More on grilling vegetables; McDonald's least-healthy dishes recommends these products

More on grilling vegetables; McDonald’s least-healthy dishes


“Grilling Vegan Style” by John Schlimm.At the digital kitchen table, today’s hot topics include more ideas for vegan or vegetables grilling, plus a collection of the worst menu items offered by McDonald’s, plus a new unhealthy addition to Burger King’s menu.

The thrill of the grill: Yesterday, we chatted with John Schlimm, the author of the cool new cookbook “Grilling Vegan Style.” Schlimm talked about how grilling can transform just about anything, especially fruits and vegetables, and we shared a couple of his terrific recipes (you really do need to try his Tex-Mex Tempeh for Two — spicy and delicious!). Schlimm also talked with The Philadelphia Inquirer about grilling as a way to combat the old stereotype about veganism being “girly,” a notion borne out by a recent marketing study that found both men and women often ascribe manliness to meat and daintiness to tofu. If guys are really concerned about making sure they are grilling manly vegan food, Schlimm points them to his chapters on burgers and tailgate party dishes. But, he adds, “I would warn them, women will ROCK those recipes and chapters just as well!”

While we’re on the subject of veggies on the grill, check out this cool story by Mary Ann Esposito, host of the long-running PBS series “Ciao Italia,” listing the 10 best vegetables to put on the grill. Her top pick: Eggplant. “Slices char nicely without burning because the flesh is dense
and the slices stay nicely on the grill top whether they are sliced in
thick rounds or lengthwise slices. Do not peel the vegetables before grilling.” 

mcdonalds.JPGThe executive chef at McDonald’s claims there’s nothing unhealthy on their menu, and says the fast food chain isn’t responsible for the obesity epidemic. McDonald’s is healthy? Really?: McDonald’s executive chef Daniel Coudreaut really put his foot in his mouth last week when he said in an interview that he didn’t see anything on the fast food giant’s menu that was unhealthy, and discounted its role in the national obesity epidemic: “I feel that if we were to close our doors of all of the McDonald’s tomorrow, the obesity problem would not go away.” Perhaps Coudreaut isn’t looking very closely at an actual menu. Esquire checks in with its own disbelief over the chef’s statement with a list of the 10 least-healthy things McDonald’s serves, including three items with more than 1,100 calories: Chocolate Triple Thick Shake (1160 calories), Big Breakfast with Hotcakes (1150 calories), and Strawberry Triple Thick Shake (1110 calories).

Talk about lousy timing: As if on cue, Burger King is adding a bunch of its own unhealthy items to its menus nationwide this week, including a bacon sundae, with 510 calories, 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar.

– Grant Butler
Follow @grantbutler

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