Wyoming group contests raw food rules change

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Wyoming group contests raw food rules change

CHEYENNE — The debate over proposed Wyoming food safety rules centers on opinions about what constitutes food safety.

“People in Wyoming are concerned with food safety,” state Rep. Sue Wallis, R-Recluse said. “Many want to buy locally.”

The problem is, according to Wyoming Department of Agriculture spokesman Derek Grant, unregulated processing of locally produced products, such as chopped lettuce or cantaloupe, increases the chances of contamination.

One proposed rule allows farmers to sell leafy greens at a farmers market, for example, as long as they are not in a bag. If the greens are cut and placed in a bag, they are considered cut leafy greens and producers must meet sanitation requirements and obtain a license to sell them.

Wallis said farmers in Jackson Hole have been selling bagged greens to local restaurants at the restaurants’ request.

If the rule change is adopted, farmers will have to invest in a certified kitchen, with equipment to meet department requirements for cleaning the greens.

Grant said the proposal is intended to clarify rules already on the books.

He said the wording on the cut leafy greens rule comes from the federal Food and Drug Administration’s food code.

“What we’re trying to do is make it easier to sell products in the state of Wyoming,” Grant said. “I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there about what’s being changed in the rules.”

Wallis claims the proposed rules represent major change.

She said about 700 people have signed a petition urging the department to hold a public hearing on the rule changes.

A major sore point involves raw milk.

What’s getting people upset, Grant said, is the word “solely” in the new rule to clarify that only the sole owner of a cow can serve raw milk to people in the household, employees and guests.

Grant said the practice of cow sharing, or multiple people paying to get raw milk from a single cow, has been illegal in Wyoming for decades.

“The sale of raw milk is still not legal in the state of Wyoming,” Grant said.

Wallis said there is no law or regulation that even mentions cow shares.

The department, she said, is trying to perpetuate a rule that would allow only the sole owner of a cow to use the raw milk.

Wallis said she is a cow share owner because she wants fresh milk and she can’t have a cow in her town.

If the state adopts the sole owner rule, it will be taking away her property right, Wallis said.

Wallis also took issue with a proposed rule banning the sale of local, ungraded eggs.

Grant said the rule is designed to open opportunities for people who raise chickens so they can obtain licenses to sell their eggs to restaurants.

Wallis said someone who owns a flock of 50 chickens couldn’t afford to invest money in the equipment needed to clean, candle and grade eggs for sale.

Grant said people can still sign and date eggs and sell them at a farmers market if the rule change is adopted.

Wallis said so-called food freedom supporters are independent-minded and don’t want the government “to decide what we can eat or who we can buy it from.”

Kari Gray is Gov. Matt Mead’s chief of staff. Gray said she told Wallis she is interested in the Department of Agriculture having a public hearing on the proposed rules. Contact capital bureau reporter Joan Barron at 307-632-1244 or [email protected]

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Food For Your Raw Food Diet

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Food For Your Raw Food Diet

The inclusion of uncooked, organic or unprocessed food in our daily regime is known as ‘ Raw Food Diet’. It sustains on the fact that cooking destroys the nutritional value and enzymes present in food. To utilise the nutritious benefits of vegetables without cooking them, you can add the following food items to your diet list.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, protein and other vital nutrients. They form the backbone of any raw food diet. Being low in calories, and high in water content, they help in maintaining our health and fitness. Include fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, leafy green vegetables, pineapples, mangoes, carrots, berries, broccoli, celery, radish etc, in your diet list to enjoy the health benefits in the raw form.

Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are a rich source of protein and fiber. Nuts and seeds like almonds, groundnuts, pistachios, hazel nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds etc are a source of omega 3 fatty acids and the much needed essential oils required by the body.You can have these raw as an evening snack or add the seeds to vegetable or fruit salad to enjoy its benefit!

Herbs, Spices and Seasonings: Unprocessed herbs and spices can be included in the raw food diet. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger root, garlic, black pepper etc can be easily consumed in their raw form. Homemade seasonings of mustard or mayonnaise is also consumable.

Milk and Milk Products: Dairy products like milk, butter, eggs, cheese and yoghurt can be be easily included in the raw food diet. They are healthy and safe for consumption. But still it is better to be selective in one’s choices to avoid any kind of health disorders.

Beverages: Beverages like coffee, tea, alcohol and soda are not a part of raw food diet. But some beverages like coconut water, fruit and vegetable juices, soups etc can be a very healthy component in your diet list.

Others: Other than all the food items mentioned above, there are a few more things like raw honey, jaggery and lemon that can be included in your diet list.

