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Living Light Culinary Institute’s Raw Food Revolution Tour Heads East

Cherie Soria, founder and director of Living Light Culinary Institute, is taking the “Raw Food Revolution Tour” to the eastern United States, teaching the flagship one-day intensive raw food course, FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods in several cities including Reston, Virginia and Royersford, Pennsylvania. She will also be a featured presenter at the 38th Annual North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) Summerfest event on the University of Pittsburg Campus in Johnstown, Pennsylvania June 27-July 1, where she will present “Spectacular Summer Soups”, a demo designed to educate the audience about both soups and flavor dynamics, including how to balance contrasting flavors and textures for soups, sauces, salad dressings, and other recipes whether cooked or raw vegan. Visit for tour updates and itinerary.

(PRWEB) May 30, 2012

Cherie Soria, founder and director of Living Light Culinary Institute and author of The Raw Food Revolution Diet, is taking the “Raw Food Revolution Tour” to the eastern United States, teaching the school’s flagship one-day intensive raw food course, FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods in several cities including Reston, Virginia and Royersford, Pennsylvania. She will also be a featured presenter at the 38th Annual North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) Summerfest event on the University of Pittsburg Campus in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on June 27-July 1, with a demo on “Spectacular Summer Soups” designed to educate the audience about flavor dynamics and how to balance contrasting flavors and textures for soups, sauces, salad dressings, and other recipes whether cooked or raw vegan.

“Since our West Coast tour was a hit, we decided to take the “Raw Food Revolution Tour” to the east coast,” says Soria. “People are always so grateful that we make the effort to come to their city.”

Additional tour dates are being finalized for the New York/Connecticut area, and out west, the “Raw Food Revolution Tour” continues with Living Light Chef Brenda Hinton slated to teach FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods on Salt Spring Island, B.C. on August 13, 2012. The tour is a continuation of a four city loop of the Pacific Northwest and Toronto, Canada that took place April 14 to May 12 this year. Soria will also offer public talks and book signings at multiple venues in designated cities on the east coast.

FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods is a lively, fast-paced day of demos and tastings that includes easy-to-prepare raw vegan recipes like appetizers, fruit smoothies, soups, green juices, salad dressings, entrées, pâtés, sandwich wraps, nut milks, non-dairy cheeses, crackers, and other dehydrated snacks. Course tuition is $375 and includes a full buffet lunch of organic raw vegan foods. Students learn sprouting and kitchen gardening, how to make fermented foods like “live” sauerkraut, and how to create simple menus using essential equipment and supplies specific to the raw food kitchen. Talks include “The Secret of Great Dressings, Marinades, and Sauces,” and “Quick and Easy Meal Prep.” “Introduction to Basic Knife Skills” helps students learn how to choose and use the perfect kitchen knife for every task.

Living Light Culinary Institute offers a comprehensive professional curriculum in gourmet raw vegan food preparation. Students learn a progressively complex set of culinary skills, from mastering knife techniques and setting up a healthy kitchen, to charting a menu, catering an event, and learning how to do professional culinary demos. Recipe development, pastry arts, and raw nutritional science are also included in the school curriculum. FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods is a course prerequisite for all of the school’s culinary certification programs.

Cherie Soria, author of several books, including the classic Angel Foods: Healthy Recipes for Heavenly Bodies, and The Raw Food Revolution Diet, is founder and director of Living Light Culinary Institute in Fort Bragg, California, and has been teaching gourmet raw vegan cuisine since 1998 and vegetarian culinary arts for more than 40 years. She also has three black belts in karate. Living Light International has four eco-friendly businesses on the Mendocino coast of Northern California: Living Light Culinary Institute, Living Light Café, Living Light Marketplace, and Living Light Inn. Visit or call 707-964-2420 for additional information.

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