Juicing has a multitude of health benefits: Is it right for you?


Juicing has a multitude of health benefits: Is it right for you?

It’s a question that I’ve been getting almost daily: Should I be juicing? Then the follow-up questions: Will it help me lose weight? What types of foods should I juice? And what’s better, a juicer or a blender?

One reason for the increase in juice-related questions might be popular WWL radio talk-show host Garland Robinette’s strong advocacy of juicing. He credits his improved health and energy — as well as his loss of 30-plus pounds — to his daily juice blend, a mixture of kale, celery, green apple, cucumber, lemon and ginger. His YouTube video on the benefits of juicing, with a step-by-step guide to making his blend, has garnered more than 5,200 hits since the end of March.

New juice bars have also popped up around town, and even some traditionally fruit-based juice stores have increased their options of veggie-filled juices, smoothies and shots, also spurring the juicing trend.

There’s no question that juicing has a multitude of health benefits, especially when the foods being juiced are vegetables that are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other good-for-you compounds.

The caveat is that if fruits are the primary juice components, the result is a drink that’s loaded with sugar (albeit natural sugar) — along with those nutrients. Not a bad thing for those who aren’t concerned about extra pounds, but for the majority of Americans who are struggling with weight, juiced fruits can provide a hefty dose of sugary calories without the belly-filling effects of fiber. So for many, the best answer is to stick with drinking (mostly) vegetables.

Then there’s the question of whether to juice or to blend. While both can create fabulously nutritious additions to our diets, there are big differences between the two, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Juicers extract the liquid from fruits and vegetables, leaving behind the fibrous pulp. The resulting drink is highly concentrated, packing in the nutrients of a much greater quantity of produce than most of us could eat or want to eat at any given time.

Juicing also can be a way to incorporate produce that we normally might not like. Beets and kale, for example, tend to be less noticeable when combined with the flavors of apples, lemon and ginger.

It also can be especially beneficial for those with digestive issues: Because the body doesn’t have to work to digest the fiber, it simply gets to absorb the nutrients.

But the benefit of drinking pure juice that’s separated from the pulp can also be one of the main drawbacks. Because juices don’t contain the fiber that serves to keep us feeling fuller, longer, I generally recommend that people don’t drink juice in place of a meal.

This isn’t a concern, however, when (mostly vegetable) juice is consumed in addition to an otherwise fiber-rich diet of whole grains and fresh produce. Also, some people save the leftover pulp left to boost the fiber content of baked goods, smoothies, sauces and soups.

Blending, on the other hand, retains the fibrous pulp, so blended smoothies can be better suited as meal replacements, particularly when they’re made with a source of protein, like protein powder or Greek-style yogurt, and healthy fats, like ground flaxseed, nut butter or avocado.

When blending, think beyond the typical fruit smoothies. Try adding veggies like fresh spinach, tomatoes, and red and yellow peppers to broaden your nutrient intake. And experiment with lower-sugar liquids such as coconut water, almond milk or juiced vegetables (instead of fruit juices) to keep sugary calories in check.

Both juices and smoothies can make it easier to consume the recommended nine servings of fruits and veggies daily, and both are easily digested and absorbed. Plus, it’s much easier for most of us to drink a glass of juice than to eat a bundle of spinach or beet greens.

But the fact that the fiber is retained in blended drinks means it’s not as easy to quickly consume the large quantities of nutrient-rich vegetables that’s made possible with juicing.

Therefore, the decision of which route to take — juicing or blending — should be determined by how you’ll incorporate the drinks into your diet.

If you’re looking for a nutrient boost in addition to your usual meals and snacks, then juicing is likely the way to go. But if you’re looking for a nutrient-packed meal replacement, you might do better with blended smoothies that provide a combination of nutrient-rich produce, fiber, protein and healthful fats.


Tips for juicing and blending

Here are some ways to maximize nutrient density and minimize sugars and calories, whether you’re blending or juicing on your own or ordering at a juice bar:

  • Start with a base of nutrient-dense nonstarchy vegetables, incorporating a variety of colors, from dark greens to purples and reds to orange, as each color represents different nutrients.
  • Instead of limiting your blend to the same combinations over and over, rotate ingredients with what’s fresh and local. Not only will you add interest and variety to your juice or smoothie, you’ll also ensure that you’re getting a broad range of nutrients.
  • Keep in mind that everything is concentrated — particularly with juicing. This includes desirable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but also potentially harmful pesticides and fertilizers, so be sure that even organic produce is washed thoroughly.
  • Boost the flavor and health benefits of juices and smoothies with add-ins like herbs (think basil, mint or cilantro) and spices (cayenne, ginger, cinnamon).
  • If the drink is going to be used as a meal replacement, increase its staying power with protein such as Greek yogurt or whey, soy, or vegan protein powder and healthful fats such as nuts, nut butter and avocado.
  • Freshly made juices and smoothies are highly perishable and can lose nutrients quickly, so drink or freeze shortly after juicing or blending.

Molly Kimball is a registered dietitian in New Orleans. She can be reached at [email protected].  Comment and read more at nola.com/health.

Recipes for juicing with Bill & Sheila

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