Proofreading Service

We set up this service to provide proofreading facilities to our many contacts and linked sites around the world.

We were very surprised to find so many websites that contained spelling and grammatical errors, that we decided to do something about it.

The first site we examined had six spelling errors and 14 grammar errors on the very first page – even though the web-master stated quite vehemently, that there were no mistakes on his site.

However, that is the trouble with proof reading your own work. Your mind tends to overlook most mistakes – simply because you wrote it and you own it, so it can’t be wrong.

So, how do we proofread a site? We copy your work into our software – the best proofreading software available – and analyse the text. It comes up with a first- pass result which picks up most of the errors. Then your text is proofread manually by an experienced proofreader, and finally, we run the text through our Flesch & Kinkaid analyser to check the reading age of your work. You will be surprised how your text responds to this test. It will tell you whether your text is more suitable for children, at one end of the scale, or university graduates at the other end of the scale. Somewhere in the middle is best if your site is targeted at an average readership. A high rating indicates a younger readership, while a low score tells us that the writing is more technical, and better aimed at a more intellectual readership.

To have your site proofread is not expensive. We will read the first five pages of your site absolutely FREE, so that you can discover if you have a problem. We do not carry out the corrections for you, we merely show you where the errors are by supplying you with proofread pages, highlighting the location and nature of the errors.

If you are satisfied with our work and would like your whole site checked for errors we can do so at a very low cost of £5 per hour (this low price will increase after Christmas). Depending on the size and complexity of your pages, we can proofread up to 20 pages per hour. We provide a confidential and rapid service.

To take advantage of our offer, please contact us using the ‘contact us’ tag at the right of the screen.


Here is a perfect example of a web page that is full of spelling and grammatical errors – and this is just one page. The site is live on the internet, but to avoid embarrassment to the webmaster we have withheld the URL of the site. Can you spot the errors?

(extract from page 1)

I stumbled accross this onpage seo plugin a few days ago on the Warrior Forum, and I was directly blown away

A completely unique feature (as I know sofar) the Easy Wp SEO plugin offers is a complexe and detailed

no-follow atribute to external links.

1. Title Lenght dosn´t exceed 66 characters

2. Meta Description Conatins up to 160 Characters

3. Your Contant contains more than 300 words

of them need some more attention! Now lets take a look at the…

going more into detail I want to make clear that I know absolutly nothing about the scores and methods used by

Beside some basic statistics like word count, sentence count, words per sentence and and so on, the Easy Wp

offer, so I´m not sure how long it will be avaiable for this amazingly low price, so I highly recommend to get your

To get back to the initial question : Is The Easy Wp SEO Plugin miore useful than the SEOpressor

plugin in-depht. Take a look at the videos below to see some additional screenshots! If you liked this review, please do me the favore and vote for it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus, Thanks (Just use the buttons above the content)

As you can tell, the author did not carry out any proofreading of his work. The errors are quite obvious. There are at least 15 errors in the extracted example lines. Is your site like this?

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