Category Archives: Food Safety

Salmonella Poisoning – Public Awareness Announcement

Salmonella Poisoning – Public Awareness Announcement We are posting this extended article to remind people of just how real food poisoning is.  We have just visited a friend who is suffering from salmonella poisoning and she is in a bad way.  Doctors have traced the cause to her home-made mayonnaise.  Please read this article carefully and make note of the preventative measures contained in it. And be aware of the symptoms of salmonella so that you can quickly identify it.  There are more articles on food safety on this website and more in depth material is available at Bill and Sheila’s … Continue reading

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Workshop to learn about safe food handling slated

MANSFIELD –A Safe Food Handling for Occasional Quantity Cooks workshop will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. May 25 at the Richland County Longview Center, 1495 Longview Ave. The workshop is for volunteers at churches, concession stands, fraternal organizations, 4-H youth and adult leaders, scouting or anyone involved in preparing food for temporary food events for fellowship, service or fundraising efforts. The workshop will address practices and responsibilities of volunteers and seasonal food workers and will cover planning and purchasing, storing foods safely, legal responsibilities, server hygiene, safe thawing practices, handling leftovers and storing and transporting foods. Reference materials will be provided … Continue reading

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Food Poisoning – is your kitchen safe?

Food Poisoning – is your kitchen safe? We have had many comments about the subject of food safety and food poisoning, especially regarding the different types of causes of food poisoning. This is the original article I published some time ago on various article directories around the world.  They are still getting good reviews. ____________________________________________________________ What is food poisoning? It is an acute illness, usually sudden, brought about by eating contaminated or poisonous food. The symptoms of food poisoning are: 1. nausea – a queasy feeling as if you were about to be sick 2. sickness – vomiting 3. Pains in the bowl – gripping … Continue reading

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Food Safety – Make Grilling A Healthy Experience

Food Safety  – Make Grilling A Healthy Experience Without a doubt there is something very relaxing and pleasurable about cooking and eating grilled food. There are countless ways you can turn your grilling not only into a flavourful and enjoyable way to cook, but there are also many healthy and tasty alternatives. Like anything else in life, what you put on your grill is a choice. Grilling healthy first means that you have decided to eat healthy. Cooking on a grill can be a great way to reduce fats on while adding wonderful flavour however we must also be careful … Continue reading

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Food Safety – Fungal Infections

Fungal Infections If you have been following this series of articles on food safety and checked back to Bill and Sheila’s Cookbook for the full section on the subject, you will now know, that fungal infection, mould and mildew on food and in the kitchen can cause all kinds of health problems. What are fungal infections? Fungal infections are diseases of skin, nails or internal organs caused by the spread of fungi. Fungi are basic forms of plant life, including moulds, mildews and yeasts. Fungal infections are less common than those caused by bacteria or viruses. However, they are on … Continue reading

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Food Safety – The Common Cold

The Common Cold Coughing and sneezing while handling food can easily spread this common ailment to everyone around you. If you have a bad cold – don’t handle food! What is a common cold? Medically, a common cold and its many symptoms are referred to as an upper respiratory tract infection. From time to time, everyone catches a cold. In fact, it is taken for granted that the average person will have 50 or more colds during their lifetime. Not all colds follow the same pattern, but the characteristic symptoms are a runny nose (acute rhinitis) and sore throat (pliuryngitis). Hoarseness due to … Continue reading

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Keep Your Kitchen Safe – Food Handling simplified

Keep Your Kitchen Safe – Food Handling simplified Did you know that the turkey you thawed on the kitchen counter, instead of in the fridge, could now contain bacteria levels high enough to harm human life, even though you can’t see, smell, or taste it? There’s nothing better than a home cooked meal during the holidays. But, with all the special effort that goes into making one, everything will be for naught if the food has not been stored, prepared, or cooked properly. Food experts agree that the safe handling of food should be the top ingredient in any recipe. … Continue reading

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Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infections What are bacteria and where are they found? Bacteria are minute, single celled organisms found throughout the living and non-living world, in soil,in plants and located within or on the bodies of animals and people. Bacteria are larger than viruses but smaller than living cells. Unlike viruses, bacteria contain all the information and machinery necessary to grow and reproduce themselves, and therefore do not need to live inside cells as viruses do. Bacteria reproduce by growing in size and then dividing, thus doubling their population. Under favourable conditions this may only take 30 minutes. When conditions are less … Continue reading

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Food-borne Illnesses: Prevention for Healthy Eating

Food borne Illnesses: Prevention for Healthy Eating Eating healthy foods will help you to boost your immune system, but what if it’s the foods themselves making you sick?  Food born illness can cause food poisoning and a variety of other more dangerous diseases, so they are a real threat to our bodies. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to prevent food-borne illnesses. Following safety tips when handling, preparing, and storing food is very important. First and foremost, you should be concerned with the temperature of your foods. When cooking meat, make sure to use a thermometer in order to make … Continue reading

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Food Safety – If You Suffer From These Illnesses, Don’t Handle Food

Influenza What is influenza? Influenza, or flu, is a highly contagious and very common viral infection which usually occurs during the winter months, although it is present in the population at all times. It is similar to a very bad cold but, unlike a cold, it is usually accompanied by a high temperature, aches, pains and general weakness and depression. Sometimes the after effects of flu can last for several weeks. What causes influenza? Influenza is caused by a virus which infects the cells lining the respiratory tract (air passages). In the upper part of the tract it causes a fever … Continue reading

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