Top three herbs to go with pasta recommends these products

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Top three herbs to go with pasta

Herbs can be a great way to dress up pasta and bring pasta or spaghetti based dishes to life. In fact if you were to eat at a top Italian restaurant it would be the herbs, alongside the lashings of olive oil, garlic and mozzarella cheese that would give the dish the delicious zingy taste.

Cooking with pasta couldn’t be easier, cheaper and more fun, with fresh, mouth-watering flavours and tastes being achieved simply by knowing what herbs and spices to use to literally spice up the dish.

To help you on your way to becoming an Italian master chef below is an overview on what are the best herbs to go with different pasta recipes.


The basil herb originates from India where it is considered sacred to the Gods. This popular and widely used cooking herb now grows wildly on the Mediterranean and has become one of the most popular herbs in Mediterranean cuisine.
Being a renowned herb to accompany tomatoes, basil is used regularly in tomato-based pasta dishes. Besides tomato based pasta and spaghetti dishes, basil also flatters pasta dishes that comprise of other Mediterranean-style vegetables, such as aubergine and peppers. Throw plenty of vegetables, lashes of garlic and olive oil over some pasta and just before serving, sprinkle a handful of torn basil leaves over the top of the dish – a delicious, healthy, easy to make and inexpensive dish.


Sage is a popular kitchen herb and has a slight peppery flavour. Despite being native to the Mediterranean and to the Balkan, sage is a common herb staple in British cooking, where it is typically used to flavour fatty meats, particularly pork. 
Sage is also widely used in Italian cooking and goes well with ricotta and creamy sauces, which by shredding a few sage leaves into the sauce will enrich the flavour of the dish.
Schwartz is a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of herbs and spices. Their extensive selection of herbs and spices cater to all preferences are the perfect accompaniment to pasta recipes.


Tarragon has a distinct aromatic flavour and whilst this potent herb can work wonders in enhancing and enriching the flavour of a dish, too much tarragon can overpower a recipe.

As well as significantly enhancing the flavour of a dish, the tarragon herb has valuable nutrients that are known to be powerful antioxidants that can help flush the body of toxins and keep our bodies healthy and free from disease.

Similar to sage, tarragon is the perfect complement to cream and is a great addition to creamy pasta sauces. One delicious pasta dish is chicken, cream, pasta and chopped tarragon.

The perfect meal

Of course, the perfect meal is made up of more than just the main course and if you intend to make a pasta dish your central focus then it is important you consider the other aspects of the meal too. Traditional Italian dessert recipes, such as tiramisu, work perfectly with a pasta main course and investing in a good bottle of wine is also recommended.

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