Affiliate Marketing Revised

Everything you think you know about building an affiliate business is wrong. The simple truth is that the old rules no longer apply. You need to adapt and change or perish.

The promise

You’ve probably heard how easy it is to start an affiliate business. This is partially true. There’s no doubt it’s easier than starting your own business. But starting your own business is really hard, so it’s all relative.

The cold hard truth

To top it off you’ve been given false information. You’re told to pick one of more products to promote. Next to pick your keywords carefully. Then to use keyword-based advertising to send visitors to the product. And finally get a fat check for all the sales. But, it’s all wrong.

Don’t bother with keywords

This method worked a couple years ago. But the competition has shot the price of keywords through the roof. It’s time for a paradigm shift.

A better way

There’s still hope. Here’s a new method that works!

  • Get into CPA marketing
  • Instead of researching keywords, research demographics
  • Do image ad marketing

Get into CPA marketing

CPA stands for Cost Per Action. It’s far superior to product promotion. Because you don’t have to get people to spend money. Your commission is generated when they complete an “action”. Like completing a survey. And getting them to do this is so much easier.

Utilize demographics data

You’re not even going to use keywords (explained below.) But demographics are highly important. First, select the CPA offer you want to promote. Then hop over to And discover the exact demographics of your ideal prospect.

Market on display networks

So you know what your promoting and you know who will be interested. You can advertise directly to them on display networks. And use images as your ads. And you don’t need to know or buy a single keyword. And you’ll save a fortune. Display networks charge a fraction for image ad clicks vs. keyword ads.


This is truly a quick cash concept. Because you can start CPA marketing for free. It’s much cheaper to do image ads than keyword ads. Display networks let you do demographics targeting. And your commission is much easier to earn.

7 reasons why you MUST have your own info product

Answer this question: What’s the biggest reason millions of people log onto the internet each day? You probably already guessed that it’s to find information. This is so ubiquitous a quest that Google handles 400 million queries a day! OK, so what’s it to you? This quest for information is an opportunity for you to fill a need. And if you do it right . . . to make some money along the way.

Info marketing explained

First, understand that this is the simplest kind of business there is. You create a product that provides information. And other people buy this product to get the info. It couldn’t get much simpler.

How do you make it work?

You’ve got the basic concept – exchange info for money. In order to be successful people need to want the information you’re providing. So you’ll need to find out what info is valuable. How do figure that out?

One easy way to figure it out is with a simple search. Visit or similar sites and look at the questions being asked there. Your goal is to find a common problem. That people are having trouble solving. And provide the answer – in the form of an info product.

An encouraging word

Don’t worry! Info product creation is easy… Think about this: An info product is just a bunch of articles strung together. So instead of sitting down to write the whole thing. Just try to write one or two articles a day. And when you’ve got a few finished, refine and expand on them and put them together into an ebook.

Why info products? Funny you should ask . . . How about 7 reasons why:

1. Ease

Once it’s built it runs pretty much on it’s own. And your customers need very little support. So it’s nearly a 100% hands-free business. You’re building a completely automated business.

You don’t have any inventory. There’s nothing to ship. Your business is 100% digital.

2. Repackaging

When you have a created a few information products. You can just combine them into a more expensive product. It’s a simple matter to merge a few ebooks into one. Then you can sell it for a lot more. Your customers will gladly pay more for a single bigger ebook. As opposed to a bunch of little ones.

3. Resale rights

Since it’s your product, you can offer other people the resale rights. Resell rights are very hot right now, because it’s much easier to get the resell right than to make your own product. Plus, you get to charge two to three time as much for these rights.

4. Leverage

It’s your content, so you can use it in as many different ways as you want. Use part of it to make an autoresponder series. And build your list with it. A list is it’s own reward!

5. More leverage

Utilize your content in as many ways as you can – like creating a few reports from parts of the ebook. Then you can use the reports as the front-end of your product funnel. You can make these low cost or even free. And it still benefits you because it in a lead-in for the main product. And if you’re really clever, you’ll let your affiliate use these reports as marketing tools. Wait, did I say “affiliates”?

6. An army of affiliates

This one is huge. If you’ve got products you own. Other people can become your affiliates. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bunch of other people doing your marketing for you? Well, you *need* your own product to get affiliates.

