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Make your own salad dressings

Light, colorful salads can be your best nutrition buddies, especially if you accent them with homemade dressings.  These toppings help you avoid too much salt and other unneeded extras, such as the sugar from high-fructose corn syrup, an ingredient in some prepared dressings.  

Homemade dressings also pump your creativity by letting you tailor recipes to your taste. Start with the basic mixtures here.­

Now secure the lid and shake the jar. Taste the dressing on a lettuce leaf for a realistic sample, and make adjustments by adding vinegar or oil, salt or pepper. For more complexity, drop in a little lemon juice or chopped fresh basil. If vinaigrette sits for even a few minutes, it’s likely to separate, so give it another firm shake before adding it to greens.

Tossed or composed?

Our salad incorporates both styles, starting with a base of shredded Romaine, mixed baby greens and diced celery tossed with a little dressing.  Arrange about a cup of these greens on each plate.     

The top tier will be a composed salad, which means ingredients will be arranged attractively then drizzled with dressing. We used strips of roasted red and yellow bell peppers and slices of Roma tomatoes. If this is an entrée salad, add protein, such as roasted chicken or fish. 

Other tasty players: pitted black olives, capers or green beans. Then there are bacon, fried, drained and chopped; diced cooked ham or prosciutto; or chopped hard-boiled egg. Use just enough for flavor – stop this side of naughtiness.      

Finish the salad with Yogurt-Dill Dressing, and garnish with chopped green onion, pepper and a little fresh dill.

Yogurt-Dill Dressing

This recipe can be made the night before and allowed to doze in the fridge for a few hours.
• 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
• 4 tablespoons milk (enough to make the yogurt pourable)
• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill, with sprigs saved for garnish
• 1 tablespoon chopped green onion (green and white portions, with extra for garnish)
• Salt and pepper to taste

For the salad:

• Shredded Romaine, baby greens and diced celery
• 1 yellow bell pepper, roasted, peeled, seeded and sliced
• 1 red bell pepper, roasted, peeled, seeded and sliced
• 2 to 3 Roma tomatoes, seeded and sliced
• Roasted chicken, sliced

Combine yogurt, milk, dill, green onion, salt and pepper. Whisk smooth. Use a lettuce leaf to taste the dressing, and adjust the flavors as needed. Combine the greens and mix them with a little dressing; arrange about a cup of greens on a plate. Arrange strips of peppers and chicken and slices of tomatoes in a top tier. Drizzle with dressing and garnish with green onion, pepper and a sprig of fresh dill. Pass the remaining dressing at the table.  Makes 2 to 3 servings.

Yogurt-dill flourish

Combining  Greek  yogurt with a little milk makes this dressing (see recipe) pourable, but it’s still so thick that whisking in a bowl is easier than shaking in a jar. Chopped green onion and fresh dill provide delightful flavor and an interesting pattern.

You might also stir in a little grated cheese, such as Parmigiano-Reggiano; Dijon mustard; red curry powder; garlic … have fun with the recipe.

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