HCG Treatments Announces a Diet Plan Even Vegetarians Can Lose Weight On

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HCG Diet Treatments

HCG Treatments Announces a Diet Plan Even Vegetarians Can Lose Weight On

“Our medically supervised HCG diet plan is so diverse now, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals,” states Julie Wright, CEO.

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) May 31, 2012

Dieting as a Vegetarian can be challenging. HCG Treatments now allows for even the most restrictive of diets by letting their patients work directly with the Doctors and Nurses to tweak a diet plan to fit each client’s needs, including Vegetarians.

Diet plans are difficult enough without the added stress of being a Vegetarian. Up till now no one has specifically addressed a vegetarian’s needs. HCG Treatments now provide a plan so flexible that even people with the most restrictive diets can join in and lose weight fast. No special diet foods, fad diets or surgeries needed. HCG Treatments provides a medically supervised diet plan designed around the patient’s needs coupled with Prescription HCG, a combination that will allow even Vegetarians to lose weight at rate of 20-25 lbs a month, depending on each person’s body.

“Our medically supervised HCG diet plan is so diverse now, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals,” states Julie Wright, CEO.

The in depth medical questionnaire allows each doctor to see what their patient needs are before the even meet with them. Then during the client’s doctor appointment their individual nutritional needs are addressed, as well as followed up with by the nutritional counselor. All of these levels of treatment allow HCG Treatments to fine tune the program for even the most restrictive diets.

HCG Treatments has always offered long standing avalibility of thier nurses and nutritional counselors to guide each patient in their weight loss goals. The ability to tweak each diet combined with the prescrtption strength HCG makes for powerful dieting results.

And now Vegetarians can achieve the same amazing results from their diet plan as everyone else!

Diet and Weight loss with Bill & Sheila

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