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is the sister site of Bill & Sheila’s Cookbook, a site dedicated to all things concerning food and drink. The site has recipes from all around the world and offers advice and tips on cooking, food preparation, food safety and much more.
The is where we publish articles about wine, food & drink and being a blog, provide the opportunity for you to have your own say regarding the articles we publish. Some of the posts on are provided by our RSS feeds which tap into the news services around the world looking for new articles concerning the categories we write about. Therefore, many of the articles you will read on are fresh and up-to-date.


Our new RSS feed which supply us with food related news in our pages listed above are all now in place. The new feeds are easy to read and provide information which changes daily on subject specific food related topics – read and enjoy.


We have recently added a new system to the blog which enables you to contact us quickly and easily. You will find a new “FEEDBACK” box in the top left corner of the page. You just have to click on that and you will be able to send a message to us instantly. We would appreciate feedback and suggestions for categories, what your favourite categories are etc. In this way we can provide what you are most interested in.

Posting and Commenting

If you want to add comments or even send us an article for publication on, please do so. But first you need to register with us for security reasons. Our anti-spam filters are working very well blocking advertising for drugs and pornography that people are trying to slip in under the comments system. It won’t work on this site, so don’t even bother to try. We are also noticing a rapid increase in the use of Automated Posting software just to obtain backlinks. While we encourage the use of backlinks, automatic posting of all the same comments to different articles which have no relevance to the article, is frowned upon and will be rejected. If you want to comment, please do so manually and with reference to the article concerned. As a last resort every single comment or post is verified by me personally before being authorised to pass to the blog. If you have sent us a genuine comment or a recipe or article and it has not appeared, it is possible that our anti-spam system has filtered it out. Let us know by using the ‘FEEDBACK’ box.


We are leaving Spain soon and consequently, we will be leaving the Internet for some time. So, we are selling the Blog and all it’s content, SEO plugins, RSS feeders and graphics. We have not been too interested in making a profit from the blog, but for someone who wants to monitorize it effectively, it could be a goldmine. There are over 7,000 articles on the site covering all aspects of food and drink. We will be including our collection of nearly 1 million articles that we have not used, covering all subjects – not just food and drink. If you are interested, contact us using the ‘contact us’ tab.

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Number of new visitors to the site in May = 12,454
Total Number of visitors in May = 28,763
Number of Hits in May = 2293,713

Please enjoy the blog We are adding new postings every day. And don’t forget about the collections of articles you can find on the welcome page. There are thousands of informative and useful articles on a wide range of subjects – not just food and drink.

Thank you for visiting us
Bill at



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