Raw Food Works Wonders: Eating raw food is not only cost effective but, it also provides you better nutrition than the cooked food. Also, it is easily digestible. Raw food items fights aging and improves skin complexion. As the nutrient value of food remains intact, consumption of raw food effectively increases the immunity power of our body, and fights many diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and many more.

Eat healthy not only in order to stay healthy, but also to build a healthy future for yourself and your family members.

Vegetarian, Raw food and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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Wyoming group contests raw food rules change

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Wyoming group contests raw food rules change

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The debate over proposed Wyoming food safety rules centers on opinions about what constitutes food safety.

“People in Wyoming are concerned with food safety,” state Rep. Sue Wallis, R-Recluse said. “Many want to buy locally.”

The problem, according to Wyoming Department of Agriculture spokesman Derek Grant, is that unregulated processing of locally produced products, such as chopped lettuce or cantaloupe, increases the chances of contamination.

One proposed rule allows farmers to sell leafy greens at a farmer’s market, for example, as long as they are not in a bag. If the greens are cut and placed in a bag, they are considered cut leafy greens and producers must meet sanitation requirements and obtain a license to sell them.

Wallis said farmers in Jackson Hole have been selling bagged greens to local restaurants at the restaurants’ request.

If the rule change is adopted, farmers will have to invest in a certified kitchen, with equipment to meet department requirements for cleaning the greens.

Grant said the proposal is intended to clarify rules already on the books.

He said the wording on the cut-leafy-greens rule comes from the federal Food and Drug Administration’s food code.

“What we’re trying to do is make it easier to sell products in the state of Wyoming,” Grant said. “I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there about what’s being changed in the rules.”

Wallis claims that the proposed rules represent major change.

She said about 700 people have signed a petition urging the department to hold a public hearing on the rule changes.

A major sore point involves raw milk.

What’s getting people upset, Grant said, is the word “solely” in the new rule to clarify that only the sole owner of a cow can serve raw milk to people in the household, employees and guests.

Grant said the practice of cow sharing, or multiple people paying to get raw milk from a single cow, has been illegal in Wyoming for decades.

“The sale of raw milk is still not legal in the state of Wyoming,” Grant said.

Wallis said there is no law or regulation that even mentions cow shares.

The department, she said, is trying to perpetuate a rule that would allow only the sole owner of a cow to use the raw milk.

Wallis said she is a cow share owner because she wants fresh milk and she can’t have a cow in her town.

If the state adopts the sole owner rule, it will be taking away her property right, Wallis said.

Wallis also took issue with a proposed rule banning the sale of local, ungraded eggs.

Grant said the rule is designed to open opportunities for people who raise chickens so they can obtain a license to sell their eggs to restaurants.

Wallis said someone who owns a flock of 50 chickens couldn’t afford to invest money in the equipment needed to clean, candle and grade eggs for sale.

Grant said people can still sign and date eggs and sell them at a farmer’s market if the rule change is adopted.

Wallis said so-called food freedom supporters are independent-minded and don’t want the government “to decide what we can eat or who we can buy it from.”

Kari Gray is Gov. Matt Mead’s chief of staff. Gray said she told Wallis she is interested in the Department of Agriculture having a public hearing on the proposed rules.

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Raw milk, and raw emotion, go to court

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Raw milk, and raw emotion, go to court

MINNEAPOLIS – Melinda Olson has given her 12-year-old son raw milk for years. When he walked away virtually unscathed from a serious bike accident last year, she credited his healthy diet of raw milk dairy products.

Matthew Caldwell fed his 2-year-old son, Owen, raw milk in the spring of 2010. The boy was hospitalized for 13 days, victim of an E. coli 0157:H7 outbreak traced to raw milk producer Mike Hartmann.

The two parents’ stories are bookends to a debate that is on high boil in Minnesota. One farmer accused of breaking state law barring the off-farm sale of raw milk, Alvin Schlangen, is slated for trial in July. Hartmann was hit with the same criminal milk charge last month, and also faces a civil suit from Caldwell.

Raw milk isn’t pasteurized-heat-treated to kill pathogens. Advocates see it as integral to a superior diet, and decry what they see as heavy-handed attempts to limit its free flow and punish suppliers. “This is about the freedom to choose the foods we want for our families,” said Olson of Richfield, Minn.

But restrictions on raw milk are based on longstanding beliefs among public health authorities that non-pasteurized dairy products pose a special risk. This year alone, there have been five outbreaks of raw-milk related diseases spanning eight states.

