The War on Fruit Juice

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The War on Fruit Juice

I’m drinking Juicy Juice fruit punch over crushed ice as I sit down to write this column about the war on fruit juice.

I spotted this story about how fruit juice is the next campaign in the battle against obesity among American children, and it made me both cringe with guilt and roll my eyes.

The guilty cringing comes from buying two jugs of Juicy Juice each week, primarily for our 2-year-old son; our 4-year-old daughter has transitioned out of her juice phase and into her junk food phase. The eye roll comes from the fact that this is just another story about yet another way we parents are getting it all wrong and committing countless sins in our attempt to raise the next generation.

The latest line on fruit juice, per the story linked above, is that it’s just as bad as sugary soda. Something about how squeezing the juice out of a piece of fruit is awful because when you do that, you miss out on the healthy fiber while getting only the bad stuff, a.k.a. sugar. I get that and it makes sense, but do we really need to pass over the juice entirely? Is the small gulp of orange juice that I use to wash down my vitamins a terrible mistake?

Whatever happened to the idea of everything in moderation? Ike only gets poured one sippy cup of juice each day to drink with his lunch. The rest of the time, he drinks either low-fat organic milk or water. The American Academy of Pediatrics, per the story I stumbled across, actually says that one serving of fruit juice is ok, though another expert referred to says it would be better to just say no.

To play devil’s advocate to my own argument, I can see that point. I know that Ike prefers fruit juice to almost anything else. He will go to the fridge, open the door, and take out the big juice jug and carry it around the house until we grab it from him and give him some. I don’t always give in, but we have made it a habit to take the kids out for a walk after we get home or out to play every night before bed time. It seems to me that a little Juicy Juice and some exercise out to balance each other out.

What do you think? Do you think that fruit juice has no place in a child’s diet? Or do you think all this hullabaloo is unfounded?

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Summer Fruit Salad

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Summer Fruit Salad

With fruits such as pineapples and kiwis which are high in Vitamin C (more than oranges!) and mangoes that taste so good and so sweet one forgets they are good for you, this is a no guilt dessert you can have everyday. Topped off  with some antioxidant rich pomegranate seeds and you may live actually forever.  


• 1 pineapple, cored, cut in half and cubed
• 1 mango, cubed
• 1 pound strawberries, sliced
• 1 cup blueberries
• 2 cups watermelon, cubed
• 3 kiwis, cubed
• 1 pomegranate
• 5 mint leaves, minced
• 1 lemon, juiced
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Begin by scooping out the inside of the pineapple and place chunks in a large bowl.
2. Add the rest of your fruits (except pomegranate seeds), lemon juice and vanilla extract.  Mix well.
3. For the pomegranate, cut into 4 pieces and submerge under water to remove the seeds.  The seeds will sink as the
4. Add half the seeds to the fruit mixture.  Lightly toss again.
5. Spoon fruit mixture into pineapple bowl filling the platter with leftover fruit.
6. Top with remaining pomegranate seeds.  

Serves 8-10.

Elizabeth Carrion, a Dominican, co-founded Mi Cocina, a New Jersey-based catering service that also offers cooking classes, with her sister, Ana Martinez. Follow her on Twitter: @micocinalatina and visit her website

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Tomato genome gives new fruit

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Tomato genome gives new fruit

The tomato, whose genome has just now been decoded, turns out to be one well-endowed vegetable, possessing 31,760 genes. This rich legacy, possibly a reflection of the disaster that killed off the dinosaurs, is some 7,000 more than a person and presents a complex puzzle to scientists who hope to understand its secrets.

