Ways with leeks

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Ways with leeks

Creamy leek and salmon soup.

Creamy leek, salmon and chive soup. Photo: Edwina Pickles

Saute baby leeks in an ovenproof frying pan with olive oil over low heat until half cooked, then sprinkle with a combination of chopped parsley, garlic, lemon zest and parmesan, and finish cooking in a hot oven.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped leeks and cook for four to five minutes, then add sliced mushrooms and garlic, and cook for a few minutes. Stir in pouring cream, chopped chervil and parsley, and serve on hot toast.

Make risotto with chopped leeks, arborio rice and chicken stock and when al dente, stir in pan-fried sliced zucchinis and chopped sun-dried tomatoes. Serve topped with grated pecorino.


Creamy leek, salmon and chive soup

2 leeks, trimmed
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra
1 fennel, trimmed and chopped
1 small potato, peeled and chopped
3 1/2 cups fish or chicken stock
Salt and pepper
180g-200g skinless salmon fillet, cut into about 2cm pieces
1/4 bunch chives, snipped
1/3 cup pouring cream

Reserve half a leek and coarsely chop the remainder. Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan and add chopped leeks, fennel and potato and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for five to six minutes. Add stock, stir and bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut remaining half leek into a fine julienne and shallow-fry in extra oil in a small frying pan until crisp. Drain on kitchen paper and set aside. When vegetables are tender, puree mixture in a food processor or blender until smooth, then return to the saucepan. Season, add salmon and chives and simmer for two to three minutes. Add cream, stir, and ladle soup into warm bowls. Top with crisp, fried leeks.

Serves 4

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