cause complications in other areas.

What causes allergies? Basically, the body is merely reacting to a perceived threat and fights the allegens in the same way as a bacteriological invasion.

Allergies, concerning food, are not as common as most people think, but can be severe causing several hundreds of deaths annually.

Whilst millions of people are allergic to to animals, especially cats, we should seek relief, rather than do without the company of our precious and loyal, four-footed friends.

Cures may be many and varied. Asthma attacks, for instance, may be alleviated by the taking of a Chinese herbal formula named, Minor Blue Dragon, or XQLT, or xiao – qing – long tang. It has successfully been used for centuries, in China.

It is a most effective bronchodilator and often more efficacious than prescribed drugs.

Acupuncture has also been found to be a most effective treatment, for allergies in general.

Supplements and vitamins may also help, to greatly improve the immune system, together with a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamins, A, C, E, selenium and carotenoids. Antioxidants, MSM, magnesium and zinc may also help. Americans in particular, have become obsessed about cleanliness and buy any product which promises to be “99 per cent effective against all bad germs”, or some such nonsense. Children, particularly the very young, might benefit from a “little dirt” in their surroundings, to strengthen their immune systems, from an earlier age.

Eating foods “in season” can help. People used to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables, but with refrigeration and shipping, from around the world, our bodies receiving no respite from this problem.

This has necessarily been a very short article on allergies.

Seek further information from people practising alternative health and medicine, such as acupuncturists, herbalists, holistic practitioners and aromatherapists. You’ll find that there is much free and interesting information in your local library, or on the internet.

Good luck in your quest. You will find it to be a most enlightening and satisfying journey.

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