A consortium of plant geneticists from 14 countries has spent nine years decoding the tomato genome in the hope of breeding better ones. The scientists sequenced the genomes of both Heinz 1706, a variety used to make ketchup, and the tomato‘s closest wild relative, Solanum pimpinellifolium, which lives in the highlands of Peru, where the tomato’s ancestors originated. Their results were published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

The tomato, though a fruit to botanists, has been decreed a vegetable by the U.S. Supreme Court. The verdict is not so unreasonable given that the tomato has a close cousin that is a vegetable, namely the potato. The genomes of the two plants have 92 percent of their DNA in common, the tomato researchers report. The main difference is that the potato is thought to have a handful of genes that direct the plant’s energy away from producing fruit and into the generation of tubers. But even with the genomes of the two plants deciphered, those genes have not yet been identified, said Daniel Zamir, a plant geneticist at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and one of the report’s two principal authors.

The tomato genome is both of intrinsic interest and a key to understanding the very versatile family of plants to which it belongs. Besides the potato, the Solanum family, as it is known, includes the tobacco plant, the pepper, the eggplant and deadly nightshade.

That the tomato and potato contain so many genes does not mean that they are more sophisticated than people but that they have chosen a different stratagem for managing their cells’ affairs. Humans make heavy use of a technique called alternative splicing, which allows the components of each gene to be assembled in many different ways, so that one gene can produce many products.

The Solanum family, by contrast, has developed its genetic complexity through gaining more genes. About 70 million years ago, some lucky mishap in the process of cell division led to a triplication of the Solanum genome. The two spare copies of each gene were free to change through mutation. Many were useless and got dropped from the genome, but others developed useful new functions.

The tomato genome team has been able to visualize the end result of this triplication by comparing the tomato’s genome to that of the grapevine, a distant relative from which it parted company about 100 million years ago, well before the triplication event. Some of the grape’s genes have a single counterpart in the tomato genome, some have two counterparts and some have three.

Usually the triplication of a genome would be a considerable handicap. But this event occurred as the dinosaurs perished, and the extra genetic versatility may have been a lifesaver.

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Fruit juice targeted in the war on obesity


Fruit juice targeted in the war on obesity

Over the last decade, the nations war on obesity has targeted some fairly obvious culprits, including fast food, pastries, fried foods and soda./pp But recent scientific studies and a new government-sponsored documentary that aired last week on HBO have identified a new, less obvious enemy: fruit juice.

This might surprise the many parents and school districts that in recent years have proudly ditched soda in favor of 100 percent juice. But health experts increasingly agree that it is not a better alternative./pp Juice is just like soda, and Im saying it right here on camera, pediatric obesity specialist Robert Lustig said in the documentary Weight of the Nation, produced in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is no difference. When you take fruit and squeeze it, you throw the fiber in the garbage. That was the good part of the fruit. The juice is natures way of getting you to eat your fiber.

Since 2001, the American Academy of Pediatrics has advised limiting daily juice consumption to 4 to 6 ounces for children 6 and younger and 8 to 12 ounces (the size of a soda can) for children 7 to 18. The academys head of environmental health, Jerome Paulson, took it even further when he said that children do not need to drink any juice at all./pp Dont drink an apple, he said. Eat an apple.

An important difference between fruit juice and fruit, researchers point out, is that calories and sugar delivered in liquid form dont trigger feelings of fullness and can lead to excess consumption./pp Beverage-makers dispute claims that fruit juice and obesity are linked. The Juice Products Association said it supports the pediatrics groups recommendations on juice but added that current scientific evidence does not support a relationship between being overweight and juice consumption.

Scientific evidence strongly maintains the nutritional benefits of 100 percent juice, the association said. In fact, studies show that drinking 100 percent fruit juice is associated with a more nutritious diet overall, including reduced intake of dietary fat, saturated fat and added sugars./pp As proof, the association cited a cross-sectional study a snapshot in time funded by the juice industry that found a correlation between consumption of 100 percent fruit juice and higher nutrient intake in children.

In response, University of North Carolina global nutrition professor Barry Popkin cited six other studies that show correlations between increased fruit juice consumption and increased risk of obesity and diabetes./pp There are no studies that show the opposite that drinking a glass or two of fruit juice each day will have positive long-term health benefits on weight or diabetes, added Popkin, author of The World Is Fat: The Fads, Trends, Policies, and Products That Are Fattening the Human Race.