The debate surfaced in Minnesota two years ago when eight people got E. coli 0157:H7, a bug that causes fever, vomiting, diarrhea-often bloody-and other nastiness. At its worst, it can lead to kidney failure and death.

After state health and farm inspectors linked the bug to Hartmann, the Minnesota Agriculture Department ordered him to stop peddling unpasteurized milk and cheese, as well as uninspected meat. He didn’t, the Agriculture Department says, so Hartmann was charged in Sibley County with eight misdemeanors and one gross misdemeanor for selling improperly labeled frozen food.

Hartmann’s wife, Diane, and brother Roger were hit with the same charges, all of which involve fines and potential jail time. None of the Hartmanns could be reached for comment.

Schlangen, a Stearns County farmer, has been charged with four misdemeanors in Hennepin County, including sale of unpasteurized milk. An egg farmer, Schlangen operates a 130-member private buying club, delivering raw milk produced by Amish farmers to consumers in the Twin Cities.

But state law only allows for “occasional” sales of raw milk products at the farm where they’re produced.

Schlangen called the law “absurd,” since it implies the same batch of raw milk is safe at the farm, but not if sold in the Twin Cities. He said he didn’t break the law, either. “The charges are based on commerce and there’s no commerce here. It’s a completely different food system than what we are accustomed to.”

Hartmann’s raw milk has been distributed through several “drop sites” in the Twin Cities, usually the homes of raw milk consumers, including Melinda Olson.

Last month, the Agriculture Department sent out a “notice of warning” to Olson and 10 other Twin Cities residents found to be serving as Hartmann drop sites in 2010.

But Olson said she’s not distributing raw milk. “They are not my customers,” she said of those who picked up Hartmann’s wares at her home.

With the flurry of warning letters and charges, Minnesota stands out nationally, said Pete Kennedy, head of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, legal adviser to raw milk causes. “It’s the most oppressive state in terms of freedom of food choice.”

The state Agriculture Department says it’s just doing its job. “We don’t write the laws, we enforce the laws as written,” said Mike Schommer, a department spokesman.

Raw milk partisans say the beverage simply tastes better, and it comes from an agriculture ecosystem they value: small, local farms populated with grass-fed cows.

Raw dairy goods are healthier and more nutritious, too, they claim, boosting immunity, building bones. Olson said that when her son got hit by a car on his bike, the bike was totaled, but he suffered only bruises. His raw milk intake, she said, “made him strong.”

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control, echoing the public health consensus, says credible scientific evidence for such health claims is lacking. That study also noted that illnesses associated with raw milk tend to make people sicker than those linked to pasteurized dairy products.

The incidence of illness linked to any milk products is quite low, said Fred Pritzker, a Minneapolis attorney who has represented about 20 victims of raw milk-related food poisoning. But if disease strikes with raw milk, he likened the experience to driving without a seat belt. “When you get hit, you’re really going to get hurt.”

With E. coli 0157:H7, the biggest hit usually comes from hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can cause kidney failure. That’s what Matthew Caldwell’s son Owen contracted, according to a suit filed last summer on the child’s behalf.

Before the 2-year-old was hospitalized, he experienced bloody diarrhea at the rate of 20 times in 24 hours, court records say. After blood transfusions and kidney dialysis, he recovered. Caldwell is seeking payment from Hartmann for more than $50,000 in medical costs.

Hennepin County District Judge Susan Burke has ruled that Hartmann was negligent, but she also accepted his argument that Owen Caldwell’s parents potentially bore some responsibility because they should have known of raw milk’s risks.

The Caldwells’ attorney rejected Hartmann’s assertion, and noted the “irony” of the farmer’s new tack-”after spending much time championing the benefits of raw milk and its safety.” A jury likely will decide the proportion of fault between Hartmann and the Caldwells.

Matthew Caldwell, who has moved from Minneapolis to Boise, Idaho, couldn’t be reached for comment.

Seattle food safety attorney Bill Marler, who has sued several raw milk providers, said that when illness strikes consumers’ attitude about risk often changes. “The people who get sick or whose children get sick have a much different perspective. They feel guilty.”

But Olson, who’s aware of the Caldwell case, said she simply doesn’t associate raw milk with extra risk.

“Everything has an inherent risk. Peanut butter has killed people, does it mean I’m never going to buy peanut butter? No,” she said, referring to a 2008 salmonella outbreak. “There wouldn’t be anything left to eat if we let fear dictate our choices.”

