Cake rings: the cupcake reinvented recommends these products

Cake rings

Cake rings

Cake rings: the cupcake reinvented

Cupcakes have staying power. We’ve seen multiple cupcake shops open in the last few years. We’ve also seen cupcakes reinvented into cake pops, square cupcakes (Sweets on the Square in Lawrenceville), frosting shots and more. Now let’s try another twist: Cake rings.

Recently, I discovered cake rings made from miniature cupcakes at a friend’s birthday party. To make them, the hostess soaked the candy off of a slew of ring pops (remember those?), cut a slit in the bottom center of the cupcake liner and attached the ring with candy melts.

They were inspired by a version made by Karen Tack on the “Today Show.” Her book, “What’s New, Cupcake? Ingeniously Simple Designs for Every Occasion,” includes a recipe for “Ring Bling” cupcakes. This version, however, instructs you to insert the candy gem into the center of the cupcake. Sounds tricky to eat.

I ran a quick internet search to locate the ring inserts to save the time and waste of soaking off the candy, but found none. A few days later, however, while browsing in The Cook’s Warehouse, I happened to come across a jewel pop kit. The kit’s rings could be used to make cake rings instead of popsicles.

Cake ring

Cake rings are a fun, albeit gimmicky, way to serve cupcakes for both adults and children. My daughter and her friends would go crazy for these at one of their countless princess parties, particularly if they could add their own bling.

–by Jenny Turknett, Food and More blog

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