In recent months, so-called sugar sweetened beverages (often sweetened not with sugar but with high-fructose corn syrup) have come under increasing attack for their contribution to the obesity epidemic. Whether this label should be applied to fruit juice is subject to debate, with some organizations counting only those juices with sugar added.

But even 100 percent juice beverages can contain as much sugar as soda. In addition, most commercial fruit juice is derived from concentrates, which often results in a higher sugar content than if the product were, say, simply squeezed from oranges./pp Current USDA guidelines suggest eating about two cups of fruit a day, with the majority consisting of whole fruit rather than juice. That would cap consumption for even the most active adults and children to 1 cup or 8 ounces of juice a day.

In schools, current guidelines allow juice to be substituted for fruit in no more than half of the planned meals because it lacks dietary fiber and when consumed in excess can contribute extra calories, according to the USDA./pp With holdings that include Minute Maid and Odwalla, Coca-Cola ranks as the No. 1 fruit juice maker in the world and is a member of the Juice Products Association. Rhona Applebaum, vice president and chief scientific and regulatory officer for the company, said shes aware of the pediatric academys recommendation on fruit juice but might still give her son triple that amount.

I respect what they have to say, Applebaum said. But as a mom, if my 16-year-old can handle the calories and wants a nutritious beverage, I dont think theres anything wrong with him having a glass of orange juice in the morning and then later with his lunch and dinner. But I want to make sure its calcium fortified because I want him to build strong bones./pp Applebaum said she saw most of the Weight of the Nation documentary and is generally pleased with its messages on diet and exercise. But she said equating juice with soda is an over-exaggeration.

While juice delivers calories and sugar on par with soda, she said orange juice also provides your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and folic acid and more potassium than a banana. Its all about the how, how much and how often./pp Tropicana, owned by PepsiCo, produces the best-selling orange juice in the U.S. and contends that its working hard to provide healthier options. One such product is Trop50, a less sweet drink that contains a days supply of vitamin C in a 50-calorie, 8-ounce serving./pp While USDA recommends a majority of fruit servings come from whole fruit, the fact is most Americans are falling short, a Tropicana spokeswoman said in a statement. It further noted that USDA guidelines allow for up to 8 ounces of juice a day because it can play a role in helping people meet their daily goals and get vital nutrients.

While the public health community is coming to increasing agreement on fruit juice, some believe it could take years to persuade parents and school districts to act on the findings./pp Elsie Taveras, a pediatrician who serves as co-director of the Obesity Prevention Program at Harvard Medical School, said the message on juice has come as a surprise to her patients.

Its not so difficult to convince a family that soda really has no nutritional benefits, Taveras said in the documentary. Its harder to convince families that juice can have almost exactly the same sugar content as a glass of soda./pp Popkin admits that he couldnt have imagined warning people off fruit juice 10 years ago.

But it has taken us about a decade to truly understand the role of fruit juice, he said. In many countries, soft drink companies have fought hard to replace soft drinks with fruit juice (made by juice companies they bought), but the research has shown fruit juice has the same effect as soft drinks on our health all adverse, negative and fairly severe./pp span class=”tagline_contrib” Tribune correspondent Emily Bryson York contributed to this report./span

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Acid in fruit drinks harms teeth enamel

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Acid in fruit drinks harms teeth enamel

Many fruit drinks contain a high level of acid that could decompose teeth enamel, a new study has revealed.

A warning was issued about popular fruit drinks and smoothies by the dentists after it emerged that some of it can be as acidic as vinegar.

Fruit drinks are commonly given by well-meaning parents to their children to ensure that they get their ‘five a day’.

While parents mean well giving their children seemingly healthy fruit drinks, the dentists warned that they can contain acid levels which are damaging to teeth.

The warning came after official figures revealed that dental problems were the third most common reason for child hospital admissions last year behind viral infections and disorders related to premature birth.