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Digestive enzymes key to good health

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Digestive enzymes key to good health

It is estimated that 70 percent of Americans have digestive problems. That’s because we all eat the S.A.D. foods, those Standard American Diet foods that we all love. Burgers, fries, Tex-Mex, pizza, fast food-it’s all part of life in America. The bad news is that these foods really stress our digestive system, including our colon, liver and gall-bladder. Here’s the good news: Digestive Enzymes. Digestive enzymes occur naturally in all raw food, including everything from fruits and vegetables to cows and chickens. Unfortunately, enzymes are destroyed by heat, so once man discovered fire and started cooking, digestive problems began. Cooked food is much harder to digest than raw food simply because the enzymes have been cooked out of the food.

We’ve all heard of raw food diets, but who has the time or taste buds for that? That’s where digestive enzymes come in to save the day, and why they are essential for good health. Digestive enzymes are derived from raw foods, and can be taken in a pill form along with cooked food meals in order to replace the enzymes that were destroyed in the cooking process. Digestive enzymes take a great burden off all digestive organs, including the stomach, colon, liver and gall bladder. Enzymes help the body digest foods into small particles that can pass easily through the digestive tract, and also aid in extracting nutrients from foods more efficiently. They also help reduce symptoms of indigestion such as acid reflux, gas and bloating. In the long term, enzymes help reduce the occurrence of gall stones, kidney stones and gout, and possibly even colon cancer.

There are many enzymes in the world, just as there are many food groups. A good digestive enzyme will contain a blend of enzymes needed to digest all food groups, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibrous foods and dairy products. Some enzymes contain Betaine Hydrochloride, typically listed as betaine Hcl, and should be avoided by people with GERD or acid reflux. Instead, choose an enzyme with 50,000 units or more of protease.

Digestive enzymes are essential for good health. They also help your body conserve metabolic enzymes, which are responsible for repairing an rebuilding cells, and thus may help you live a longer, healthier life. Best of all, they aid in digestion of all the foods we love, healthy or not! Maintaining a healthy digestive tract is mandatory if you want to look and feel you best, so don’t underestimate the power and importance of digestive enzymes in your life.

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Can a raw food diet heal arthritis and heart issues?

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Can a raw food diet heal arthritis and heart issues?

Screeching, painful joints brought on by rheumatoid arthritis crippled Agathe Mathieu’s ability to use her hands after she developed the inflammatory disease at 42 years old.

So when a friend lent the seamstress a book on the health benefits of a raw food diet, she immediately began a regimen of only uncooked meals with the hope of healing herself. Three months later she regained function in her hands and could pull a thread again.

“It’s all gone; it’s never come back,” Mathieu says after sticking to the diet for nine years. “I have the look of someone who has arthritis, because my fingers are twisted a little bit, I’ve bumps and swelling, but the pain, the incapacity is gone.”

Restoring joint mobility is one of many possible health advantages attested to by followers of raw foodism or rawism — the practice of eating mainly uncooked and unprocessed foods such as plants, seeds and nuts. Fans of the diet also boast it creates higher energy levels, fends off illnesses and slows down the aging process.

“Going raw you just leave out a lot of real junky food,” says registered dietitian Vesanto Melina.

The 70-year-old sifted through the scientific literature on raw food regimens in Becoming Raw, a co-authored book listed as a top guide among raw foodists.

Melinda says one possible explanation for why the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may vanish after someone starts the diet is because it can eliminate “unfriendly” intestinal bacteria.

“If you eat whole plant foods, and it seems even more so with raw plant foods, you’ll get a friendly bacteria that protect us against different illnesses. And they affect whether nutrients can break through your intestinal wall and cause inflammatory responses,” she says.

She also points to the abundance of anti-inflammatory components and protective anti-oxidants — like vitamins A, C and E — found in uncooked vegetables and fruits.

“In that whole pattern, you get things that really help your cells and your body remain less inflamed,” Melina says.

She adds the same factors improve cardiovascular health.

“Plus, you’ve got absolutely no cholesterol in your diet, because cholesterol isn’t found in plant food. You automatically eliminate that.”

Keeping a healthy heart

Clive Langton, a co-founder of the non-profit group the Raw Food Society of BC, vouches for a raw diet’s power to heal.

Working in the United States as a counter-terrorism consultant following the 9/11 attacks, Langton thought he was staying healthy by refusing to eat meat.

But after going for his annual checkup, his doctor shared some bad news that proved otherwise.

“I had wanted to live my life in a healthy way since I had become vegetarian,” Langton recalls. “And here I was being a vegetarian and now being told that you are a candidate for a heart attack.”