7. Joint Ventures

I’ve saved the best for last. The number one way to launch your success is through joint ventures. That makes this is the biggest reason for creating your own info products. Without your own products, you can’t do JVs.

Summing it up

If you don’t want to sell digital products by now, then you’re either crazy or not listening. ;-) You’ll be the master of your destiny. Because it’s your business and you control it. So just get started:

  • Head over to Yahoo! answers
  • See what people are asking about
  • Start providing information

The steps on how to write an ebook are really that easy. And in no time you’ll have an info product ready to go.

Using Web Audio for Success

There is no doubt that web page audio significantly increases results. If you’re not using audio on your sites, you’re making a mistake. Adding it raises your opt-in conversions. And your sales.

Why does it work?

It’s not hard to figure out. Most of the web is cold and impersonal. It adds a human touch to your site. It also makes your site feel more real. In short, it makes your site come alive. And people like to interact with things that are alive!

Here are the benefits

Adding audio increases your profits in two ways. You will close more sales. And you’ll spend less getting those customers. Instead of having to pay a professional to write you a great sales letter. Simply record an audio message yourself. Your visitors will respond better to a heart-felt message from you than some fancy copywriting.

And you will increase your subscriber opt-in rate. The reason this works so well is because people need to be told what to do. Just add a short audio message saying: Fill in your name and email and click submit. That alone can increase opt-in rates up to 310%!

Some ways to use audio

A welcome message on your homepage. A warm welcome can be the deciding factor. Your welcome message could make them stay when they would normally leave.

Step-by-step instructions. The same principle the we used to boost opt-ins applies. You can use audio to tell your visitors exactly what to do. That includes filling in your order form!

Product testimonials are great. It’s good to get written testimonials. But an audio testimonial is better. It’s much hard to fake an audio testimonial. So audio adds real believability. And that increases your results.

Power tip

Did you ever think of making a product just by recording some audio? This is by far the easiest content to produce. Plus people love audio products. Podcasts are still popular, so this is a great format. And once you record the audio, you can pay someone to transcribe it for you. Then you’ve got an eBook, too – but it was easy to create!

How hard is adding audio?

It’s actually really easy. There’s software that will show you how to add audio to a website. You don’t actually have to do anything yourself. The software records the audio, creates the button code, etc. Just paste the code you copy from the software. So don’t let this stop you.


Let’s take another look at the benefits. Setting up some web audio will do wonders for all your results. You’ll get more sales. You’ll get more subscribers. And you can quickly produce products and website sales copy. No many people are doing this. But you’ll save a lot of time and money. Get started right now and realize instant results.

Sneaky Affiliate Tricks

Yes affiliate marketing rocks, but it’s really hard to get started. The reason is because there is a lot of competition. What you need to do is come up with methods no one else is using. There’s also a lot of information out there about how to do affiliate marketing, so it can be confusing. Well, here’s on simple thing you can do that will put you ahead of the game.

Video marketing

No one would deny the power and popularity of video. Video online is everywhere because people love it. Keeping people’s attention is so much easier using videos. So using it in your affiliate promotions is a no-brainer!

Here are a few ideas for creating affiliate videos:

  • Record your testimonial
  • Record a walk-through
  • Record the order process
  • Do a preview video


It doesn’t get any easier than this. Just turn on your web cam and talk. It doesn’t have to be professional or polished. Listening to your honest endorsement makes your viewers feel comfortable buying. And honestly, if you mess up it just makes it seem more authentic. You can literally just press record and talk. Use one of the other ideas if you’re feeling shy.


This technique works slightly more subconsciously. Basically you’re doing a tutorial on how to use the product. And while they watch you use it, they think, “I should buy that.” If it’s useful, then what you’re teaching just makes people want it. So pick some really helpful aspect of the product and show how to use that.


This technique is super powerful. Do a screen capture of the ordering process. There is nothing more motivating than watching someone buy something live. First, it’s social proof. People will feel more comfortable buying after seeing you do it. Second, it builds trust. They are much more likely to take your advice to buy when you’ve taken it yourself. And don’t forget about the need to “keep up with the Joneses”. They see you getting the satisfaction of making the purchase and that makes them want it. To really cap this one off, end your video with: If you want to see the inside, you’ll have to order it yourself.

Sneak peak

This one is perfect for building up the value of what you’re promoting. You do a tour of the members area. They get to see everything they’ll receive when they order. This one also helps to remove the skepticism. It’s much easier to trust they’re getting something if they actually seen it.