Innocent’s ‘This Water’ drink with limes and lemons had a pH level of 2.7 – more acidic than vinegar, at 2.9. This is at the upper end of the acidity scale in which 7 is considered neutral and 1 extremely high. ‘This Water’ said that their products were ‘not meant for children’, adding that ‘The recipe in question is made with fresh lemon and lime juice so it is going to have a natural acidity.’

The tooth enamel begins to be destroyed at level higher than 5.5 on the scale.

Other drinks tested included Tropicana orange juice, Copella apple juice and Innocent smoothies, all of which had acid levels ranging from 3.3 to 3.8. The most acidic among them was Coca-Cola, with a pH level of 2.5.

Kathy Harley, dean of the dental faculty at the Royal College of Surgeons that many parents are unaware that the combination of high acid and sugar can destroy young teeth, the Daily Mail reported.

Dentists have warned that it is better for children to eat fruit with their meals or to have cheese or some alkaline food to combat the effects of acidic drinks.

Dr Harley warned last year that 50 per cent of five-year-olds have signs of damage to their tooth enamel caused by excess acid in their diet.

It is not required for the manufacturers to publish the acid levels in drinks.

The government advice states that everyone should have five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, with one portion comprising 150ml of fruit juice.

Dr Harley said it would be better if children met the target by eating fruit with meals and juice to be a ‘once a week treat’ for them.

Dentists also advised to drink water after having juice to wash away some of the acid and said Children should be encouraged to drink water afterwards to wash away some of the acid, but not to brush their teeth until at least an hour afterwards, as teeth are weakened by exposure to acid.

Dentists said that rather than consuming fruit juices or fruit as snack, it is better if they were consumed at meal times or accompanied with something containing calcium, such as cheese, which neutralises acid.

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Local tree fruit hit hard by strange spring

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Local tree fruit hit hard by strange spring

After March brought us a miraculous string of 80-degree days, Midwestern fruit farmers were praying for an equally miraculous April — one warm enough to protect all the vulnerable fruit blossoms coaxed into early bloom.

But a punishing frost in the last days of April dashed those hopes along with most of the Midwest tree fruit harvest, experts and farmers say.

“Our tree fruit and stone fruit took a bad hit with about a 70 percent crop loss and 100 percent on some of our peach trees,” said Mick Klug, whose orchards in southwest Michigan supply several restaurants and farmers markets in the Chicago area. “It’s right next to a disaster on tree fruit.”

Chicago-area farmers markets, many of which have already opened, are likely to watch this disaster play out in coming months, with scant and expensive supplies of peaches, cherries, apricots, plums and apples.

Mark Longstroth, a fruit educator with the Michigan State University extension, has been touring local farms in recent weeks to assess the damage. He says the picture is grim.

“We’ll be lucky to see a third of the crop this year,” Longstroth said.

He noted that although trees saw some damage from cold nights in early and mid-April, it was the very late April frosts that dealt the worst blow.

“We were all very depressed with those widespread freezes” on April 27 and 29, he said. “They caused a lot of damage, and now we are just waiting to see the extent.”

At Nichols Farm and Orchard in Marengo, Ill., the picture is not much better.

“It affected us a lot,” said Doreen Nichols of Nichols Farm, which grows fruits and vegetables for more than a dozen Chicago-area farmers markets and several restaurants. “We had such an early spring and it looked like it was going to be a great year, but then we had that cold snap when it went down to 28 degrees. Now I think we’ve lost about 90 percent of the apple crop.”

Seedling Enterprises’ Adam Houseman echoes her sentiments.

“It looks bad for tree fruit,” Houseman said of the crops at Seedling Orchard, located in South Haven, Mich. “It definitely looks bad for the whole state, but we won’t know the full extent of the damage for a couple of weeks.”

If there is a bright side to this year’s Midwestern fruit season, it may be in the berries. These plants, which bloom later and are easier to protect than fruit trees, appear to have survived fairly well.