A hectic schedule of travelling to 35 cities in seven weeks for training sessions and presentations led Langton, now 64, to choose quick veggie meals like pizza that he’d gorge on late at night.

“You can do a lot of being a vegetarian in the junk food way, too right, because there is everything available. There’s soda pops that are supposedly natural. There’s chips that are natural and maybe a good oil, but there’s lots of salt and lots of oil and fried,” he says.

When Langton shared the doctor’s warning with a couple friends, one of them eventually convinced him to check out a health talk on raw foods.

Although initially reluctant to go, Langton became fascinated by the seminar and the suggestion to blend vegetables and fruit in the morning to create a green smoothie — a mainstay beverage among people on raw foods.

He instantly began swapping out cooked foods for unprocessed, raw ones.

“When I did the next 12 days, I lost weight of course, my face felt clear, my skin was radiant, my eyes were feeling brighter and able to see more clearly, and I just felt much more heightened and alert and alive,” Langton says.

The most profound change occurred when he visited his doctor a year and a half later after maintaining a diet of virtually all raw foods.

“My doctor said your blood count and everything else was that of a 30 year old, and at the time I was in my mid fifties,” he says.

Balancing a raw food diet

Melina, who’s been on a high raw diet for six years and has competed in triathlons annually since turning 60, recommends people on uncooked vegan diets take vitamin B12 supplements.

“The lack of it raises something called homocysteine, and that increases your risk of heart disease. So you have this great diet that was putting (you) in good health and a lack of vitamin B12 can undermine the whole thing,” she says.

For Vancouverites and others living in rainy cities, the registered dietitian also suggests taking a vitamin D supplement because raw food purists might miss out if they aren’t drinking fortified milks.

Consuming enough protein while going raw is possible, she adds.

“You can get a lot of iron or protein from 9 cups of kale, but who’s going to eat that?” Melina asks.

“In terms of percentage calories from protein, kale is as good as beef, but you have to eat a larger volume of kale because it doesn’t have as many calories.”

According to the Melina, a mix between healthy cooked and uncooked foods is ideal.

“I personally think that the best combination is high raw. So that would mean maybe 75 per cent of your diet is raw, but include some cooked legumes like beans, peas and lentils to get the protein content higher,” she says.

While Melina believes a raw food diet can be an excellent choice for adults, she warns against feeding it to infants.

“A baby or even a child shouldn’t be on a diet that is full of fibre and plants; raw plant food,” she says.

“Their stomachs aren’t that big and they don’t take that long too eat, and they just can’t get the calories in that they need to grow.”

Serving up a raw cuisine

Mathieu now works with her hands 16 hours a day, seven days a week preparing organic and vegan, raw cuisine at her newly opened North Vancouver grocery and café Tao Organics.

She says people often misunderstand what a raw food diet can be.

“For many a raw food diet means eating carrot and lettuce, and that must be boring like heck,” Mathieu says.

But her menu consists of a smorgasbord of meals, including burgers, nori rolls, pizzas, crepes and cakes.

Mathieu’s most popular grocery item is her kale chips — dried out pieces of the vegetable topped with tahini, apple cider, garlic and lemon juice. A 20-gram portion packs 5 grams of protein.

Her raw lasagna, also a favoured dish, is made with zucchini pasta, spinach, marinara sauce, marinated mushrooms and cashew cheese.

“A misconception is that you cannot have exquisite flavour out of fruits, vegs, nuts and seeds, but actually you can,” Mathieu says.

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Raw foods make you beautiful

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Raw foods make you beautiful

Raw foods make you beautiful

Why changing your diet can change your look.

Did you know?

Did you know? Despite not eating dairy, raw food vegetarians offset the risk of bone fracture through a low BMI.

Minerals are one of the keys to beauty and an incredible 95 per cent of our body’s activities involve minerals. Our biochemistry is dependent on our mineral sources and it is easy to provide the body with the essential minerals it needs when we are eating correctly.

The most important beauty minerals are:

  • Silicon, which strengthens the hair, nails and skin.
  • Zinc, which helps rebuild collagen in the body.
  • Iron, to improve circulation, which helps skin tone.
  • Magnesium and potassium, which detoxify and cleanse.

Green plants are our number one food for providing all the minerals we need for superior beauty and nutrition, while simultaneously giving us the vitamins and amino acids we need to build protein.

