Category Archives: Blogging

Reading RSS Feeds with an RSS Aggregator

Reading RSS Feeds with an RSS Aggregator RSS or Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary is the latest information management tool that is gradually earning popularity among web users and website owners. With RSS technology, it is possible to get the latest postings from your favorite websites. But clicking on the RSS or XML button in a homepage is not enough to give you the service you need. An RSS feed or code displayed in the pop-up screen if not on the main page is composed of symbols and words that would only make sense to advanced RSS users … Continue reading

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Why you should be using an autoresponder to boost your sales

Don’t go another day without using an autoresponder to get more sales… If you want to create a longer term online business, an autoresponder is a tool you really can’t afford to ignore, as this will give you a lot more options when it comes to email marketing. Many new Internet marketers have a misconception about autoresponders; they think that using an autoresponder to grow your profits is a highly complex process and is not everyone’s cup of tea. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a genius to use an autoresponder; you only have to follow a few simple steps. … Continue reading

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A system with NO FTP’in, NO HTML, NO writing involved?…

A system with NO FTP’in, NO HTML, NO writing involved?… We all need to use software at some point in our lives to be able to perform complicated tasks with relative ease. Computer’s need an operating system, graphic designers need Photoshop, writers need Microsoft Word, for online browsing you need FireFox etc. The same is true in the world of internet marketing. New software sprouts up every day to make tedious and complicated tasks easy. Some do the job well, whilst some others still need improving. There are lead generators that go out and collect emails for you. There are link builders that generate back links for you. There are article submitters … Continue reading

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The ’4 Letter Word’ That Will Explode Your Potential – *FREE Download*

The ’4 Letter Word’ That Will Explode Your Potential – *FREE Download* You’ve heard the expression “The money’s in the list”, but how exactly do you get a list in the first place? How does one build a massive list, fast, quick and effortlessly without spending days, weeks, even months writing articles and doing tedious link-building? Whilst you can set up a squeeze page and send traffic to it all day long using various methods there is another way. – The trick is to get others to do it for you! It involves ‘Forced Subscription’ and a 4-letter word that will change the way you think about … Continue reading

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Click Drag And Drop For Amazing Website Graphics!

Click Drag And Drop For Amazing Website Graphics! Have you ever outsourced your graphics? How much money have you spent on hiring graphic designers? How long have you been waiting for your final design after sending emails back and forth for revisions? Good graphics come at a premium and revisions cost even more especially to get it to look the way you want it.  Designers my charge $97 just for 1 eBook cover, expect even more if you want a group package of your product. It can become quite costly and even though you know you need to outsource the graphics, it sometimes is a good idea to do them … Continue reading

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NO Website, NO List, NO Product… What Now?…

NO Website, NO List, NO Product… What Now?… When you think about starting a business, usually, some sort of investment comes into the equation right? Maybe you think you at least need webhosting, or a domain name, or even an auto-responder right? Whilst they will eventually form the building blocks of a strong business there is a more direct approach to making money online that allows you to get in, and get out without having to go through a checklist of things you could do with, but not at this very moment. What if there was a way for even the *ABSOLUTE* novice to start from scratch with $0.00 in … Continue reading

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How To Extract More From Your List?…

How To Extract More From Your List?… I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and say that you’ve heard the following said somewhere on your internet travels… “The money is in the list” I’d like to challenge that. No the money is NOT in the list. It’s in the QUALITY of the list. Anyone can build (and buy for that matter) a large quantity of subscribers, but when it comes to promoting a product, they produce some appalling numbers. No, the trick is not about how many subscribers you can get, it’s what you DO with them that counts. One marketer could have 10,000 on his list but get … Continue reading

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How To INJECT More Traffic With PPC

How To INJECT More Traffic With PPC If you’re desperate to get traffic fast and are not afraid to spend a little doing so because you know that you’ve got an excellent product that people really want, then you may want to consider PPC. PPC stands for Pay Per Click and is exactly as it implies. You write a small text ad, choose the keywords you want your ad to be display for, and then have it displayed on the search results of sites like Google, Yahoo, MSN and Bing. These PPC networks allow you to track your campaign performance as well so when you generate a conversion – either a … Continue reading

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“I Need Traffic – What Do I Do?”

If you have put in the time and effort into creating your product you will need to make sure that you maximize your efforts online by making sure that you are getting traffic to your offer. Getting traffic is one of the things that beginner’s leave to last because they a) find it easy to work on their website and get from basic HTML done or b) have already tried to do a few things but saw little or no effects and gave up. What you need to understand is that there are many traffic generation strategies out there at the moment that can help you get those valuable customers … Continue reading

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Using RSS fields in communication

Using RSS fields in communication RSS is fast replacing email marketing and newsletters. You would not want to be left behind would you? Your competitor will surely overtake you and speed right up. RSS is mostly called Really Simple Syndication, although some give other meaning to the acronym. It is a process by which you could place a feed on websites that can read RSS from your directory. Information distribution has been made simply by RSS. Simply put, with RSS, you can place your headline to other website for more people to see it. In marketing, it is a known … Continue reading

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