In fact, Klug said he may have local strawberries to bring to Chicago farmers markets as early as this week’s Green City Market, to accompany all the early rhubarb. Longstroth reported that the Michigan blueberry harvest may be just as big as last year’s (which is to say about 70 million pounds, slightly down from 2010′s 90 million), and Nichols said her family’s blackberries “look better than they’ve ever looked.”

Summer table grapes took a hit, but later-blooming grapes may do much better, each added.

“Grapes are starting to come back, but it’s a little early to estimate,” Longstroth said. “We are looking at a third of a crop for table grapes, but for wine grapes I am hearing only about 25 to 50 percent losses.”

Local vegetables are also still on track, most say, with a flood of asparagus that arrived as early as a month ago and should be out in abundance as long as temperatures stay moderately cool.

Despite the damaged trees, farmers expect to have at least some tree fruit to bring to local markets this summer, albeit at higher prices.

“We will have a little bit of everything to put on the table, but probably no wholesale fruit business this year,” Klug said with resignation. “When you have summer in March, this is going to happen.”

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Early farmers markets

A few Chicago-area farmers markets have already opened, including those in Evanston and Palos Heights and the Green City Market in Chicago, but the next week will see several additional area markets launch for the season. Here’s a list of markets that will open in the next week or so:

•La Grange, Thursday

Glenwood, Friday

•Eden Place (Chicago), Saturday

•Homewood, Saturday

•Oak Park, Saturday

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How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

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How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

A fruit fly is a small flying insect about 1/8 inch in length with red eyes. The essential element in how to get rid of fruit flies is to locate and eliminate their breeding sources. Although there are several sprays and traps used to kill flies in a home, restaurant or other building, the infestation cannot be completely eradicated without eliminating its source.

Inspecting for fruit flies

When searching for fruit fly breeding sources, remember that the larvae need moist decaying organic matter to survive. The most obvious place to look for these sources is where fruits or vegetables are stored near refrigerators or coolers. Other areas to inspect include recycling bins, garbage cans that are rarely cleaned or used and under and behind large appliances. Be sure to check sink and other drains. Here small flies are often found breeding in the super thin film or layer of debris that naturally accumulates in pipes, traps and drains.

In commercial and residential structures, tiny amounts of organic debris are often found where the legs or feet of appliances, tables or cabinets touch the floor. These tiny spaces can harbour thousands of fly larvae. All small cracks and crevices at floor level must be inspected and thoroughly cleaned.

Once one breeding spot has been located, keep on looking. Fruit flies easily follow air currents and usually have several breeding places in any structure. Do not assume that all breeding sources are indoors. Fruit flies will fly in from nearby dumpsters, outdoor garbage cans or even damp compost piles where fruits and vegetables are disposed.

Fly elimination products

Here are some ideas on how to get rid of fruit flies. A pyrethrin space spray can be used for a quick kill. It will reduce populations of flying insects. Pyrethrin spray is also used by pest control operators as a crack and crevice tool to spray the tiny areas where fruit flies and other insect pests breed. To monitor the area, use a Gold Stick trap. These traps use a fly sex lure to attract flies to their doom. Every fruit fly caught means one less breeding adult.

Professional fly traps use pheromones combined with powerful ultraviolet bulbs in lighted fly traps. These come in a range of sizes. Different designs offer options for use in public areas, commercial kitchens, hospitals, offices and homes. Using ultraviolet bulbs increases the numbers of flying insects captured while drastically reducing the need for use of sprays and other pesticides. Use the powerful Fly Trap Professional in commercial kitchens or other areas that are not open to the public or customers. In high profile areas, the Cento Fly Traps and Luralite Fly Traps are less obvious.

If you find a drain that is a breeding ground for fruit flies, the best method for how to get rid of fruit flies is using Drain Gel (Fly Gel) to destroy the film in which the fly eggs and larvae develop. A surface spray is not recommended here unless there are great numbers of flies resting on the surface of trash cans, dumpsters or exterior walls.

Fruit fly traps are another excellent tool for how to get rid of fruit flies. Attach the trap to the inside lid of garbage cans, dumpsters or compost bins to capture adult flies before they breed. Dispose of traps when full of flies or after three months, whichever comes first.