If we eat greens abundantly and get a good variety of them in our diet, we will get the wide spectrum of minerals we need into our bodies. The best form to eat greens in for their mineral content is raw. This is because some cooking methods, such as boiling, reduce their mineral levels as well as their vitamin content. This is not to suggest that we must eat 100 per cent raw foods. But it does mean we need to increase the percentage of raw greens and vegetables that we consume overall. The green plants that are highest in beauty minerals are: rocket, cucumber, radicchio, bok choy, dandelion, romaine lettuce, broccoli, celery, swiss chard, kale, watercress, mustard greens and wheatgrass. For an added beauty boost, eat organic greens, because minerals enter the plant from the soil and organic soil has a higher mineral content than traditional farming soil.

This is an edited extract from The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder (Harlequin Books, $24.99). On sale now in stores and online at www.harlequinbooks.com.au

Vegetarian, Raw and Vegan with Bill & Sheila

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Some fresh facts about raw food

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Some fresh facts about raw food

The fresh, unadulterated truth is raw food is all the rave now, with a lot of people embracing it as a lifestyle. Demi Moore leads the pack of Hollywood celebrities who are exposing the naked truth about a meat diet. Demi lost quite a lot of weight — and dropped Ashton Kutcher, too. For Demi, less is Moore. Alicia Silverstone wasn’t clueless when she bared it all in a lean and mean vegan poster for PETA. Fashion designer Donna Karan has no skeletons in her closet — she just lost 20 pounds on “lifefoods.”

And now, meet Mona Lisa Neuboeck, certified raw food chef and educator/coach. Born in Seattle and raised in Austria, Mona Lisa is the daughter of an Austrian butcher. Though she must have grown up on the standard American diet, she later chose to change her diet and her lifestyle as she was convinced that raw natural food is good for both body and soul, as well as the environment. She apprenticed with raw food pioneer Dr. Gabriel Cousens, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation in Arizona, where thousands of incurably ill patients suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer were said to have regained their health, thanks to Dr. Cousens’ alternative treatment.

The young raw food expert, who is also an artist, model, surfer, and yogini, shares more nutritional information about raw superfoods at her workshops at Sugarleaf.

“Superfoods are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that have recently become widely available and which offer tremendous dietary and healing potential,” Angelo Songco of Sugarleaf tells us. “A superfood is a food rich in phytochemicals, which are special chemicals that have been noted to have disease-fighting properties. Phytochemicals can reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, or in some other way contribute to a person being healthier.”

Some common superfoods are fruits like blueberries, cranberries, red grapes, pink grapefruit, mango, mangosteen, papaya, watermelon, and tomato. What makes these fruits so super is that they are packed with special nutrients. For instance, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which may reduce risk for prostate cancer, and high in beta carotene, which may promote greater mental alertness and slow conditions like Alzheimer’s.

In her class/workshop, Mona Lisa dishes up a hefty serving of guilt-free, easy, and delicious vegan recipes you will surely love to do at home. She shares her raw passion for healthy eating in this exclusive interview with The Philippine STAR:

PHILIPPINE STAR: How healthy is raw food? What are the health benefits from eating raw food? 

To understand the health benefits, one must first understand the concept of “enzyme preservation.” All of your body’s functions are governed by enzymes. They are the physical counterpart to life force or chi (as it is known in traditional Chinese medicine). There are two major types of enzymes: Your body’s digestive and metabolic enzymes and the food enzymes present in all raw foods.

All cooked foods are enzyme-deficient since the delicate enzymes die at a temperature as low as 118°Fahrenheit (45°Celsius). Your body will therefore have to utilize its own digestive enzymes in order to break down the enzyme-depleted cooked food.

Every time we eat a cooked meal, our bodies go through an allergic reaction which scientists call leukocytosis. What happens is the enzyme-depleted cooked food triggers the release of white blood cells — the typical symptom of an immune system breakdown.raw food

However, when we consume at least 51 percent of raw foods in our meals, the harmful effects of leukocytosis are diminished.

Some cooked foods are even harder to digest than others, i.e. animal proteins are highly acidic. Other than that, they need to be converted into amino acids first, before they become bioavailable. This puts additional stress on your liver, thus buffering your body’s self-healing mechanism and speeding up the aging process.

As long as your body is “wasting” a big deal of its digestive enzymes on the breakdown of cooked food and those macro-nutrients, it is also missing out on the chance to regenerate its cells. 

This is why many raw foodists are said not only to slow down the aging process but are actually reversing it. 

Also, since raw plant-based foods do not contain any cholesterol, are free of preservatives, processed sugars, and trans fats, the most detrimental danger foods are thereby eliminated from the diet. 

Raw plant-based foods are alkalizing, which means your system becomes oxygenated, thus preventing and curing countless diseases including cancer.