You can do this!

You don’t need any special training for this. Some very easy to use programs make the videos for you. The software really does all the work So please don’t let technical worries slow you down. Just focus on the benefits:

  • Increase sales You’ll earn more affiliate commissions when you add video. People love video, so please use them.
  • Lower refund rates You’ll lose less of the commission your earn. Your customers will know what they’re getting into ahead of time. So less of them will ask for refunds.
  • Outdo your competitors! Adding video is so simple. And almost no one is doing it. That puts you ahead of the pack.

So get serious about your affiliate business and add video in now. The bottom line is that if you’re not using video, you’re losing money.

Email List Building Strategies

You need a list. That’s a given. This is the most important factor in your long-term success. Because you can market to your list whenever you want. It’s like a renewable resource that allows you to make money on demand.

OK, but how?

Here are the three components of list building:

  • The Squeeze Page
  • Your Bribe
  • The Thank You Page

Your Opt-in Page – The landing page is the page that has your opt-in form on it. It’s the page where you ask them for their email address. This page needs to look professional. And have an easy to understand opt-in form. You’ve also got to make a strong “close”.

Failure to include a great “call to action” will result in failure. This “close” tells your visitors what you want them to do. You opt-in rates will take a dramatic nose dive without it. The funny thing is that people just don’t know what to do unless you tell them.

If you want to add some extra juice to your opt-in page add a video to it. Adding video will help keep your visitors attention. Plus it give you a chance to tell them to opt in multiple times. And after the video, you can make it just say “fill in the form now”.

If you don’t know how to make video, don’t worry. Hiring out-sourced help to do it for you only costs $150 – $250. You can also find ready-made list building tools that have everything pre-built for you.

The Incentive – The second component is the reason they are opting into your list. People won’t give you their email for nothing. Email privacy is very important to most people. So make your “bribe” a good one!

The only way to make this work is to provide real value. It has to be something that people actually want. And can benefit from. It could be:

  • An eBook
  • Some useful software
  • Training videos
  • An email training series

You’ve got to create some great content. And make it both helpful and informative. And of course it has to be free. If you make it good enough, they will give you their email in exchange.

If you’re worried about creating this content, don’t be. You can just pay someone else to make it for you. Just give them a topic and they will write the content. One easy and effective bribe is a 5-part email training series. Each email will cost between $20 and $25. So, you’ll get the whole series written for under $150.

There are also list building products that include the follow up email series. Two critical aspects of using a follow up series. First, it must provide value to your subscribers. It also has to generate revenue for you! Mixing some affiliate products into your email series is a great way to do this. This is such a simple solution because you don’t have to create the product. And make money right away from your list.

The Thank You Page – The last bit is the thank you page. This is where your visitor goes after opting into your list. It’s a great idea to give them some valuable information right on the thank you page. That way, they feel glad that they gave you their email address. It also sets the foundation for your relationship with them. So when they get your email, they’re happy to hear from you.

You can use a “done for you” email marketing system. Or you can do it yourself. And do your own writing for this content. Or hire ghost writers to write them for you.

Summing it up

It doesn’t matter if you do all of this yourself. Or if you hire people to do this for you. Or if sign up for a “complete package” solution. The important thing is that you build your own list starting now. Because as soon as you’ve got your own list . . . You’ve got a license to print money!

Affiliate Business Tips

Preselling for profit

If you want to make more money as an affiliate, you must presell.

First, what is preselling? Well, it is an art. And it’s also a science. And it’s function is to prepare your reader to buy something. Then you send them to the site that sells what you’ve prepared them for. And when it’s done correctly, they don’t know it’s happening.

In a nutshell, you provide value. And then refer them to the product website. In just a minute, I’ll explain exactly how to presell. But before we do, you need to know why it’s so important. Just a few of the reasons you want to presell.