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Erratic weather devastating Mich. fruit

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Erratic weather devastating Mich. fruit

We thought we had it bad in Spain with the late frosts killing the fruit flowers in our area of Valencia. But in various parts of the USA, they are having much bigger problems.

A disaster is unfolding in Michigan orchards as erratic spring weather causes some of the biggest losses in decades of cherries, apples and other fruits, growers said Thursday.

A rare extended period of summerlike temperatures in March caused trees to blossom early, only to be zapped by an unrelenting series of April frosts and freezes. The one-two punch killed many buds, while recent cold snaps and rainstorms have discouraged honeybees from pollinating those that survived.

Farmers and agricultural extension agents said the tart cherry crop is all but wiped out in most places, while sweet cherries, apples, pears and other fruits are heavily damaged. Juice grapes are another casualty. Many growers probably won’t bother harvesting their meager yields, focusing instead on keeping trees healthy for next year, said Ken Nye, commodity specialist for the Michigan Farm Bureau.

“This is the worst that Michigan has experienced in the past 50 years at least,” Nye said. “I don’t know how far you’d have to go back to find something similar.”

Michigan produces three-fourths of the nation’s tart cherries, used primarily in pies and other food products, and 20 percent of its sweet cherries, a popular table fruit. It ranks third nationally in apple production, behind Washington and New York.

The state is no stranger to spring cold snaps, and experts say orchards remain vulnerable throughout May. The tart cherry crop was a near-total loss a decade ago. What sets this year apart is not just the severity of the damage but the variety of fruits affected.

“We’ve had freezes before, but you’d always have something come through OK,” said David Rabe, who grows apples, tart cherries, peaches and asparagus in Oceana County. “This year, just about everything’s devastated. Asparagus might be the only crop we can harvest.”

Pat McGuire, who grows fruits and vegetables on his 850-acre farm in Antrim County, said he’s given up on tart cherries but is finding some live peach and apple buds.

“If we can get them pollinated, we’ll still have fruit,” he said. “But we’re not going to have a bumper crop by any means.”

Daytime high temperatures reached the 70s and 80s for nearly two weeks in mid-March, a time when much of the state is typically covered with snow. It tricked fruit trees into emerging from dormancy far too soon. In the northwestern Lower Peninsula, the first tart cherry blossoms were spotted April 9 — more than a month earlier than usual.

Since late March, temperatures have fallen below freezing more than a dozen times. With each dip, more flower buds were killed, said Nikki Rothwell, coordinator of the Northwest Michigan Horticultural Research Station in Leelanau County. The full extent of the losses won’t be known for weeks but they’ll be heavy, she said.

It comes as the cherry industry has boosted demand by marketing the fruit as a health food rich in antioxidants.

“It’s disappointing when we can’t produce a crop to meet that new, exciting consumer demand,” said Ben LaCross, a second-generation grower in Leelanau County.

Smaller yields likely will result in shortages, higher prices and fewer jobs for farm laborers, said Mark Longstroth, a Michigan State University small fruit educator.

There’s usually a surplus of cherries from previous seasons in cold storage, but inventories are low because the past couple of year’s crops have been down, LaCross said.

Bob Sutherland, president of the Glen Arbor fruit products company Cherry Republic, usually has plenty of local cherries for his jams, jellies and other treats. This year, he’s ordered 150,000 pounds from Poland.

“It’s a temporary necessity to keep our plants running and our employees working,” Sutherland said.

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New Sensor detects when fruit is ripe

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New Sensor detects when fruit is ripe

Bananas are obvious. A nice, firm yellow peel equals ripe; brown spots equals overripe. But what of other fruits and vegetables? An inexpensive sensor developed by researchers at MIT could let you (and your grocer) know when produce is ready to eat. And it could help supermarket managers push fresh fruit before they spoil, avoiding waste.

