hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Announces The Only Safe Diet Version

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Announces The Only Safe Diet Version

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss announces the only safe, modern-day, prescription hCG diet allowing 700-900 calories as opposed to the original protocol of only 500 calories, which is unhealthy and still practiced today regardless of its adverse effects on the body’s systems.

Austin, TX (PRWEB) June 22, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss has developed the only safe hCG diet to date, a healthy alternative to weight loss surgery to get extreme weight loss results, by increasing the overall calorie consumption of the diet.

In the 1950’s Dr. ATW Simeons made a breakthrough in the ever growing battle against obesity. He discovered a link between the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or, more commonly known as hCG and extreme weight loss. This discovery has been met with both awe and scepticism over the following decades. There is no denying prescription grade hCG works. That’s why the diet has existed for over a half century. The controversy lies in the extreme caloric reduction that has always accompanied such a weight loss diet. His protocol called for only 500 calories to be consumed each day. The hCG made it possible for people to eat such a low calorie diet and not feel deprived, but whether they feel it or not, that is exactly what is happening. Five hundred calories is not enough fuel for a body to function on properly. It can cause hair loss, fatigue, and is absolutely stressful on the organs and vital systems. So much so, Dr. Simeons original protocol included breaks each month to accommodate the strain on one’s body.

That’s where the Doctors at hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss picked up the gauntlet. They took Dr. Simeons’ breakthrough 50 years ago and modernized it with the science and technology of today creating the ONLY safe version of the hCG Diet. This new modernized hCG Diet allows their clients 700-900 calories a day, depending on what is prescribed by the doctor based on the individuals medical and dieting history. This allows the patient to consume enough nutrition to function, even thrive while still achieve extreme weight loss results without invasive surgeries or starvation diets.

Critics site that there are many versions of the hCG diet out there today, some homeopathic and some prescription strength that are deemed dangerous to the patient due to the one thing they all have in common… the unhealthy 500 calorie limitation. “Your brain alone requires 600 calories per day to function optimally. By consuming only 500 calories per day, of course you’ll drop weight. But at what price?” -WebMD, Pamela Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, December 1, 2010

We have learned so much since the 1950’s. The weight loss doctors at hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss took that original ground breaking diet and made it even better by creating the only modernized version of the hCG Diet. The adjusted protocol makes the hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss hCG diet healthy, and easy to follow. Proven lasting results make their diet a powerful alternative for weight loss in a world full of extreme measures.

During a recent survey of over 29,000 hCGTreatments / Diet Doc patients reported the program as having the most effective, quickest weight loss results they ever experienced. This is due to the personalization of the hCGTreatments / Diet Doc program where the clinical staff ensures each client is getting what their body needs to achieve the kind of results they are looking for by utilizing customized doctor-designed appetite suppressants, diet foods, weight loss shakes, lipotropic weight loss medication that promotes fat burning and prescription hCG….which all promote rapid, safe weight loss. Doctors have learned a great deal about how to lose weight in a healthy manner since the 1950’s, and with this new weight loss program, hCGTreatments / Diet Doc is striving to lead the race against obesity.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/6/prweb9630555.htm

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