Raw and living foods increase vitality by preserving the enzymes, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients of whole foods in their natural state. In other words, you get to absorb 100 percent of the goodness of the food you buy, not just a measly 20 percent as on a conventional cooked food diet.  

Hollywood has now discovered the raw food diet for its powerful “youthening” properties. Some of the famous raw celebrities are Demi Moore, Madonna, Megan Fox, Alicia Silverstone, Susan Sarandon, Donna Karan, Edward Norton, Sting, and Woody Harrelson, to name a few.  

Filipinos are not used to eating raw food except perhaps for the sushi in Japanese restos. And most shy or stay away from a raw diet because of hygiene/health issues — raw food could harbor bacteria. How will you convince Filipinos to eat raw food?

My goal is to educate people on the countless benefits of the raw food diet. I am NOT telling them to go cold turkey, a 100-percent raw vegan overnight.

I’d rather go out there and teach people how to incorporate more raw plant foods into their everyday meals. Teaching the science and basics of raw food preparation is more transformative than actually selling readily prepared raw food dishes.

It is true that micro bacterial contaminants are found in raw vegetables, more though however in animal protein such as raw meat, poultry, and dairy products which require extremely high hygiene measures. Parasites are less likely to proliferate in the system of a raw food vegan, than in the system of a person on a conventional cooked (vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian or omnivorous) diet. A raw vegan diet is a highly alkalizing diet as opposed to any cooked food diet, especially diets high in sugar, dairy, processed starches and, most importantly, meat products. 

All meats are acidic. All vegetables are alkaline to the human body, more so when eaten raw. When your diet consists of mainly alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables, you are dramatically lessening the possibilities of parasite invasion. That is to say, with the raw vegan diet, parasites will hardly survive and even less likely proliferate in your system.

Do you grow your own raw food? 

Yes, and growing my own food has radically changed my life. Before going raw, we used to maintain a manicured ornamental garden. As my diet progressed to raw veganism, buying organic vegetables at the supermarket became quite expensive. That’s when my partner and I began plowing the lawn and planting our own vegetables. In this manner, the raw food diet has become the most cost- effective diet to us. 

What got you into raw food? 

Having worked in the modeling industry for some years, I was always struggling with yo-yo dieting. I would lose weight rapidly on one fad diet and then gain it back together with some extra pounds as soon as I would continue eating “normal” again.

Tell us the chunkful of changes eating raw has made in your life.

The raw food lifestyle was a transformative process in which I totally gave up the concept of “dieting” and consciously started “eating to live” (as opposed to “living to eat”) for a lifetime. I soon noticed dramatic improvements in my overall health. My hormone levels stabilized, my skin cleared up, my energy levels went up, my frequent bouts of constipation were no longer an issue, and my bodyweight finally met its natural ideal without fluctuating dramatically as it would over the previous years. Also, for the past two years I have been eating this way, I have not taken any conventional medications at all. I am feeling the healthiest, strongest, fittest, most vibrant, and the most inspiring ever!

* * *

For more fresh news about raw food, e-mail Mona Lisa Neuboeck at [email protected]; Facebook: Mona Lisa Raw. She will hold her next workshops on “The Beauty of Raw” part 3 (Truly Healing Food) on July 21, part 4 (Detox with Food) on August 18, and part 5 (Lose Weight the Raw Way) on September 15, all on Saturday afternoons, 2:30-5:30 p.m. at Sugarleaf Makati, Medicard Bldg., Paseo de Roxas corner Gil Puyat Avenue. 

For more information, call 0917039055 or visit http://www.sugarleafph.com.

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Consumers Advised to Discard Pasteurized Ice Cream Containing Raw Milk

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Consumers Advised to Discard Pasteurized Ice Cream Containing Raw Milk

raw milkAccording to a press release obtained by Food Poisoning Bulletin, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture issued an advisory about ice cream sold at Dutch Valley Bakery BBQ in Spring Mills, Centre County.

The ice cream was produced by Spring Bank Acres of Rebersburg in Centre County. The advisory states, “Spring Bank Acres produced an ice cream mix to which raw milk was added after pasteurization, potentiallly presenting a food safety risk. The product was representated as pasteurized ice cream and sold as ‘homemade’ by Dutch Valley Bakery BBQ.”

Samantha Krepps of the Ag Department told us that “no illnesses were reported” linked to this product. Dutch Valley Bakery BBQ sold the ice cream as-in and made it into milkshakes. While it’s legal to sell raw milk with a permit in Pennsylvania, the sale of raw milk ice cream is illegal.

