Pastel de cebolla – Onion Tart
We have been collecting Spanish recipes for about ten years – ever since we retired to Spain in fact. Every now an then we inject a few of these recipes from our collection to show comparisons with recipes from other countries. This onion tart recipe is very similar to the hundreds of quiche recipes from around the world. It is also very similar to my grandmother’s bacon and onion flan.
We have provided the recipe for the onion tart in both Spanish and English. If you have a favourite recipe of this type of dish, let us know and we will pass it on to the world. Just use the FEEDBACK button on the left of your screen and we will have it seconds.
Ingredientes (8 personas)
1 lámina de hojaldre congelado.
Para el relleno
1 kg. de cebollas
40 g. de beicon
150 g. de jamón de York
2 cucharadas de aceite
1 vasito de leche evaporada
3 huevos
comino en polvo
1 Descongelar el hojaldre. Forrar con él un molde circular engrasado Iigeramente y pinchar el fondo con un tenedor para que al cocerse no se rompa.
2 Para preparar el relleno pelar y picar las cebollas en trozos pequeños; picar también el beicon en dados. Rehogar ambos ingredientes con Ia mitad del aceite en una sartén antiadherente. Dejar enfriar Iigeramente Ia mezcla y agregar Ia Ieche evaporada, los huevos batidos previamente y el jamén de York troceadito; sazonar.
3 Precalentar el horno a 170 °C. Añadir Ia mezcla anterior de beicon y jamón sobre el hojaldre y meter al horno; cocer unos 35 minutos o hasta que el pastel esté listo. Acabar con un golpe de gratinado.
Onion Cake
Ingredients (8 servings)
1 sheet of frozen puff pastry
For the filling
1 kg. of onions.
40 g bacon.
150 g of cooked York ham
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup evaporated milk
3 eggs
cumin powder
1. Thaw the puff pastry. Line a greased circular mould with the pastry and prick it lightly on the bottom with a fork so that it does not break when cooking.
2. To make the filling, peel and chop the onions into small pieces, also chop the bacon into cubes. Sauté the two ingredients with half the oil in a non-stick pan. Cool the mixture and add a little of the evaporated milk and previously beaten eggs and chopped york ham; season.
3. Preheat oven to 170 ° C. Add the previous mixture of bacon and ham on the dough and put in the oven, bake 35 minutes or until cake tests done. Finish with a sprinkle of cheese
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