The fruit sensor, developed by MIT chemistry professor Timothy Swager and his students, picks up ethylene, a chemical that fruits give off as they mature. The riper the item, the more ethylene produced.

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Ethylene is already monitored in the food industry, but the equipment used is expensive, on the order of $1,200 for a single unit. The detectors use gas chromatography or mass spectroscopy, which separate gases to analyze their composition.

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Swager came up with a different idea: carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes allow electron flow, as they are conductive. Adding copper atoms slows the electrons down. When ethylene is present, it binds to the copper atoms and slows the electrons further, increasing the nanotubes’ resistance. The amount of resistance reveals how much ethylene there is – how ripe the fruit is.

To boost the sensitivity of the device, the researchers added tiny beads of polystyrene, which absorbs the ethylene and concentrates it. The system can pick up ethylene concentrations down to 0.5 parts per million. The concentration required for fruit to ripen is usually 0.1 to 1 part per million. That means a gram of ethylene for the amount of air that would fill a room about 30 feet on a side. Swager told Disovery News that he can make the device small — about the size of a small computer chip. The only limit, he said, is that it has to be easy to handle for the user.

Swager and his students tested the device on bananas, avocados, apples, pears and oranges. In all five cases the amount of ethylene accurately measured ripeness of the fruit.

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Swager’s previous work in the field was building sensors to detect chemical and biological warfare agents. In that sense this research is an extension of that.

A big advantage for this technology, Swager said, is cost. The carbon nanotube sensor would be about 25 cents. He plans to add an radio-frequency identification chip so the sensor can communicate wirelessly with a handheld device. That would add another 75 cents. (And yes, he has filed for a patent and hopes to commercialize the sensors).

via MIT

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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Citrus Fruit - Valencian Farmers Online

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Citrus fruit -Valencian Farmers Online

The Internet has been hailed as a solution to the ailing citrus fruit trade in the province of Valencia, Spain. The Valencian citrus fruit trade is said to be on the verge of collapse. Ever-increasing costs and dwindling profits are resulting in more plots being abandoned and long-standing family traditions being lost.

However, there is a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, namely the internet. Websites dedicated to the sale of fruit – oranges and lemons – are thriving throughout the region shifting millions of kilos of produce.

Hundreds of farmers and related tradesmen are managing to scrape a living thanks to the new technologies and via various self-employment systems. For a start, the direct sale of fruit to consumers eliminates the middleman and thus increases the slice of the profit pie for the producer, who obtains a higher price than selling though supermarket chains and cooperatives.

Meanwhile, buyers are offered the chance to have a box of fruit on their table in just 24 hours at an average cost of two euros a kilo. The main problem seems to be lack of organisation and the fact that the offer is very disperse, as business falls to individual farmers and there is no central regulating body.

It also makes it very difficult to ascertain the exact level of trade and profit statistics. The online sale of citrus fruit was reportedly pioneered by a landowner named Federico Aparici in 1998, who tired of selling his produce for next to nothing set up the website

He now sells his entire crop of 200,000 kilos collected from his plot in Cullera (Valencia) over the site. His customers are said to include star chefs such as Catalan ace Ferran Adria and Martin Berasategui plus some of the top hotels in Spain.

He employs six members of his family and occasionally takes on extra staff to cope with orders from France, Germany and the UK. By selling directly online, customers pay the proper price that the product is worth, according to Sr Aparici.

Other farmers now using the internet as the backbone of their business back up this claim by revealing that the fruit they sold via regular stores was paid to them at between four and 21 cents per kilo when it costs 20 cents to produce.


Farming trades union AVA-Asaja has called a ‘progressive’ protest march against the ‘unsustainable situation’ of the Valencian agricultural trade. The demo will take place over April and May through various districts of the region culminating in two massive protests in Madrid and Valencia.

“Valencian farmers are at the very limit of our possibilities of subsistence,” declared AVA president Cristobal Aguado, adding that falling fruit prices and profitability will lead to losses of 112 million euros this year.

Fruit with Bill & Sheila

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