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The diet dilemma

The NIDDK researchers also produced an online calculator that shows how many kilojoules you need to consume to lose a given amount of weight and how much you need to diet to reduce your intake for good to maintain that goal weight.

The good news, however, is that it is possible to trick the body and override that primitive instinct to slow your metabolism in times of “famine”. You guessed it: exercise.

The National Weight Control Registry is an American research project that tracks people who have lost a significant amount of weight (at least 30 pounds, or 13.6 kilograms) and, critically, kept it off for at least a year.

Researchers are interested in what these successful slimmers have done to keep the weight off. One common tactic is sticking to a regimented diet, but another, says Cowley, is that they “exercise like crazy” for more than an hour a day. “We think this is how they are dealing with the fact that although their body wants to decrease energy expenditure, they are forcing it to [burn energy] by running on the spot or whatever.”

But even for those coming from a base of little or no exercise, that doesn’t necessarily mean racing out to buy an expensive gym membership. Exercise physiologist John Felton, from The Exercise Clinic in Sydney’s Crows Nest, says that, as well as prescribing an exercise plan, one of the things he focuses on are the “activities of daily living”.

It is all too easy for people simply to stop moving enough. “If you are in a sedentary job or you have got yourself into a sedentary ‘hole’ – you come home in the afternoon and sit down and watch television – that sedentary life becomes self-fulfilling,” says Felton. In essence, the less you move, the more difficult moving becomes.

Felton has clients wear an accelerometer for a week. The device monitors movement, from waking to going to bed, detecting spikes of energy and periods of inactivity. Incidental exercise can be as simple as doing the ironing or walking to a printer on the other side of the office.

Diet and Weight loss with Bill & Sheila

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