A pasta salad that is ideal for outdoor entertaining

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A pasta salad that is ideal for outdoor entertaining

Here’s a great shell pasta salad that is perfect for outdoor entertaining. — Sally McFadden of South Pasadena, Fla., shares this no-mayonnaise recipe. Aside from the chopping, this is an easy recipe to pull together. It’s a make-ahead dish that frees up time the day of your gathering. When I added the dressing to the salad, I added about three-fourths of it and refrigerated the rest to add the next day. The pasta absorbed some of the dressing, so it was nice to have some reserved to add before serving.

PHOTO: Shell Pasta Salad. (SHNS photo by Ellen Folkman / Special to the Tampa Bay Times)

One note: The red outer skin of the radishes bled onto the pasta, giving some of the shells a pink color. To alleviate this I suggest two options: Peel the radishes, which is not impossible, just time-consuming, or add them right before serving. To save time I purchased sliced black olives.

This pasta salad is light, colorful and flavorful, making it perfect for warm summer get-togethers. If you are concerned about keeping it cool, serve the pasta salad in a bowl nestled inside a larger bowl packed with crushed ice.


1 pound shell-shaped pasta, cooked and drained

1/4 pound hard salami cut into bite-sized pieces

1/4 pound provolone cheese cut into bite-sized pieces

6 radishes, thinly sliced

1 small onion, chopped

1/4 cup sliced black olives

1/2 green bell pepper, diced

3 plum tomatoes, seeded and diced

1/4 cup mild banana pepper rings, optional

1 package Good Seasons salad dressing, prepared as directed using olive oil

Rinse pasta and pour a little olive oil over pasta to separate before adding the other ingredients. Mix pasta with remaining ingredients and pour on the dressing. Refrigerate overnight to blend the flavors.

Serves 6 to 8.

– Sally McFadden of South Pasadena, Fla.

(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service http://www.scrippsnews.com)

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