  • It helps your reader trust you – And gaining the trust of your readers helps them want to click your links. And the more traffic you can send to the sale page, the more commissions you’ll earn.
  • It takes your reader out of defense mode – Nobody likes to be sold something. By not doing that to them, your reader is less defensive. This means they are more open to what you’re saying. So your message gets across.
  • It preps them to buy – Now they trust you and feel open to your message. And in turn, they’re open to other messages, as well. For example, the sales message on the page you’re linking to. Being open to a sales message is what it means being in a buying mood.
  • You make more money – Now your reader arrives at the sales page in a buying mood. Open to the sales message and feeling safe. The only thing that can result is increased sales!
  • It boosts customer loyalty – People like to make their own buying decisions. Instead of being manipulated into buying. And this leads to greater satisfaction with the product.
  • It boosts your profits – Satisfied customers are less like to refund. And that translates to more commission staying in your affiliate business.

Obviously, it’s important to presell. You increase your profits. And produce happier customers. It’s a win-win-win!

Now, here’s how preselling works:

Now you know whey preselling is critical. And I hope you’re resolved to being preselling, too. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. Like we talked about before, it’s an art. And it’s a science.

Becoming an artist

First, you have to gain the trust of your reader, so they let their guard down. Honestly, the only way to do this is to provide real value in you content. But you can’t give them so much that they think they have everything they could need, and that’s what makes it an art. So you send them to the product website with a hunger for more of what the product provides. Plus they’re not guarded, so they’re more open and likely to purchase the product.

The science component

You also have to include some very specific things.

First of all, it’s important HOW you present your information. You need to know where you’re going before you begin. Your end goal is to make a sale of the product you’re preselling. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. The first method is to provide enough info to get them started, but not enough to finish. Or you can give them so much information that it feels overwhelming to do what you’re talking about. In either case, the product you’re referring them to solves the problem for them.

You also have to link to the product you’re promoting discretely. Instead you link directly to the product sales page. When you do this, you’re click-throughs go way up. But how are you going to get credit for the sale, if you don’t include your affiliate link? There’s a trick to make this work… You use the “covert cookie” strategy.

The next trick is to hyperlink specific words and phrases inside the content of the article you’re providing. People are used to clicking on hyperlinked words to get information they’re looking for. And when the words are in context like this, it makes perfect sense for your reader to click them.

Using this system, you’re virtually guaranteed to increase your affiliate business success.

OK, here’s the not-so-good news:

Doing all of this right is really hard! Let’s look at the skills required to pull it off: Awesome content. The entire process depends on your being able to provide useful information to your readers. Which means you need to be both knowledgable on the subject and capable of writing a high-quality article. Preselling skills. First, you have to give good information. And you have to make the content accessible in order to provide value. And still leave them wanting more. Or make the information so overwhelming they realize they can’t do it on their own.

Choosing your products. You also need to determine what products you’ll be preselling. Even if you get the article written. Your efforts are completely wasted if you don’t pick a winning product.

Technical skills. One of the keys to this system is using “covert cookies” for the tracking. This is actually pretty simple – just embed a 1 pixel X 1 pixel image and set your affiliate link as the “source” of the image. (Just don’t mess it up. Otherwise, you won’t get credit for your sales.)

In closing:

Now you know what it takes to be a Presell Pro. And doing this increases your affiliate commissions by over 500%! It’s absolutely critical to do this every time – and to do it correctly. Take action now. Make the extra effort required to propel your affiliate business to the next level.

HOSTING24 – A Review

HOSTING24 – A Review

We are so pleased with our hosting provider that we have written this short posting to highlight the advantages of moving to one of the best and cost effective website hosts that we have been able to find anywhere in the world.

We have been with Hosting24 for nearly a year now and I must say, their service has been excellent. I can’t say that there have been no problems with the service, because we have had a couple of small problems, but these were taken care of within 20 minutes by their excellent support team which operate 24 hours a day-every day.

The charges for what they offer are one of the best on the market. A Hosting24 package costs Only $4.84 per month for the silver package which we are currently working with. Because we are so impressed with the service we get, we are upgrading to the Gold package which is only $7.84 per month.

Most hosting companies offer a limited web space of 50-100MB. This is not nearly enough if you are handling a lot of graphics on your site. But with Hosting24, your web space expands as you need it – unlimited web space! Coupled with this is the unlimited sub-domain facility which allows you to have dozens of mini sites as part of your main site. Think of the earning capacity with dozens of AdSense enabled mini-sites to play with.

We use a lot of Graphics on the Spanishchef blog. Wherever possible, we have a graphic to accompany each posting – and we have nearly 4,000 postings to date. Many of our readers have commented on the speed that these graphics load. This is all down to our hosting24 service and their super-fast servers that hold the site.

