Chocolate cure for hiccups
Q: The absolute best cure I’ve ever found for hiccups is CHOCOLATE. Don’t believe me? Try it.
Keep some 70 percent to 90 percent cocoa dark chocolate on hand. (Lindt is good.) Smooth a bite of the chocolate on the roof of your mouth and be amazed at how fast your hiccups disappear!
Don’t worry about chocolate making you fat. Unsweetened dark chocolate is beneficial. (Milk chocolate, though, is not good for dieters.) You’ll thank me for this cure.
A: We first heard about using chocolate as a home remedy for hiccups from a listener who called our radio show. Her Danish grandmother had always dispensed a few chocolate chips to a child with hiccups.
We have since heard from others who agree that chocolate can help stop hiccups. Here’s one reader’s story: “I discovered this remedy one day after repeated bouts of hiccups. I became aggravated and decided that if I was going to have them, I was going to have them with chocolate. They stopped immediately, much to my surprise. The chocolate remedy has been foolproof for years now.”
Q. I have suffered from tension headaches for many years. The pursuit for a cure included many trials of medications, acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic, Botox injections, epidural steroids and other spinal injections. Nothing helped. I continued to average more than eight headaches a week.
In January, a friend mentioned that she had gotten some relief from her migraines with large doses of vitamin B-2 (riboflavin) and wondered if it might help with my headaches as well. I looked it up and found B-2 had no side effects or drug interactions, so I decided to try it. My expectations were not high.
I took my first dose (400 mg) on Jan. 14. I went the next 10 days without a headache. Fifteen weeks have now passed, and I have had a total of only 14 headaches! At my previous average of 8.4 per week, I would have had 117 headaches during this period. For me, a miracle!
I hope others may benefit from this simple and inexpensive approach.
A. Thank you for sharing your success story. Riboflavin has been used to prevent chronic migraine headaches (Neurology, April 24, 2012). It is good to hear that this B vitamin also might help against recurrent tension headaches.
We are sending you our Guide to Headaches and Migraines with information on medications as well as nondrug approaches to treating this painful condition. Anyone who would like a copy, please send $3 in check or money order with a long (No. 10), stamped (65 cents), self-addressed envelope to: Graedons’ People’s Pharmacy, No. M-98, P.O. Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027. It also can be downloaded for $2 from our website:
Q. I have been trying to find white (no dye) iodine. No pharmacy near me carries it. In the past, I used it successfully to get rid of wartlike growths. I also have heard that it works against nail fungus. Any ideas where I should look?
A. Iodine has been used as a disinfectant and antifungal agent for more than a century. Standard tincture of iodine can stain the skin brown, which is why people use “white” iodine. Humco makes iodides tincture (decolorized iodine). Your pharmacy can order it, or you may find it at
Joe and Teresa Graedon, answer letters from readers on their column. Write to them in care of this newspaper or email them via their website:
Chocolate with Bill & Sheila
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