Converting a Recipe to Be Gluten-Free
Baking is still baking, whether or not there is gluten involved. In fact, the longer I am baking gluten-free, the more I’m convinced that we over-privilege gluten in this society.
Gluten-schmuten. You don’t need it to bake.
What you need is flour. When you bake gluten-free, you combine a few flours, flours that have different protein and starch contents, flours with different properties. Millet flour makes for a good crumb in bread. Teff flour is so fine that it almost gelatinizes in baking, which binds the other flours together. Sorghum flour has the texture of whole-wheat pastry flour, so it makes for a familiar mouthfeel. Potato starch adds lightness to it all.
Pick your flours. Any flours. Did you know there are more gluten-free flours in the world than gluten flours?
Really, this isn’t a loss. It’s a chance to explore food you’ve never known before.
All you need to know is that 1 cup of all-purpose bleached white flour with gluten weighs 140 grams. Since most baked goods recipes in this country were developed with gluten flour? Just use 140 grams of your gluten-free flour blend in place of the AP.
(You can’t really go cup for cup, since every gluten-free flour has a different weight per cup. Buy a kitchen scale. Problem solved.)
Or, in the case of Melissa Clark’s recipe, use the same amount of ounces she gives in the recipe.
With quick breads? That’s pretty much it.
There is more to learn, more fiddling to be done, but that’s just exploration. Start with this and you can convert almost any gluten recipe you want into the gluten-free treat you need.
Gluten free Recipes with Bill & Sheila
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