All of the packages come with cPanel – a user friendly environment for managing files, emails, scripts and anything you have on you website.

If you are not familiar with cPanel, then I have to tell you that this is one of the best systems you will ever need to assist you with building your website. You get dozens of top quality programmes such as WordPress ( is built using this system) and it’s all included in the package.

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This site is hosted by (click on the graphic for more information)Hosting24

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Traffic Generation Tips

The most important thing in any web business is traffic – lots and lots of traffic. Of course you also need to have a valuable offer for your visitors – a reason for them to transact with you. After getting the traffic you just need to convert it into subscribers and customers . . . but that’s the easy part. The important thing is getting the traffic and sustaining it.

Here are some tips for generating website visitors:

These are the best and fastest ways to get free visitors coming to your site:

  • Web 2.0
  • Article Websites
  • Video

Let’s talk about each of these.

Web 2.0 Sites

Web 2.0 simply means the new family of websites that have user-generated content. What this means for you is that you can join into the community and add your own content. Because these sites get so much traffic, Google and the other search engines treat these sites with greater importance in their algorithms. Which means the content on them gets “indexed” faster and with more weight. And any links in your content that point to your own sites count as a strong “vote” in favor of your sites – lending you credibility in the search engines. That’s the real benefit of adding content to this sites – search engine ranking means ongoing free traffic. Getting free web 2.0 traffic is a big topic that we’ll discuss more later. This is good overview of the reason to get into it, though.

Article Websites

Article marketing really builds on the Web 2.0 concept. Article sites are in essence web 2.0 websites. Article directories are sites where users (including you) can upload articles they have written. Just as with the other web 2.0 sites, having your content included gives you immediate traffic and search engine ranking. But you also get the extra benefit of other users taking your article and putting it on their site. And in return for getting to use your content, these other users include links back to your website that gives you further search engine ranking and more free traffic. In order to get the most free traffic make sure you:

  • First, spend the time to determine your keywords
  • Write your article for the keywords you’ve chosen
  • Use anchor text links in the article and the “resource box”

Video Marketing

Our discussion would not be complete without talking about video. Once again, this is really a sub-set of web 2.0. So, just like article marketing, video marketing enables you to add content to authority sites. The extra top secret benefit of video marketing is that it’s much easier to rank for competitive keywords than in any other medium.

OK, so how do you do effective video marketing?

  • Get a YouTube account
  • Make your profile uncluttered by turning off all the modules
  • Put relevant “tags” in your profile
  • Make sure to include in your profile a link to your site
  • Add at least one video to your profile
  • For each video use your keywords in the tags, the descriptions and the title

In closing…

If you take action on the items listed here you’ll have free traffic in no time.

Membership Niche Selection Tips

Let’s talk about niche selection. This is very important to ensuring the profitability of your membership website.

First – Look for Fanatics

The first step in developing a profitable membership business is to find a market with fanatics in it. Simply put, a fanatic is someone who’s willing to spend time and more importantly money on a topic they are interested in. Here’s how to find fanatics:

  • Here’s something you may not have considered – magazines! We’re so internet-based these days, it’s easy to forget about them. In today’s economy, running a magazine is tougher than ever – some of the best ones are going out of business. So if it’s on the shelves, it’s making money, which means there is a big market interested in this topic. That doesn’t mean definitely that it will make a good membership business, but it’s a good starting point.
  • Pay attention throughout the day in your regular activities. See what people are talking about on the radio, TV, at parties, in public, etc. People generally talk about things they are interested in. Which means you can start a membership business providing information on it.
  • Don’t forget about clubs and organizations. If there are enough people to to build a club, there are certainly enough people to start a membership site on the same topic. By the same token, if enough people are interested to hold a convention on a certain topic, you can definitely find enough people to build a membership business around that same topic.
  • Think about the things that you are interested in. There’s a good chance that others are interested in these things, as well. And, as an added bonus, it’s much more fun to build a business around things you’re interested in.
  • One simple and easy way to find out what’s hot is Google Trends. Google Trends tells you the most popular current search terms. These are the things people are actively searching for in Google. They’re searching because they want information. Building a membership business around things people are actively searching for is a great way to ensure your success.

Step 2 – Determine the financial feasibility

Once you found a potential niche or topic to center your membership site around, you need to figure out if you can actually make any money in it. An easy way to determine this is to figure out if anyone else is making money in this niche.

