Juicing News


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The value of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable juicing

The advantage of fresh fruit & vegetables is that they focus and concentrate the energy of enzymes, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. Vegetable extract has a more tonic effect that heals, stabilizes, and builds the body. Like fruit extracts, each carry the amplified healing energy of fruits and vegetables plus added food concentrates such as chlorella. Fruit extracts acts primarily as cleansers. Citrus fruits for example, have solvent actions; apples contain malic acid and galacturonic acid, which are detoxifiers; pineapples have a high bromelain content, which has many healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Fruits – and fruit juices even more so – help to cleanse and purify the vegetable has a specific power to heal a particular organ. For example, beets and dandelions help heal the liver. Green fruit contain chlorophyll, which is a tonifier that leads to incredible healing experiences for many.

The nice thing about fruit & vegetable extracts is that they make it very simple and easy to take in the nutrition and the healing powers of nature. They make a wonderful and fun shortcut that amplifies the healing forces in our foods.

What is the secret healing power of juicing and power drinks? How are they different from the vitamins, minerals, and other supplements taken in capsules or tablets? The major difference is that juices are living foods in one of their most potent and easily accessible forms. The essence of understanding living food is this: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Living, or raw foods are those that have not been cooked, processed, or treated with pesticides or herbicides.

Juicers and Blenders

A fruit and vegetable extractor can be the most important nutritional appliance in your home. As a dispenser of vitamins and minerals alone, this machine will provide hundreds of dollars worth of vitamins and minerals for you and your family. An extractor is a magic thirst-quenching fountain-of-youth machine that conjures all kinds of flavours and colours to interest even the most soda-pop minded family member. If you are committed to the pursuit of health, get a good extracting machine and watch it become your personal drug store and medicine chest for all that ails you.

All extractors are not equal. Good extracting machines generally cost about $200. True, there are machines for under $100, but they are likely to be inefficient and too weak to suit the serious fruit drink fan. These machines are usually products of large, general appliance manufacturers, some of which are more famous for home electronics and portable stereos. Contrast this to dedicated extractor manufacturers who specializes in juicers.

There are four different methods for juicing – extracting nutrients from fruits and vegetables. The first and most common of these is the centrifugal-force- juicer. These juicers cut vegetables into tiny pieces and spin them in a basket at high speed – 3,000-7000 rpm. The liquid is extracted by the sheer power of centrifugal force, just as wet clothes are relieved of excess water in a washing machine’s spin cycle. As you may have guessed, these machines are circular in shape

The second method of juicing is known as “trituration.” It operates by chewing, or ripping, the vegetables and then forcing the minced pulp against a screen with the pressure of the rotating cutter. This ripping action distinguishes triturators from centrifugal machines. Theoretically, they tear open the plant’s cell membranes exposing their deep seated nutrients and enzymes. On the other hand, the blades of a centrifugal juicer, as the theory goes, slice the vegetables into tiny pieces that do not penetrate as deeply. A triturator also operates at a slower speed (about 1,700 rpms). Unlike centrifugal machines, triturators do not whip anything around. Therefore, there is less oxidation of nutrients. These manufacturers argue that their liquid is nutritionally superior. While claims from manufacturers are by nature controversial, all agree that slower speeds an less oxidation yield more nutrition.

Another method of juicing by extraction is the old reliable worm gear extractor. Many are cast iron affairs, similar to the old table top, hand crank meat grinders that were popular during the mid-twentieth century. These juicing machines are good for fruits and leafy vegetables, but are most popular for extracting from wheat grass. They come as manual or motorized machines. Manual machines range in price from $50-$150, and the motorized ones cost $300-600. Even the motorized machines turn a gentle 100 rpms, which is ideal for protecting fragile nutrients.

The newest juicing system is the twin gear masticator. This technology is both innovative and unique. Two gears fold inward on each other, squeezing the vegetables pushed through between them. The crushed veggie is then forced against a fine sieve, squeezing out its liquid. The gears’ 90-rpm speed is as slow as hand cranking, which eliminates the heat caused by the friction of faster machines as well as the oxidation caused by the high-velocity blades. Crushing, or mastication, is the best way to break open the plant’s cell walls to extract deeply entrenched nutrients. Twin-gear machines are also versatile; they will extract wheat grass in addition to common vegetables. Thus, if you want to explore the wonders of wheat grass, you don’t have to find space for two machines. Twin-gear machines sell for approximately $500.

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