Diet & Weightloss


Diet & Weightloss

Introduction to Slimming with new and exciting recipes to keep those calories low – but flavour and nutrition high.

Diet and Weight Loss

In recent years obesity has become more common among people of all ages. The combination of too many high-calorie foods and not enough exercise is usually blamed for those unwanted pounds and inches. Fortunately the problems that excess weight can cause are now being realised; many people are adopting new, healthier eating diet and participating in sport to a greater extent.

If you want to lose weight, you must reduce your calorie intake by controlling the amount of food and drink you consume so that your body is receiving less energy than it requires. Only then will the body be forced to draw on its fat reserves.

The recipes in this section are especially designed to form part of a calorie – controlled diet. They provide interesting, tasty dishes, containing generous amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals; reduced amounts of fat and very little carbohydrate. When cooking for a low – calorie diet, it is important to calculate the calories, so use scales for weighing food accurately. Avoid frying for flavour and instead make good use of marinades, fresh herbs and spices.

Natural yogurt is an excellent diet food as it can be used instead of cream to enhance flavour.On reaching a target weight, avoid reverting to old eating habits which will only put the weight back on. Instead follow your new eating plan, adding extra vegetables and wholemeal bread, for example.

Slimming does not have to be an endurance test, nor does it restrict you to dull, bland foods. In fact, a ‘slimmer’s diet’ is just another healthy way to eat, which – with a little imagination – can be made really enjoyable as well as very nutritious.

Bill & Sheila’s Cookbook offers you a selection of delicious, wholesome recipes to share with your family and friends – and means you’ll never have to apologize for ‘being on a diet’. With these recipes you can eat well without feeling deprived of the enjoyment of eating. We’ve even included some scrumptious desserts and special gourmet menus for when you are entertaining.

Be sensible about slimming – crash diets can result in a dramatic weight loss but never help you stay slim. A poorly planned or badly balanced diet consisting of a pattern of over-eating followed by starvation means you will end up feeling lethargic and unhealthy because your body rhythms are upset.

Proper all-round nourishment comes from a variety of foods, so it is important for all of them, in varying quantities, to feature in your diet. If you learn to understand why and how certain foods affect your metabolism, it will be easy to develop a diet that is both appetizing and nutritious. The recipes in this article have been carefully selected to help you.

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