Breakfast News

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Breakfast News

Increasingly, research shows us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it is the replenishment of the body’s reserves, depleted during sleep, that sets us up for the day. Faced with another 20 minutes in bed of preparing breakfast, unfortunately, many of us opt for the extra 20 minutes in bed, thereby depriving ourselves ourselves of the energy to withstand the rigours of modern life.

Because of our modern hectic lifestyles, cooking is a lost art in many households and we have a generation of youngsters are growing up thinking that all food comes out of packets, cans, sachets and chilled meal containers.

Breakfast or brunch probably offers the best chance of the family together when the smell of home-made bread rather than the ping of the microwave rouses everybody from their beds, closely followed by the smell of bacon and sausages grilling in the frying pan. So, get back in the habit of cooking breakfast for yourself and your family.

Our RSS feeds should provide you with a few ideas. If you want more, search the pages of the or Bill and Sheila’s Cookbook for inspiration.

Comments: We note the request for a recipe for a spanish omelette. Well you will find it right here among our spanish recipes on our sister site:

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2 thoughts on “Breakfast News

  1. Breakfast: the most important meal of the day. Webmaster should put up a nice Spanish omelet recipe for breakfast here. Also check out Recipe For Spanish Rice.

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