Wholemeal salmon sandwich and tartar sauce


Wholemeal salmon sandwich and tartar sauce

This is another of our Spanish recipes that we have dug out of our databases. It is a simple summer sandwich of smoked salmon in a mayonaise sauce, accompanied by a mixture of vegetables. The last time we made it we used a mixture of sweet pickled olives, onions,gherkins and peppers on a little wooden skewer. Ideal for a summer afternoon snack with a (large) glass of rioja.

• 8 slices of wholemeal bread
• 1 carrot
• 4 slices of smoked salmon
• 4 broccoli florets
• 4 florets of cauliflower

For the tartar sauce

• Olive oil
• 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
• 1 egg
• 4 pickled gherkins
• 1 tablespoon dill Dijon mustard
• 2 anchovy fillets
• 1 tablespoon capers
• vinegar
• parsley
• 1 onion
• Salt

Peel carrots, cut into slices and boil along with the cauliflower and broccoli florets in a saucepan with salted water, for 6-7 minutes. Drain.

Place the egg in a blender with 150 ml of olive oil, vinegar, mustard and anchovy fillets. Beat in a blender until emulsified.

Add a sprig of chopped parsley, gherkins, capers and scallions. Spread the sauce on the bread pan, top with the Salmon and cover sandwich with another slice of bread. Cut in half making two triangles and serve with vegetables.

Can be prepared without bread. Mix the vegetables with the salmon cut into strips and serve with sauce. Many other Mayonnaise sauces, such as this Tatar sauce, can be made – cocktail sauce or dill sauce, prepared by adding a little mustard and chopped dill, and that goes very well in this recipe also.

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