Raw milk can contain pathogens including Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, that can sicken even healthy people. Those in high risk groups, such as the very young, the elderly, pregnant women, anyone with a compromised immune system, and anyone with a chronic disease, can become seriously ill from these bacteria.

If anyone has consumed this product and experienced the symptoms of food poisoning, which can include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache, body aches, and stomach cramps, please call the Pennsylvania Department of Health at 1-877-724-3258.

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Minnesota farmer going on trial in raw milk case - Raw milk recalled

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Minnesota farmer going on trial in raw milk case – Raw milk recalled

ST. CLOUD, Minn. – A Minnesota farmer who distributes raw milk is due to stand trial next week for food code violations in a case that pits the government’s efforts to ensure a safe food supply against consumers’ rights to choose what they drink and eat.

Alvin Schlangen, 54, is an organic egg farmer in Freeport, about 75 miles northwest of Minneapolis. He doesn’t produce milk himself but operates a private club called Freedom Farms Co-op with roughly 130 members who buy various farm products including raw milk. Schlangen picks up milk products from an Amish farm and delivers them to consumers, mainly in the Twin Cities.

Raw milk is unpasteurized, meaning it hasn’t been heat-treated to kill pathogens. Under Minnesota law, it can be sold directly to consumers only on the farm where it’s produced. Advocates say it’s easier to digest and contains beneficial enzymes that pasteurization destroys. But public health experts say there’s little nutritional difference between pasteurized and unpasteurized milk and untreated milk contains harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, salmonella, listeria and campylobacter, that can cause stroke, kidney failure, paralysis or death.

Schlangen, who faces criminal charges in two counties, is set for trial Monday in Hennepin County District Court. His supporters have planned a rally for Monday at the courthouse in Minneapolis.

“We have a bureaucracy that’s intent for whatever reason on making sure people aren’t able to get raw milk,” Nathan Hansen, Schlangen’s attorney, told the St. Cloud Times (http://on.sctimes.com/JIKnDu).

Minnesota Department of Agriculture spokesman Michael Schommer declined to comment on Schlangen’s case because it’s ongoing. But he said a key element of the department’s mission is food safety.

“We cannot arbitrarily choose certain business models or product categories to be exempt from basic food safety and sanitary requirements,” Schommer said.

Schlangen is charged in Hennepin County with four misdemeanors, including selling unpasteurized milk products or possessing them for sale. The criminal complaint says inspectors last year searched a Minneapolis warehouse leased by Schlangen, where they found unpasteurized milk and other foods. They also found receipts from sales Schlangen made even though he didn’t have a license to sell, handle or store food. Each count carries a maximum penalty of up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Schlangen said he’s doing nothing wrong because his members lease the animals that provide the raw milk, so there’s no purchase or sale.

He also faces six misdemeanors in Stearns County stemming from a 2010 inspection of his farm, including keeping food products at improper temperatures. Assistant Stearns County Attorney William MacPhail said that case is more about general food safety than raw milk. Schlangen has repeatedly refused to get a food handler’s license, MacPhail said.

“The concern here is, whether it’s eggs or milk or whatever kind of food, is that Minnesota law requires everybody — including Alvin — to properly refrigerate it,” MacPhail said.

Schlangen is getting legal help from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, an advocacy group that has challenged raw milk laws.

Peter Kennedy, president of the fund, said it’s not practical for most people, especially Twin Cities residents who live 50 to 100 miles away, to go to a farm to buy raw milk. He said that’s why members of Schlangen’s club arrange for his deliveries.

“They’re happy with what he does for them, and yet the state is trying to get in the way of this private, contractual relationship,” Kennedy said.

Schlangen said he won’t quit.

“I can’t stop doing something that I completely believe in,” he said. ” … Unless I’m in jail, I have no reason to stop connecting these families with their food.”


Information from: St. Cloud Times, http://www.sctimes.com

Raw Milk recalled in California

Raw milk from a Central California dairy is being recalled after tests confirmed bacteria called campylobacter was found in its raw cream.

State health officials say at least 10 people have fallen ill after consuming products from Organic Pastures in Fresno County between January and April. None were hospitalized.

California State Veterinarian Annette Whiteford issued a quarantine order for the dairy’s products Thursday. The state also issued a statewide recall of its raw milk, raw skim milk, raw cream and raw butter. Consumers are urged to dispose of any of the dairy’s products they may have.

The dairy’s owner, Mark McAfee, says he believes the test results are incorrect. He has requested a hearing with the California Department of Food and Agriculture Friday.

It’s the second recall in six months for the company, which was forced to recall milk contaminated with E.coli in December.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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