Here’s a punch list for figuring out if anyone’s making money in your niche:

  • Are there blogs or forums in this niche? Take the name of your niche and search for “niche name blog” & “niche name forum” in Google to see if there is an active group of people talking about and interested in the niche. This lets you know there is a market (a group of people actively interested in the niche.)
  • Search Amazon, Google shopping and eBay to see if people are creating and selling products in the niche. It’s a good sign if there are because it tells you people are making money here.
  • Look at Google Adwords for the same ads are running over time. If people are running the same ad over time it means they are making money in the niche. They would not continue to spend money on the ads if there were not making a return from them.

Finally – Figure out your barrier to entry

Once you’ve found a niche and figured out that there is money to be made in, you need to determine if you can break into this niche. Here’s how to make this determination:

  • Look at the product types in this niche. You want to find a niche where information products are being sold as the norm. The easiest membership website to create and maintain are information membership sites.
  • The next thing to look at is the competition. You don’t want to try to break into a saturated marketing, so figure out how many people are already selling in this niche.
  • Compare the size of the market versus the number of competitors. Some competition is a good sign – just make sure the market is big enough for you to join in.
  • How ready is the market for marketing messages, and how willing are the fanatics to buy. Some niches are made up of people who require lots information and have a very long lead time, and some markets are filled with people who will spend lots of money right now.

In Summary

At this point you’ve figured out what niche you’re going into. You found your fanatics, you know they spend money and you’re confident there’s room in the market for you. Now that you’ve prepared properly, you’re success is 99% guaranteed. How to actually run your membership website is the only thing left to talk about…

Traffic is King, but this comes FIRST

The best way to ensure your success is to build automated traffic sources to send you visitors day and night.

But, first…

The first thing you need to do before you start going after any traffic is keyword research. Why? Because you have to target these keywords if you are to have any hope of actually generating traffic for them. So you need to make sure the keywords you’re targeting are worth targeting.

While doing your keyword research, keep the following in mind:

  • Are the keywords you’re interested in attainable? This involves doing some competitive analysis to determine the ease of entry for each keyword
  • Are these “buying” keywords? If you don’t do your research you’ll end up with a lot of traffic that doesn’t buy from you. What you want is buyers!
  • What about affiliates? If you want to build a huge business, you’re going to need affiliates to help you. This means that some of your traffic focus should be on getting affiliates to your site.

This is critical to your business, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Hiring someone else to do it costs a lot of money. Which is why practically none of your competitors will do this! The smartest marketers use website traffic software to automate this and other aspects of their business. This will not only speed it up. It will give you better results, as well.

OK, now we can talk about traffic…

Once you’ve done your properly keyword research, you’re now ready to start targeting these keywords to draw in visitors.

Powerful Traffic Tactics:

  • Something you may not have ever considered is Surveys
  • “Answer” Sites
  • Video Sharing Sites


People love filling in surveys. And if you make it interesting, other people will post your survey on their website. They benefit by getting free content for their site and you get a link to your site under the survey. Think about that – you get website traffic for free just for making a survey! Most people think surveys are just for collecting data, but in this case you don’t even care about the answers. So, get creative and make up a survey that’s wacky to get other people interested in putting it on their sites.

“Help” Websites

Sites like Yahoo! Answers allow users to ask and answer each others’ questions. Once again, the main reason for this site is not the reason you’re interested. You are going to generate traffic, leads and sales from them. One thing you can do is to visit sites like Craigslist and Yahoo! Answers and manually extract contact info to contact other users. But a much smarter method is to use website traffic software to do it for you. Then you just get a daily batch of fresh leads delivered to your inbox.

Video Sharing Sites

Another great resource is video sharing sites like YouTube. YouTube is one of the most highly traffic and search websites on the entire internet! So don’t miss out of this incredible source of free website traffic.

And don’t worry if you don’t have any idea of how to make a video. You can even take a webpage or article that you’ve written. Then just do a screen capture of yourself going through it. You can even get software that will automatically do this for you.

The Bottom Line…

It’s not that hard to get traffic to your websites. Just be a creative and think outside the box a bit. Plus, there’s lots of great software out there to help you.

Get started right away:

  • Keyword research first is key
  • Next, set up a survey or two with viral appeal
  • Build your traffic traps
  • And don’t forget about video